part of me so wishes this was all some sick p.r stunt!!


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
if it was i would be so peed with michael..but forgive him in a heartbeat...but i know he wouldnt do this, so this is a pointless thread..sigh...sorry guys just venting here..
im with u. i wish this was all 2see how much the world wud miss him and so he can see which countries 2 perform in or something. i wish this was a jole so badly. i wudnt even be mad,just aslong as michaels back
man the night i found out i went out in my car and just shouted out NO!! we all need to try and smile now though and celebrate his life...
me too, i might be angry for a few seconds, but then i'd be soooo relieved and cry n cry tears of joy.
i wouldn't be mad for a second. but he'd be blamed for the stress around the world and the death of fans as well...
ALL of me soo badly wishes this was a stunt.

I wouldn't be angry at him for a single bit but if it was, it would make people realise his true worth.

My angel, how i wish this was all a joke. I miss you darling.
I wish it were a stunt too but do you guys think he would chance causing such sadness ? First i thought it was a stunt whose goal would be to make all the vultures that were lying about him get outta their hideout and tell the truth; but after seeing all the sadness across the world i wonder if he would have dared to do that.
I wish this every day:(
I wouldn't be mad for a second, but as unbelievable as it is, I think this is not a stunt:(
yeah, very angry at first but then relief...
I'm half expecting to jump out of the carriage carrying him at the funeral and do a moonwalk...
I wish this was a sick p.r stunt imagine if Michael just jumped out of his coffin and started doing Thriller
me too...every now and then I'll tell Mike, ok Jack, this ain't funny
yeah, me too :(
it's a lot of people you have to get in on the stunt, though. I mean, from paramedics to hospital staff to the coroner's office. Although i will admit, that i seriously would've thought it was a stunt if he hadn't had those autopsies.

I cling on to everything to keep living in denial. As long as i can live in denial and trick myself to believe that he in fact IS alive somewhere, it's bearable. :(
I cling on to the reports that he was spotted at the Mexican border thursday evening, i cling on to the report and video that he moved in the helicopter, and i keep telling myself that the reason why it's taking them so so long to have the funeral is because he's not dead. THAT is also why i hope it'll be an open casket. I need to see him (as morbid as it sounds) in order to understand that he's actually gone.

^ lol i love it (video? hm)

ok let's try this

did you know that one person MJ admired tremendously was P.T. Barnum? You know how MJ is like BIG BIGGER BIGGEST ?? RIGHT?

And if ... if he has assets of over a billion like they keep saying then do you think he'd be able to 'rent' the city for a time a season and a purpose? lol get his family to do the best acting in the world (Jan's an actor anyway right? did a jam up job in the Tyler Perry movie) Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson in on it because they're all VERY old friends ... his other friends, Brando, Mark Lester, Lou Ferrigno ...all GOOD friends ... Liza, Liz ...they're all in on it ... doesn't that sound good? Hey, who saw the body? The hospital, coronor's office ...hay he "rented" them all ... the kids are just at Hayvenhurst like they normally would be ...the media...he don't care anything about duping them ...hay if this is what it would take to get them to act right, right?

ok , the only problem with this is ... MJ has enough insight to know that if he did something like this, I mean make the entire world mourn, this would be one hell of a tough act to follow ...and even he might have trouble coming up with something to explain it to a world he has sent through a whole lot of grief ...

...but it was starting to sound good
A social experiment taken to such an extreme...would be forgiven if he could just show us that he is still alive. Love you always Michael.
^ true

the only reason i am conceeding is because of the drug stuff .. i don't think he'd want that all out there like that ...oh and the concerts *sigh*

Michael I have always loved you so cut the crapp, come on back let's just call it a day huh
You have no idea how badly I wish it was just that. But it is not I am still trying very hard to remember my beloved in more happier times. Like watching his concerts and videos. I started doing that last night even though that made me happy a bit. But then the reality sets in and I am just back to crying all over him again. Like I am now. I so badly want to go back and watch Michael's private home movies again. Especially my favorite ones. But that is just going to make me cry and miss him even more than I already do.
I feel the same. I've though about all the possibilities for that this was just something fake that was created for good PR. but no :(
I was hoping that the media got it wrong somewhere along the line or that it was a fake. I was still expecting Michael to come to the window and wave until I heard the coroner and Jermaine spoke and then I knew our world had changed again.
I think most of us keep thinking "if only it were a P.R. stunt".
But then we have to wake-up and smell the coffee, I suppose...however horrible that coffee smells.
I think most of us keep thinking "if only it were a P.R. stunt".
But then we have to wake-up and smell the coffee, I suppose...however horrible that coffee smells.

yea.. that coffee has been standing there for several days.. I can't believe it.. I WONT drink it!

... plzplzplz God tell me that this was the crazies prank that Michael did to all of us! Come back :cry:
PR stunt maybe not... But what if there was a miracle instead? If something big happened during the funeral? *sigh*
could he really be alive??????? i dont believe it
no way is it a no way....
if this was a P.R stunt, i think even Michael has taken this tooooo far.
michael wouldn't do that to his fans.

otherwise us fans would be in on the stunt as well. its all against the media.

i love you Michael! :cry:
Michael Jackson’s body was transported to the Los Angeles County Morge via Helicopter. This shows footage of his body ’sitting up’ in the helipcopter as it moves away.

Skeptics will say that his body was being ‘moved’ by someone out of shot, however, if he is dead and strapped down on a stretcher, then why would he need to be moved?

This footage just confirms what we here at MJHD already believed from the start. Take a look for yourself and see what you believe.