Pants on the ground :D

Lawd, I aint laugh so much in my life. At first when I saw this during the football game, I thought it was another non talent trying to get on AI. I have to say he got a good message. I wondered where Brett Frave got that song from until now.Good message.
i don't take this seriously. i just don't like the song. if you were irked, then you took it seriously. i mentioned nothing but the song, and you're giving me advice. i said a cliche...'songs people are into these days''s been said by many. i reacted almost like Simon Cowell. and you're getting on me, personally. you don't come across like you're having 'fun', when you get on a member personally. maybe you need the air.

i was almost afraid to come in here, because i knew i wasn't into the song, and i knew that somebody might decide, that they don't like that everybody is giving the same reaction. and that somebody is you. so you're not comfy with someone giving a different opinion.

Dude, fine... :rolleyes:

BTW, what I meant by being 'serious' is that at least I know when to laugh when there is something funny. You, sir- don't. :D

Man... the thread was going so nicely too... You're such a joykiller... :p
Dude, fine... :rolleyes:

BTW, what I meant by being 'serious' is that at least I know when to laugh when there is something funny. You, sir- don't. :D

Man... the thread was going so nicely too... You're such a joykiller... :p

sir..i do know when to laugh. i guess ur definition of a good thread is if the whole world has the same opinion.

if ur joy can be killed by someone disagreeing on THIS topic..u have no joy.

whoever heard of 'knowing when to laugh?
if someone doesn't laugh when u do, is it against the law?

wake up. haven't u heard? people have different opinions. if u hadn't responded to mine, the thread would have been fine. everybody else here is giving their opinion on the song. u were the only one giving an opinion on a member. you like breaking rules? how long have you been here?
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^ You two just agree to disagree. I can't believe you are bickering about Pants on the ground. :rofl: Enough now please. :)
Blah blah blah... As usual people have to ruin threads by bickering.
lol..amazing what everybody gets caught up, these days..

It's OK for you to have an opinion, but ^ this part ^ was unnecessary and seemed pretty condescending to me, maybe that wasn't your intention.

Sorry for keeping this off-topic. :mello:
It's OK for you to have an opinion, but ^ this part ^ was unnecessary and seemed pretty condescending to me, maybe that wasn't your intention.

Sorry for keeping this off-topic. :mello:

ok...i see. well..i am sorry for that. no...that is not my intention. obviously, it's clear that i worded it wrong.

i will leave it at this...

i don't like the song.

maybe what i should have said was..

i'm surprised that it's a hit.

many on the forum are very scrutinous of songs...very much.

so...when i saw that this was a least in my opinion..i was very surprised. yes..i know it's a novelty.....but it still blew me seemed like a 180 to me.

i appreciate how you addressed me on the topic.
Enough! A moderator has already asked you to cut it out, why are you continuing?
Thread cleaned.
Love this song! :lol: It really could be a hit, that man needs signing. :giggle:
I agree with this man - you DO look like a fool with your pants on the ground. Novelty song or not, he's telling the truth :p
I've never understood that low wearing of pants, especially when females do it. That came from prisons in the US, and meant that a guy was "available". So it's really ironic when it picked up with the hip hop generation who tends to be homophobic and "hard & macho".
I've never understood that low wearing of pants, especially when females do it. That came from prisons in the US, and meant that a guy was "available". So it's really ironic when it picked up with the hip hop generation who tends to be homophobic and "hard & macho". still trying to get over the fact that these homophobic rappers even wear jewelry with diamond's bigger than any jewel's a woman would wear in her whole life time!...or when snoop dogg wears pigtails like a baby girl, how is that scary and tough to them? Something is off if their diamond studs are bigger than mine. still trying to get over the fact that these homophobic rappers even wear jewelry with diamond's bigger than any jewel's a woman would wear in her whole life time!...or when snoop dogg wears pigtails like a baby girl, how is that scary and tough to them? Something is off if their diamond studs are bigger than mine.
Something I find really silly is when somebody makes a comment about a same sex person, then add 'no homo' as a disclaimer, lol. Who cares? Nobody knows if a person is female or male online, unless he or she points it out. Even if it is known, why would that person assume that someone else will think that about them or is even thinking about it in the 1st place. What sense does it make for a guy to say something like "Michael Jackson is a great dancer, no homo." Or a girl to say something similar about Beyonce or whoever.
Something I find really silly is when somebody makes a comment about a same sex person, then add 'no homo' as a disclaimer, lol. Who cares? Nobody knows if a person is female or male online, unless he or she points it out. Even if it is known, why would that person assume that someone else will think that about them or is even thinking about it in the 1st place. What sense does it make for a guy to say something like "Michael Jackson is a great dancer, no homo." Or a girl to say something similar about Beyonce or whoever.

LOL! I hate when people do that.

I see it all the time in Michael videos - esp. guys.

'No homo but Michael is a sick dancer..."

"No homo but Michael is my idol..." etc... :lol:

It's like they feel the need to remind everyone of their sexual orientation. If they're comfortable with their gender then they don't have to flaunt it like everybody's business.
Michael is an incredibly handsome gentleman... homo.