Palestine conflict


Proud Member
Dec 13, 2023
Lately my heart and my mind have been with palestine, and as such, I've been wondering what michael thought about it then, and were would he stand now. Paris said that she stands with Israel, since she is Jewish - I thought that was a bit odd thing to say at least, since thousands of kids and people have been dying since the creation of the Israeli estate (and cause michael always said he was the only parent, and even Debbie wasn't born Jewish, she converted idk if Paris was implying something else with that statement), and my first thoughts were... What would Mike think of That? But then we all know that he voluntarily (?) associated himself with shmuley and geller, and even meet ariel Sharon through themeven though shmuley says he knew it was going to happen, and uri said he did not. But shmuley clearly has an agenda and he is zionist (you can go check his Twitter, he has been making some awful remarks about killing Palestinians). Then again we all know he was used by this guys but even though he wrote palestine don't cry in 93, It's just weird to me that he could gaslight Israel, and he has pics with the army, the flag of Israel, but never publicly supported palestine? Could it be because of the industry? I wanna ear your thoughts, soldiers of love. I stand by peace and the end of the apartheid estate created by Isreal, and most of all the end of the massive killings that have been going on for years. Even in 2008 there was an Israeli attack were they killed circa 1300 innocent civilians. But also I wanna be clear : I love Jewish people and I love their culture and their religion. I'm from Europe, I grew up knowing all about the holocaust, and I've always hated what happened to them and have nothing but respect for the Jewish community. But I also think that what has been going on since 1948 is unforgivable.
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Clearly it would be better if people stopped being Jewish and Muslim. Is that what you mean? They're just gonna keep killing each other while people consider religion to be such an important part of their lives. Nothing a singer can do about that.

What would Mike think of That?
It's a war. We can all imagine what he would think of that.
Ever since the concept of countries was invented and executed the world has known war and the widespread sale and manufacturing of dangerous weaponry.

So my solution is to go back to the stone age. The good news is we might be close 😛
Ever since the concept of countries was invented and executed the world has known war and the widespread sale and manufacturing of dangerous weaponry.

So my solution is to go back to the stone age. The good news is we might be close 😛
Well if that's the case can I request that they wait until after the Biopic comes out please 🙏 😁
I hate religion, it will eventually destroy this beautiful planet.

The cause of so many wars, death and destruction.

Yet, during the 20th century numerous anti religious, state Atheist societies arose such as the Soviet Union, Communist China, Cuba, Albania in the 60's, Cambodia (Khmer Rouge) and others. All they achieved was mass persecution with millions directly killed, millions starved through famine, and totalitarian societies.
I thought that was a bit odd thing to say at least, since thousands of kids and people have been dying since the creation of the Israeli estate

What they never mention in the media is that the Arab nations have 600 times more land than the Israeli's.
-Furthermore, the Jews existed in the land 2000 years before the Palestinians.
-The Palestinians came from what is now Saudi Arabia. They are no different than the surrounding Arab states. Bethlehem, Jerusalem, and Nazareth are all Jewish cities.
- There used to be hundreds of thousands of Jews in Syria, Iraq, Yemen, Egypt. Where are they know? They had to flee in terror or were expelled, which amounts to ethnic cleansing. But nobody talks about that. The Israeli's treated the Arabs much better than the Arab states treated the Jews.
-There are over 2 Million Arabs who have full citizenship in Israel. They are treated well by the government. Even minorities say they are treated far better in Israel than in surrounding Arab nations.
- Virtually all of the Arab nations are dictatorships with no religious or political freedom. They rank near the bottom in the world in terms of human rights.
-All of the surrounding states want to destroy Israel. And then they will go back to killing each other.
I am Arab, the same ethnicity as the Palestinians. Israel is a 100 times better than the surrounding nations in terms of human rights. I think the Israeli operation just makes things worse, but a little bit of historical context is important.
Yet, during the 20th century numerous anti religious, state Atheist societies arose such as the Soviet Union, Communist China, Cuba, Albania in the 60's, Cambodia (Khmer Rouge) and others. All they achieved was mass persecution with millions directly killed, millions starved through famine, and totalitarian societies.
The world would be a better place without religion
The world would be a better place without religion
I like how all major religions have rules on how to live, to love one another and to not sin, not steal, not kill, etc. Its literally written in their holy books which they say it very important and the basis op their belief. These rules are actually very good.

But all these religious countries (and religious people) dont give a sh*t and still do things their holy god tells them not to do. But the second someone 'attacks' their religion, o boy then they get mad asf.

This whole conflict in isreal/palestine is complex and I cant pick a side because both parties have done things that are horrible. I somewhat understand Isreal is fed up with the Hamas attacks, but their atrack now also really crosses a line.

Gues what I want, and its pretty simple: I just want peace. Why do all these people and countries hate each other so much..
You would be happy booking a ticket to North Korea. Send us some selfies.
Why North Korea? Because its run by a dictator who doesn't allow outside activity?

I don’t believe in religion but it is clear to see that so many conflicts have been caused by it. If there was none, I'm confident we all could live in peace.
I like how all major religions have rules on how to live, to love one another and to not sin, not steal, not kill, etc. Its literally written in their holy books which they say it very important and the basis op their belief. These rules are actually very good.

But all these religious countries (and religious people) dont give a sh*t and still do things their holy god tells them not to do. But the second someone 'attacks' their religion, o boy then they get mad asf.

This whole conflict in isreal/palestine is complex and I cant pick a side because both parties have done things that are horrible. I somewhat understand Isreal is fed up with the Hamas attacks, but their atrack now also really crosses a line.

Gues what I want, and its pretty simple: I just want peace. Why do all these people and countries hate each other so much..
I agree with all of that 🙏
What did Paris say??

I don't know if she has said anything. She shared different posts written by others, on October 7 day of hamas attacks, one saying
"I'm Jewish, I'm scared, and I wont be silent
I stand with Israel"

October 11

October 14 she shared this by artist @sainthoax
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Paris is not jewish.

And I think most people supported Israel the following days/weeks after the brutal and horrensous terrorattack Hamas did.

But some may feel it went from selfdefence to a equally brutal (counter)attack - and it has been going on for a long time with many civilian loses. So many children are suffering.

MJ would be heartbroken by all of it. No matter religion, colour, nationality etc. he would be devastated by what's going on. war is never a good thing.

Same goes for Ukraine. So sad with war here too. - We've Had Enough
i stand with Palestine and Hamas 100%!! i have zero sympathy for a genocidal and terrorist state!! people need to realize that Hamas was created out of the suffering of innocent children and families who were left without a home and family members who were murdered 75 years of occupation by the zionist terrorists who have been responsible for mass violence,terror,genocide on the daily against Palestinians justifies any acts of resistance against an occupying force by Palestinians and by Hamas (even the UN recgonizes this as a law of self defense against an occupying force). some people on here are trying to both sides it, there is no both sides just like there was no both sides during Hitler in germany against the jews. Israel is a racist and ethno settler colonial state that is getting billions of dollars of funding by the US,UK,etc against the oppressed palestinians and Hamas who dont even come close to that. lets also be clear that the jewish religion and zionism (which is a non religious and secular movement) have nothing in common with one another, people want tot claim we are anti semetic but forget that palestinians are semetic people, i will leave 3 videos here one showing the violent racism that african jews have been facing in Israel, the other video to better understand the violence and genocide of the Palestinian people., and the third the documentary tantura which i suggest everyone should watch but in this footage it features zionists laughing about the crimes they commited in the village of tantura,

persecution of african migrants in Israel

worlds most documented genocide

zionists laughing from their massacre (scene from tantura doc)
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i stand with Palestine and Hamas 100%!! i have zero sympathy for a genocidal and terrorist state!! people need to realize that Hamas was created out of the suffering of innocent children and families who were left without a home and family members who were murdered 75 years of occupation by the zionist terrorists who have been responsible for mass violence,terror,genocide on the daily against Palestinians justifies any acts of resistance against an occupying force by Palestinians and by Hamas (even the UN recgonizes this as a law of self defense against an occupying force). some people on here are trying to both sides it, there is no both sides just like there was no both sides during Hitler in germany against the jews. Israel is a racist and ethno settler colonial state that is getting billions of dollars of funding by the US,UK,etc against the oppressed palestinians and Hamas who dont even come close to that. lets also be clear that the jewish religion and zionism (which is a non religious and secular movement) have nothing in common with one another, people want tot claim we are anti semetic but forget that palestinians are semetic people, i will leave 3 videos here one showing the violent racism that african jews have been facing in Israel, the other video to better understand the violence and genocide of the Palestinian people., and the third the documentary tantura which i suggest everyone should watchm but in this footage it features zionists laughing about their crimes in the village of tantura,

persecution of african migrants in Israel

worlds most documented genocide

zionists laughing from their massacre (scene from tantura doc)

So you support the Hamas terrorists. The Jews existed in the land 2000 years before the Palestinians. There was no such thing as a "Palestinian" people until recently. They are rebranded Saudi Arabians. The Arabs living there are occupying Jewish land. They are the products of Arab colonialism under the banner of Islam. People have to realise that after the Arabs conquered (really stole) what is today Palestine, they created a dhimmi apartheid murderous state, where Christians and Jews were treated like garbage. The Palestinians are not indigenous, they are colonizers.
So you support the Hamas terrorists. The Jews existed in the land 2000 years before the Palestinians. There was no such thing as a "Palestinian" people until recently. They are rebranded Saudi Arabians. The Arabs living there are occupying Jewish land. They are the products of Arab colonialism under the banner of Islam. People have to realise that after the Arabs conquered (really stole) what is today Palestine, they created a dhimmi apartheid murderous state, where Christians and Jews were treated like garbage. The Palestinians are not indigenous, they are colonizer
Did you not read what i wrote?? i was clear, yes i 100 percent support Hamas against the genocidal terrorist state of Israhell!! Palestinians are colonizers now?? lol the utter lies and nonsense you spew is appalling but not surprising really... and it doesn't matter wether palestinians were indigenous to the land or not because jews and palestinian arabs lived happy hand in hand together before the zionists from europe arrived! Israel is a cult and zionist creation, its interesting that after WW2 many jews who were persecuted fled to palestine and were welcomed with open arms. People around the world today support Palestine and even Hamas against the violent occupation! the notion that Hamas are somehow "terrorists" is a racist notion that only white eurocentric fascist and nazi apologists use in order to shut others down so that Israel can wipe the Palestinian people off the map in fact it is what many of the Israeli politicians have said and even have claimed to want to NUKE Gaza.... the people arent stupid and we see right through you and we know you are liars!! we stand with the people,truth and justice by any means necessary! aint nobody fall for your propaganda and your lies about Hamas being terrorists anymore you and every other zionists have been exposed to the world as nazi apologists and collaborators, Israel will not win this war because the world sees you as a violent genocidal settler colonial state!
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Did you not read what i wrote?? i was clear, yes i 100 percent support Hamas against the genocidal terrorist state of Israhell!! Palestinians are colonizers now?? lol the utter lies and nonsense you spew is appalling but not surprising really... and it doesn't matter wether palestinians were indigenous to the land or not because jews and palestinian arabs lived happy hand in hand together before the zionists from europe arrived! Israel is a cult and zionist creation, its interesting that after WW2 many jews who were persecuted fled to palestine and were welcomed with open arms. People around the world today support Palestine and even Hamas against the violent occupation! the notion that Hamas are somehow "terrorists" is a racist notion that only white eurocentric fascist and nazi apologists use in order to shut others down so that Israel can wipe the Palestinian people off the map in fact it is what many of the Israeli politicians have said and even have claimed to want to NUKE Gaza.... the people arent stupid and we see right through you and we know you are liars!! we stand with the people,truth and justice by any means necessary! aint nobody fall for your propaganda and your lies about Hamas being terrorists anymore you and every other zionists have been exposed to the world as nazi apologists and collaborators, Israel will not win this war because the world sees you as a violent genocidal settler colonial state!
You have been brainwashed by Islamist propaganda. If you support Hamas you support terrorism. You may as well support Al qaeda and ISIS. They have the exact same ideology.

- I am not white, nor am I a fascist or Nazi apologist. I am Arab. I was born 1 hour drive from the West Bank. I am the same ethnicity as the Palestinians. In fact, what is today Palestine was a region called Southern Syria for 400 years. We are the same people. "Palestine" is an artificial boundary.
- Yes, the Palestinians are colonizers. They arrived in 636, under the first Islamic caliph. They are the descendants of Arab colonialism. The Arabs conquered all of the Middle East and North Africa in 100 years. They treated the indigenous populations, including Jews, like garbage. Palestinians are Arabs mostly from what is today Saudi Arabia and Jordan.
- It is a lie that Jews and Arabs lived happily before the creation of Israel. Look up the dhimmi system. Jews and Christians were treated as third class citizens under their Islamic overlords. They did not live "happily together".
- Israel treated the Arabs much better than the Arab nation treated the Jews after 1948. There used to be 800, 000 Jews living in Arab majority nations. They were forced to flee or deported after 1948. It was ethnic cleansing. Yet, Israel has 2 million Arabs living as equal citizens.
- People around the world today support "Palestine" because they have been brainwashed. They do not take into account that Arab nations have 600 times more land than Israel.

-People have been brainwashed to think that Palestinians are natives fighting against colonial Zionists. When in reality, Jews have always existed in the land, 2000 years before the Islamic conquest. Ottoman records show that Jerusalem had a significant Jewish presence in 1850, nearly 100 years before Israel. European Jews have every right to return to their homelands.

- Israel could have wiped out all of the Arab nations decades ago, since they have nuclear weapons. It is the Arab nations that want to annihilate Israel. Middle Eastern TV programming is obsessed with Israel. They have no religious or political freedom, yet they blame Israel for all of their problems. All of the Arab nations are antisemitic.