Ozzy Osbourne Talks About Jackson

I remember kelley said something rude about MJ when he died and i haven't liked her since. I think it was about all the attention he received after he was killed. Hope her dad sets her straight. I don't think Michael got the attention he deserved. He must not be forgotten.
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Does someone know exactly how the MTV interview about the trial went? I can actually understand the line of Sharon O. about Marilyn Manson. I'm not trying to defend Ozzy or his wife, I never followed them and I think the only song I know from him is Paranoid. But at the time of the trial, I sadly understand why the not-fans belived the media: you just don't think so many journalists and "experts" would lie and twist the truth.
The hate runs in the whole family! Jack Osbourne (son of Ozzy) once said during the second allegations that MJ should have stop hanging with kids referring to 93. Because he says people had forgotten about him being accuse before! Implying it's MJ fault!

Well, excuse MJ for helping out folks even though they didn't deserve it. Plus, many children around MJ were his own nieces, nephews, cousins and god children, damn! Also the media never let anyone forget MJ was accused before 03 happened, that is B.S!

I understand that Ozzy would know about greedy careless doctors. But, MJ stress came from people like Ozzy comments and of course the ones who accused him directly! Where were these people support when he needed them the most? You know when he was living!? BLAH!
The hate runs in the whole family! Jack Osbourne (son of Ozzy) once said during the second allegations that MJ should have stop hanging with kids referring to 93. Because he says people had forgotten about him being accuse before! Implying it's MJ fault!

Well, excuse MJ for helping out folks even though they didn't deserve it. Plus, many children around MJ were his own nieces, nephews, cousins and god children, damn! Also the media never let anyone forget MJ was accused before 03 happened, that is B.S!

I understand that Ozzy would know about greedy careless doctors. But, MJ stress came from people like Ozzy comments and of course the ones who accused him directly! Where were these people support when he needed them the most? You know when he was living!? BLAH!

yeah. i appreciate that sentiment too. not too many aren't looking for face time.
The hate runs in the whole family! Jack Osbourne (son of Ozzy) once said during the second allegations that MJ should have stop hanging with kids referring to 93. Because he says people had forgotten about him being accuse before! Implying it's MJ fault!

would that be implying his fault?

During the second allegations Steve Harvey had a stand-up act piece in which he basically said similar things such Michael shouldn't be hanging with kids and throw them out of Neverland etc. But that wasn't implying fault - it meant that after 1993 he should have known some kids were taking advantage of him.
would that be implying his fault?

During the second allegations Steve Harvey had a stand-up act piece in which he basically said similar things such Michael shouldn't be hanging with kids and throw them out of Neverland etc. But that wasn't implying fault - it meant that after 1993 he should have known some kids were taking advantage of him.

Considering what the other members of the Osborne family said..Yea! He was definitely implying that and it was the way he said it too that I didn't like! I guess u had to have seen it! That all i can say.

But, did Steve mean just MJ's fault...? No, I don't think so he was still supporting MJ not given out sound bites! Plus, he is a comedian he made fun of MJ clothes too! Even though I didn't like it! lol
Considering what the other members of the Osborne family said..Yea! He was definitely implying that and it was the way he said it too that I didn't like! I guess u had to have seen it! That all i can say.

But, did Steve mean just MJ's fault...? No, I don't think so he was still supporting MJ not given out sound bites! Plus, he is a comedian he made fun of MJ clothes too! Even though I didn't like it! lol

You are right I guess how you say it makes the difference.

and of course Steve wasn't meaning MJ was at fault. He just was saying keep those kids out.
Even though what he said was true, but its hyprocritsy at its best!
is this a edited snippet of the conversation ?
i believe the original transcript went something like this

“If you or me had given him that f****** medication, we'd be up for f****** murder. So why isn't the f****** doctor? That stuff they use only anesthetists should use. Doctors get away with f****** anything. It's like a club. I took my kids to see him (Jackson) years ago. He was a f****** phenomenal performer.”



I'm laughing so much right now. So funny! haha

Sounds exactly like Ozzy.
I couldn’t find the interview you guys are talking about but why it should surprise me anyway? the whole family is Big Mouthed. couldn't stand their show..ahhh I'm not going to add anything else though I have a lot to say but its off topic. :laugh:

Screw Ozzy. I see some people didn't know about this

Jan 18th 1996:


screw him and his dog faced wife

Well that's Ozzy, he's just :crazy:.. he's acting like this all the time.
I believe he was jealous of Michael. mmm yeah that's pretty obvious.
Thank you man, well said, love your music, and he is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo right!!!!.... so f*cking right, its like a club, they get away like nothing A SHAME

OZZY READ A MICHAEL BIOGRAPHY AND HE KNOWS MANY OF THE DOCTORS THAT TREATED MICHAEL!!!! those freaking b*stards!!! its amazing, cant believe it, a shame really...

Ozzy take care man, you never know.

What Ozzy says about the doctor and being an amazing performer is true and I'm sure he means it, but it doesn't mean he has changed his mind about the allegations or what he thinks about other areas of MJ's life.

Despite what Ozzy has said about MJ in the past I think he's a likeable character and everybody is entitled to their own opinion. Unfortunately his wife is contemptable and that has passed down to the daughter too. They're both naturally nasty people as far as I can tell. Jack on the other hand shares the like-ability that his dad has IMO.
Despite what Ozzy has said about MJ in the past I think he's a likeable character and everybody is entitled to their own opinion. Unfortunately his wife is contemptable and that has passed down to the daughter too. They're both naturally nasty people as far as I can tell. Jack on the other hand shares the like-ability that his dad has IMO.

I agree with you here. Ozzy is tolerable somehow unlike his wife & daughter. he might be a little :crazy: but I find him funny as well (well sometimes). And he makes some good music (not a big fan but still).. his daughter didn't inherit his music talent.
he's right, of course, but when it comes to Michael I don't forgive so easily, ESPECIALLY since June 25th, so...

What he said here is true. Doctors get a free pass on a lot of things...especially when it's blatant as hell like it is in this case. :no:
Good of him to say that, it makes you think. But why did he break the cardboard MJ thing? Also...exactly what did Ozzy himself say about MJ regarding the case against him at the time?
its nice to see someone like Ozzy speak out about this and say nice words about michael but where in the hell were these words when he was alive??? Now lets all feel sorry for Michael bc he's dead?? wtf??? Thats not cool in my book. I feel everyone should have felt bad for Michael through out his entire life bc that man went through hell. I remmeber some of the things Sharon and her family said about Michael and i never forgot them. I used to really like Sharon and Kelly. ( still kinda like Kelly bc she seems to really grown up now and has been sober for a few years now) But those words they used about Michael were wrong. These people should know better then to believe ANYTHING said in the media. They are public figures to and they get lies and rumors spread about them all the time. they should know what its like. they such hypercrites and none of them have the balls to admit it. I wouldnt be surprised if any of them are jelouis of Michael bc he has had WAY more influence then Ozzy has ever had in his lifetime. WAY more people can say they grew up on Michael Jackson then Ozzy Osbourne. They must not like that so they say bad things out of jelouisly. eather way its pathedic and sad. Im glad he said what he said Bc he truly does prove a point and he is right that Doctors get away with murder and its not right. If it was anyone one eles they would be in prison and charged with murder.
They kill me how they keep saying he died of "prescription drugs" and even Ozz Osbourne had enough sense to say that the doctor was wrong and that the drug that he died from was from the hospital NOT prescription.
Ozzy Osbourne is releasing an album called 'Scream'. so i guess this interview is part of his promotion. and i guess i know at least ONE of the reasons the interviewer asked him about Michael.
I didn't know about the MJ related things he has said/done before but at least he says the truth in this interview.. thanks for posting.
I have always liked him! Go Ozzy!!!!:punk::punk::punk:

Everybody says it...........
The Evidence suggests it...........

So why is he not in Jail yet...........(I refuse to even spell his name out)