OVER 100 unrelease song by Michael Jackson


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Brunei Darussalam
Hy guys.. just want to know the confirmation about this.. can anyone tell me and confirm it..

"Less than four months before Jackson's death, one of his biographers, Ian Halperin, revealed that Jackson had a library of over 100 unreleased songs which he planned to have released after his death to support his children"

I read it on Wikipedia.. if this was true, that mean.. MICHAEL IS "STILL ALIVE"....
I don't believe anything Ian Halperin says.

I'm surprised he isn't saying Michael is really alive and in Mexico City battling skin cancer with his one good eye or something.
There are definitely unreleased tracks somewhere. They record tons of songs for albums that never make the final cut.
I think it's more than 100 songs. Michael's been known to make 30 to 40 songs an album...hell he had 33 for Bad (according to Quincy Jones)

I have no doubt that Michael's unreleased music...stuff we know about and stuff we have yet to hear, will probably be released....but not right away. Now is NOT the time.
he alot of material and it will see the light of day along with video and studio footage. gonna be interesting in time.
I think it's more than 100 songs. Michael's been known to make 30 to 40 songs an album...hell he had 33 for Bad (according to Quincy Jones)

I have no doubt that Michael's unreleased music...stuff we know about and stuff we have yet to hear, will probably be released....but not right away. Now is NOT the time.

Yeah, it's true.. so it was true that all his song will be release..
It's really a shame though that while someday...we hope we'll be able to hear more of Michael's brilliant works, that we won't be able to share that joy of hearing it with Michael.
if true, this is awesome. the most legendary way to say good bye. he's going to have a completely second career here and keep wowing us even after he is dead. It just goes to show how Invincible he really is. Not the tabloid, the courts, the vultures, not even death itself can keep Michael down.

He's not done singing yet. He's still the King.
I dont know what that means but probably it means that he CHOSE himself 100 songs from the whole vault, and they are completed in studio. Because he has to have much more than 100 unreleased songs when you know he's always released not that much songs at all. There just has to be hundreds of songs, although probably every song isnt fully completed.
Quincy Jones also told on the Thriller 25 special a few years ago, that the songs on the album were a selection from, like 80, songs...

Michael did that with every album.. imagine what`s in store for us.
I do hope that they`ll respect Michaels wishes (his standards) on releasing future (supposed to be released) songs.
According to magic and the madness, J5 recorded over 400 songs but didn't release even half of it. And don't forget all the songs from the Jacksons era, songs with Queen etc.

I truly hope they will be released, but maybe not right now.
Its gonna be really interesting to see how they put everything out. 100 songs...10 songs an album....1 new album a year for a decade??? Who knows????

Was Michael still with Sony as far as new material.? There could be a bidding war for the new material, then.
I'm am certain that Michael has way more than 100 unreleased songs in his vault. This guy doesn't know what he is talking about.

We will be getting new MJ albums from Sony for at least the next 20 years.
Quincy Jones also told on the Thriller 25 special a few years ago, that the songs on the album were a selection from, like 80, songs...

Michael did that with every album.. imagine what`s in store for us.
I do hope that they`ll respect Michaels wishes (his standards) on releasing future (supposed to be released) songs.

Noooo. 800, not 80!
If you watch most Thriller dvd's or the extras interviews..Quincy Jones clearly says that when they sat down to decide the tracks for thriller..Michael had written 800 songs which they were deciding from. michael has not released an album since 2001. i guarantee that he will have hundreds of songs. how many of these will be complete is open to question. what i hope for though, is that the ones michael wanted on the new album are on there. now demos or ones that he hadnt finished..otherwise people will judge him on it. akon, randy phillips and kenny all said michael had a few songs particularly one which was simply incredible, akons words were something like.. he's gone in a new direction with this and it's different than anything anyone's done, you better be ready for it.
if they are released, i hope to god that some crappy producer doesn't get his hands on them before they are sold.
All I can say is keep Rodney Jerkins away. Only a couple of his songs from Invincible were good. The rest, sounded too much alike to 1 another...plus the guy is so full of himself.

I'd like to see Teddy Riley be given control of the vault and allowed to select and produce the songs. If anyone knows what Michael liked in his music, it was Teddy...him or Quincy.
There were songs he was planning to release for the new album, perhaps he recorded a few, and people can still cover those unreleased songs, while whoever inherits his money can earn some.
mike said "the best has yet to come" even after his tragic death,i firmly do belive his music career will be bigger than ever now.
I tend to feel the opposite of you two. I feel like some music from him, maybe the song he had planned to release before or during the concerts would be some closure for many people. It would be a comfort to hear. I know for myself, I would love that more than ever right now.
The biggest radio in Poland said that in some program in USA they want to release some album with unreleased material before Christmas. Anyona heard something about it? They even played some snippet. Anyone heard this program?
If any unreleased, unfinished material is going to be released during the coming years, they'd better put Quincy and Teddy/Bruce to work on it. At least not some Rodney Jerkins producing sh*t. And by the way, I HATE remixes (and I think Michael did, too).
he recorded over 50 alone for Dangerous if I remember and over 100 for his last solo album invincible.