Oscar voter: Michael Jackson's 'This Is It' will be nominated for best picture

hmm should have been in documentary catergory i feel...Glad it will be recognised but not good that again michael is not here to see it.

There is no chance it would win best film..Just no chance simply because of the way it has come about, america's wrong perception of michael jackson and fact that he is not an actor..Also giving an award to another person who made a film but died stright after would not happen as they are so pathethically careful to avoid repeats..I think it is a very good film , techinically it is a bit messy in its organisation and strucutre but it def deserves a nomination...

But they will not let this film that came out of nowehere suddenly win best picture esp with all the things they believe surrounds the film..
it was too late to enter it for the best doc. so he may get that next yr but they can still do best lighting, costume design, and best picture. i don't think it'll win for best pic, tho. that's the biggest award of the night
I think the film will get nominated which is an honour and achievement in itself.
I would absolutely love it if This Is it was nominated for Best Picture, not sure it would win, but the nomination would be enough for me.

I swear, all that has been happening with This is It is all so bitter sweet to me *sigh*
i mean, that's someone mike truly wanted and would've loved. a shame it had to belike this. would everyone love the film if he was still here?