Orianthi covers Give In To me, she's making Michael proud

She's absolutely incredibly talented. I wish there were more female musicians like her in the industry that girls could look up to.

Agreed 100%! I was watching MJ: Remember His Time on FUSE music channel, and a commerical for Orianthi's CD came on. I told my mom the exact same thing. She's a great role model.

Her music sounds great.. I found a great pic of her and Micheal working together.. http://msg.com/photos/orianthi-on-and-off-the-stage/slide/1/

Love that pic! :love:
shes really good, but if i had to choose between jennifer batten or orianthi, i will choose Jennifer, jennifer is part of Michael Tour Family, she has been in bad, dangerous and HIStory Tour, she has the touch that michael needed, orianthi has it too but wooohhhrgg its so hard to explain what i mean.... well i hope you guys understand. :D
shes really good, but if i had to choose between jennifer batten or orianthi, i will choose Jennifer, jennifer is part of Michael Tour Family, she has been in bad, dangerous and HIStory Tour, she has the touch that michael needed, orianthi has it too but wooohhhrgg its so hard to explain what i mean.... well i hope you guys understand. :D

i do , Jennifer is so tough and she can handel any situation she can set the stage on fire when she plays the guitar ... everytime i see her on stage with MJ i can't believe what i see.
she is the female Slash.

watch working day and night of dangerous tour in romania , and she'll drop your jaw.
I prefer she playing not singing, cause it's so country-like. Sorry, I just dont like country music. btw, I like John Mayer's human nature at the memorial service