Oprah oh MJs death?

she is a horrible person , i do really hate her . Even Obama wrote the notes in a very shy way.
no no no ... see oprah can do and say whatever OPRAH chooses. she has it like that for the most part. If she wanted to do something to honor Michael's memory, she could. question is, will she ??

love her, hate her, whatever you feel for her the bottom line is...
"she is Oprah, BIATCH"
Oprah Winfrey didn't care anything about Michael Jackson. If she had, she would have released a statement offering her condolences. Oprah had become very popular in the late 80s. However, it was her interview with Michael Jackson in 1993 that burst her into celebrity talkshow host. She was then wanted everywhere. To me, Oprah is phony, self-centered and a bully. She does charitable things simply to be noticed. I was a fan and had supported her for many years. But then started to see the ugly side of her. I don't think she has a sincere bone in her body.
I believe she betrayed Michael Jackson when she allowed Martin Bashir to air that horrifying, twisted documentary on MJ. She never bothered to air or get anyone from Michael's camp to tell the real truth of his side. Also, I was quite nauseated with her taking sides with Lisa Marie Presley saying Michael used her and how she loved him, but didn't really feel that from him. Again, where was Michael's point of view?
In my opinion, Oprah talked about Michael and believed he was guilty of child molestation. She should not be a part of the family's function this Friday or Sunday. If anyone had a voice to defend Michael, Oprah had. She chose not to use that. That spoke volumes to me.
@ ChiChi: Cuz "I'm the Juggernaut, b*tch"

I had to say it...
Oprah is one of the most prominent MJ haters. I wouldn't expect anything from her.

Exactly! She needs to say something. After all it was her interview with him that made her as big as she is now! If it was'nt for him she would probably just another TV host struggling for ratings. She should at least dedicate a show to him.
Oprah Winfrey didn't care anything about Michael Jackson. If she had, she would have released a statement offering her condolences. Oprah had become very popular in the late 80s. However, it was her interview with Michael Jackson in 1993 that burst her into celebrity talkshow host. She was then wanted everywhere. To me, Oprah is phony, self-centered and a bully. She does charitable things simply to be noticed. I was a fan and had supported her for many years. But then started to see the ugly side of her. I don't think she has a sincere bone in her body.
I believe she betrayed Michael Jackson when she allowed Martin Bashir to air that horrifying, twisted documentary on MJ. She never bothered to air or get anyone from Michael's camp to tell the real truth of his side. Also, I was quite nauseated with her taking sides with Lisa Marie Presley saying Michael used her and how she loved him, but didn't really feel that from him. Again, where was Michael's point of view?
In my opinion, Oprah talked about Michael and believed he was guilty of child molestation. She should not be a part of the family's function this Friday or Sunday. If anyone had a voice to defend Michael, Oprah had. She chose not to use that. That spoke volumes to me.

You wrapped it nicely. She had a platform to defend Michael, she did not use it.

Even when Michael was acquitted, Tmez appeared on
Larry King
Jay Leno

and every other major show but Oprah did not give Tmez a platform.

That shows an underlying malice towards Michael. Even in Bob Jones interview in 1993 before he also turned on Michael, he talked about how Oprah did not care about Michael prior to teh interview.

When i reflect on that, it comes through by seeing the questions she asked. That interview seems good but a person who cares about Michael would gave lent him support especially on African American issue and his skin, as well as teh tabloid stories, which was the main reason of teh interview.

Compare Oprah's interview and Geraldo's interview. The way Geraldo tries to help Michael along even in his commentary.

If Oprah had done a good job in that interview, Michael's lawyer would not have held a press conference the next day to mention vitiligo which was missed out.
But look at Geraldo, the next day, other pundits were criticizing him saying he humanised Michael. Don't forget that Geraldo was also a talk-show host and both Oprah and Geraldo know how to help along a guest and convey their message better, yet Oprah didn't do that for Michael, leading to a next day press conference by his doctor.

There are these phony people who can put on a face as if they like you, just for publicity. Don't forget she is a TV host, these people are actors. But if you were to hear how they despise some of their guests, it would shock you.

Some celebrities even despise their fans and only put on a pretence because their managers tell them to.

Michael on the other hand was the opposite of that, he coudl be irritated at times but would never despise. I remeber when Bashir tried to coax him to say something negative about Berlin, Michael was so sweet he just said "I love Berlin". Because Bashir as a hypocrite knows what people say when not in public and wanted to get anything to smear and undermine Michael.

Oprah is like Bashir, to them it is about their fame.

Anyway, Oprah doesn't matter and she knows it. MJ is bigger than she coudl ever be and she's just realised it. Even Obama did not shake the internet when he got elected.

Oprah thought that she and Obama were now the two icons, only for Michael to spoil their show.

She is caught between two places, she despises Michael but would also want to tap into the publicity but she can't after publicly trashing Michael during the trial.

What does Michael need from Oprah now really? He is global, and forever a legend and an icon who has been honoured by celebrities all over and fans worldwide.

These personalities follow the masses, don't forget that and as Michael's legacy carries on, you will see their hypocrisy emerge slowly the way some have done so far.

You will be surprised to hear them quoting Michael down the years.
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F oprah and also I'm very upset with chris tucker and chris brown I've heard nothing from them.

Well... To be fair.. Everyone deals with grief their own way.. Maybe Chris Tucker is mourning and hasnt got the strenght to make a statement.. Like with most of Michaels friends.. Brett or whatever his name was.. Elizabeth Taylor hasnt really spoken about this either.. And many of Michaels family members have not had the strenght to come out yet, only Janet, Dad Joe and Jermaine when he announced his passing.

And Chris Brown.. Well he's got his own issues to think about at the mo..

Time will come.. All of Michaels beloved close friends will talk about this eventually, Im sure they are all in contact with the Jackson family and expressing their sadness to THEM and not the media.
In any case, any Oprah show about Michael would just be about justifying her criticism than helping Michael.

Does anyone remeber that awful show she did after Michael's Take 2?

She is better off remaining silent and leading her life.

Don't forget that the juror who gave Michael a hard time is a fan of Oprah. She held the verdict for about a week and then went on to slander Michael.

Michael has had lots of hypocritical friends. Even Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter would have issued condolences. But they used Michael when it suited them.

At the end of the day, it doesn't matter because it is the millions worldwide who love Michael that matter.

Oprahs, Clintons, Obamas comments do not make Michael sell any more or any less records.

Don't forget Oprah is also part of the "media".
This interview was done in Friday, April 16, 2004
Men Living on the D.L.


Go to Page 10 in the middle

J.L., so, I’m thinking if gay men are surrounding your boyfriend all the time, then that’s a clue?
J.L. King
No, it’s not.
It’s not?
J.L. King
J.L. King
Just ‘cause I got gay friends doesn’t necessarily mean that I’m having sex with them.
You’re right. I just said it was a clue…I didn’t say you were having sex with them.
J.L. King
No, it’s not a clue. If a man is comfortable with his sexuality, he can have gay friends. He should be able to have gay friends. If he’s comfortable with his sexuality and he has no desire to have sex with another man, he can have gay friends. He can get in the bed with a gay man and not touch him…seriously…and not touch him, because he’s comfortable with who he is.
You sounding a little bit like Michael Jackson up here. (Audience laughs) A little like Michael Jackson up here. I’m not going there with you with all that you can get in the bed with a man and all that stuff, but let’s just say, what should you be looking for to figure out if your husband or boyfriend is living on the down low? You, who said that you have been surprised yourself by guys who were on the down low. So how is a woman, who is number one in love, going through the motions, you know, the daily routine. How would like your wife have known?

I don't know what yall think about this but to me its seems very disrespect ful. The trial wasn't even going on then, it was supposed to start on January 2005, not for another 8 month. you can call me sensitive but, i mean c'mon. She is known around the world and she shouldnt make comments like that.
I was reading that excerpt from that Oprah interview and you can see how, as a interviewer/reporter, she was trying to twist and manipulate that man's words. I don't care what Oprah has to say about Michael because they were not close nor friends. I respect what she does, but I don't always agree with every little thing she has to say.
This interview was done in Friday, April 16, 2004
Men Living on the D.L.


Go to Page 10 in the middle

I don't know what yall think about this but to me its seems very disrespect ful. The trial wasn't even going on then, it was supposed to start on January 2005, not for another 8 month. you can call me sensitive but, i mean c'mon. She is known around the world and she shouldnt make comments like that.

No you are not being sensitive, it is what it is.
F oprah and also I'm very upset with chris tucker and chris brown I've heard nothing from them.

Chris Brown sings the hook for a tribute song to MJ by The Game, Chris Brown, Boys to Men,
Diddy, etc. It's a nice song, found it on youtube. "Better on the Other Side".
Frankly, I don't really care whether Oprah issues a statement or not.....its not like her saying anyhting is gonna bring MJ back.

Let all who feel the need to say something say it and all those who don't choose to, remain silent.
Hate her! She's the ultimate hypocrite. She thinks she know everything. LOL
If she was good enough, there was no reason for her to hate and bash Michael.
Ophra You are using your sad past times to make yourself a hero.
That's disgusting
Why would she say anything? She made it clear she thought he was guilty of those allegations and didn't like him for the past few years. I really don't want to hear anything she has to say about him to be honest.
as far as im concerned she's said more than enough already. at least she's not being hypocritcal like others who are making statements now. gives her a nudge on the respectometer for keeping mum.
what does it matter if Oprah, Prince or the boogie man has somehting to say about MJ

Michael's worth and impact is not validated by these people.
I think Opera in a position to either say something nice or not say anything at all, in both cases she will be criticized, some people recently started already such as the dieting issues.