Oprah oh MJs death?

As far as I know she hasn't said anything but then really I don't expect her to either.
Oprah is one of the most prominent MJ haters. I wouldn't expect anything from her.
Oprah's words mean zilch to me. Anyone who has their own magazine and refuses to have anybody on the cover but themselves gets no respect from me.
I don't understand why she would not release a statement. To me she's just being arrogant or a hater indeed
At this point I don't care what she has to say. My boy is gone. My life is broken. Who cares about some old woman
Someone needs to shove a boot in Oprah's mouth before she does say anything.
WHAT?! Oprah doesn't like MJ? But i've seen the interview with her & mj from '93 and she seemed to like him! What happened? Please, tell me.
Michael's interview with her is one of the main reasons why she's internationally known. Regardless of what she thinks of Michael, the man played a large part in breaking down racial barriers that helped to open doors for people like herself. I think he deserves some recognition.
what happened between Oprah and Michael?lol have many things I don't now:(
i was thinking the same that she didn't say a word?? but what else can you expect from a backstabbing b!@#$ who was so jealous of Mike, always wanted to be the most famous black american which she'll never be. rotten b!@#$1
Uh oh...virginia, you better choose your words wisely, or a whole heep of woman gonna get in that ass.....LOL.....LMAO!

Well, it's just that I checked when Oprah was born and it was in 1954, (only 4 years before MJ was born in 1958), rather than anything personal. I was surprised that an MJ fan should refer to her as an old woman considering that her age is so close to MJ's.
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I'm sure her first few shows will contain Michael. Sad, us fans tried so hard a few years ago to get the truth out about the trial...I think I spoke to one of her staff members, they just wanted me to write a letter to this person and that, put in some requests.

She was molested as a child and has always assumed Michael to be guilty because of her own horrible experience. I was molested at age 9, the man was a very successful business owner who everyone respected. He had three daughters and a wife.

I can't figure-out why she'd assume Michael was guilty, simply b/c of what happened to her. Just b/c someone had the ability to connect with their inner child, doesn't mean that they are a potential child molester. My abuser was a wealthy man, married and by all means very normal...yet he still destroyed my world.

Sadly, if news of Michael's death is still making money by the fall, you can bet she'll jump on the 'ratings band wagon,'

'And now, Oprah remembers a legend..." *sigh*

You're a little too late.

I still watch her show on occasion, yet her logic sometimes escapes my understanding.
I cannot STAND Oprah, all her bashing towards MJ.. I really dont expect her to say anything nice about Michael after his passing, and I really wouldnt want to, because I believe everything coming out of her mouth is crap.
sorry guys but you have to be a pretty big asshole to talk shit about a women who went from being a molested child, to the first african american to have her own talk show who also became a huge humanitarian. And I mean huge humanitarian.
whether your oprah or someone who was actually was a friend. you dont have to tell the public your feelings for someone. why does everyone have to go to the press and release statements?
if anything i have no respect for some of the people who have released statements, because they insulted him in life.
I rember her saying on one of her shows before the trail that she wishes Michael the best

she was very sympathetic to Michael. not that I'm going to hate somebody for believing he's guilty. you don't hate on somebody for having a different opinion than you so long as it is made with good intentions.

I remember after the Bashir documentary she was defending Michael a few days later.

they were both groundbreakers who crossed racial lines and went onto become huge humanitarians. You'd have to have a pretty big lump of coal in your heart to talk crap about Oprah.
Michael made Oprah. She was about to get her show cancelled when she got the MJ interview.