Open Up Your Mind - Vol. I: Love and Relationships

Survey - A:

What makes you fall in love with someone?

His personality and his heart.

Have you ever been in love?

yes...And i am deeply in love now:wub:

When do you know you've found the one?

Well,i think our heart tells us that with time.
When you have been with someone that is always there,for the good and the bad moments,that has completly trust in you and has faith in you.
When you can't see your life without the one you love,because when he is not around,you feel incomplete,you miss your other half.
When you start to thik and wish for things,that you once said that you would never do because you didn't believe it was for you.
When your biggest dream is to be in his life 24/7,and make sure he knows and feels that his happiness,is what matters most,causeonly when he is happy,you can be happy.
When despite distance,and all the problems that can happen,you 2 can still be close,and live as 1.

How much does love matter to you?

Love is everything to me.

But if you are talking about being in's only important if the one i am in love,feels the same.

Have you ever fallen in love at first sight?

No_Only very takes time to happen.

What are the most important qualities he/she has to have?

He has them all.:wub:He has his heart and soul,in the right place.
he is so caring,so human,and his mind...the way he sees the world,it's just lovely.

Survey - B:

What are your thoughts about interracial relationships?

I don't have any problem with interracial relationships.
In fact,when i was a teenager,iwas in love with a sweet black guy,that brokemy heart when he told me that he only loved me as a friend.:(

Do interracial relationships anger you? Why?

Not at all.Why should them?:scratch:Are you currently involved in an interracial relationship?

I'm currently in a INternational relationship and i couldn't be more in love.:wub:
Do you want to try out an interracial relationship? Why?

I can't imagine my life without my boyfriend.He is the love of my life without a doubt.But i will never say never,because we never know what the future holds.

What do you think is the fascination with interracial relationships?

I can't care less.I don't think about relationships as being in fashion or not.Love is love.

Does an interracial relationship makes you a better person?
It dosen't make any difference to me.What is important,is that the relationship is open and real.

Survey - C:

What attracts you most to the opposite sex?

OMG...the eyes!!!I'm crazy for my boyfriend's eyes.
Eyes arethe mirror of the soul.And i can get lost looking into John's eyes...he is so expressive,he talks so much with them.:wub:
Also i love a lot the arms.When he holds me,i feel so loved,so protected,time stops really.

What attracts you to the same sex?

Never thought about it,really.

Are you more interested in the mind or body of a love interest?

In his mind and soul.

Do physical looks matter? Why?

Would be lying if i said it dosen't.But it only matters to a certain point.

What things do you try or want to change in the person you love?

The only thing that i would love to change,is that my bf could finally see that noone will love him like i do,and i can't wait to be wife.:wub:

How much attention do you need in a love relationship?

I love to have his attention and give as love someone means to care about them.

Does it matter if he/she calls you everyday? Why?

I love to talk to him.But it's not important if he calls everyday or not.It would be very expensive also.
What really matters,is that he knows that i am always here for him.No matter what time it is,or where am i.Of course that the otherway around,matters as well.

Do you get jealous if he/she has close friends? Why?

Not at all.As a matter of fact,i want him to have real friends,because it is important to have people that we know we can count with.

Survey - D:

Do you believe that love is blind? Why?

I believe that love can be blind yes.But i also think that it is,or it should be,only a stage people live.If it lasts forever,in my idea it stops being love and it becomes an obession.And everything that is an obession is not good at all.

Can you love more than one person at a time? How?

Love as a friendhip way,oh yes,without a doubt.I love so many people.

Love as being in love...No.

Can you fall in love with a friend? Why?

I think it is possible yes.Because there was already a relationship some kind of a bond,and we don't choose who we will fall in love with.

Have you ever fallen in love with a friend?


Are you a fool for love?

Have no idea.I don't understand this question at all.

Do you know when to stop the love?

think that at certain point,everybody knows how to stop the love.
Just not everybody can handle well with it because it is always a very sad moment,as it means that the relatiosnhip you were having failled.

Do you know how to end a love relationship?

I've done it already...But i don't know to deal with it very well because it was always very painfull.

Have you ever been hurt by love? Explain if you want.

yes i was.I think everybody was at a certain time in life.
I finished my survey finally back on page 2. :)Nice... Love used to be my favorite topic ever,.... it's still right up there apparently.
Are you a fool for love?

Have no idea.I don't understand this question at all.

Mariajoaosilva, I was like this woman sounds like her man is sitting right there next to her because of all the lovey dovey answers.:D Then I read that he was a distance away, therefore absence makes your heart grow fonder...I presume.:D

Now to the question that you don't understand at all. Okay, let me explain if I may...

A fool for love generally means that a person is quite persuaded by anything love associated with 2 or more people.:D To elaborate more this means that the person would do anything once they have found love or believed that they have found love to keep it and never let it come to an end by basically doing everything in their power to make the other person(s) know that their love is all that matters to them. They will take insults, being stood up, phone calls refused, overlook infidelity consistently and still feel that they can make things work out.

A fool for love can also mean that you are a hopeless romantic, willing to do all the things to make your significant other feel wonderful about who they are.

It doesn't always have to mean that you are an actual fool in life, but for love you are like what is called "a sucker for love". Have you heard that expression before?

I have a cute little story that happen to me in elementary school...actually it wasn't cute at the time. A boy in my class liked me and he asked me more than once a week for about a month if I would be his girlfriend. We were in the 7th Grade, I think. I finally decided that I would give him a "Yes" just to stop him from asking.

This is where the story takes a hurtful turn for him.

The very next day, he came to school with my name written all over his brand new white gym shoes. Saying He Loves Me and I Love Him. I was so embarrassed, dumbfounded and astonished that I ignored him the whole day and didn't speak to him again. The courtship ended before it began. He went overboard with the advertisement when I only said that I would be his girlfriend, besides he wasn't my choice I was only trying to be nice. That shaped my whole view of what not to do early on in life. Leave friends as friends and only love the ones I was interested in wanting to be in love with. He was so hurt and embarrassed because of my ignoring him, but I couldn't help it. I had to teach him a lesson for being a fool for love.

I hope I didn't go overboard with my explanation. Sorry, I got carried away.:D
Survey - A:

What makes you fall in love with someone?
I don’t know. It just happens. I can’t explain.

Have you ever been in love?
Yes, once.

When do you know you've found the one?
I haven’t found and I don’t know. I’m in love, I’m mesmerized. I’d like to love.

How much does love matter to you?
Everything. I guess we can’t live without love.

Have you ever fallen in love at first sight?
No. I don’t believe in love at first sight.

What are the most important qualities he/she has to have?
He has to be intelligent. I want to talk sometimes :ninja: And also he has to be honest.

Survey - B:

What are your thoughts about interracial relationships?
It’s good.

Do interracial relationships anger you? Why?

Are you currently involved in an interracial relationship?

Have you ever participated in an interracial relationship? Did it work?

Do you want to try out an interracial relationship? Why?
Yes, why not?

What do you think is the fascination with interracial relationships?

Does an interracial relationship makes you a better person?

Survey - C:

What attracts you most to the opposite sex?
When they are manly. Whatever it means :p

What attracts you to the same sex?

Are you more interested in the mind or body of a love interest?
In the mind, but body is also very important.

Do physical looks matter? Why?
Yes. I dunno. Men must be well-groomed.

What things do you try or want to change in the person you love?
:wub: - you have an answer.

How much attention do you need in a love relationship?
I don’t know.

Does it matter if he/she calls you everyday? Why?
Yes, it’d be irritating if it was a couple of times in one day. Sorry, I wanna have a life.

Do you get jealous if he/she has close friends? Why?
No, but I get jealous when he talks with other girls. If I truly loved I wouldn’t [at least shouldn’t] be jealous. I’d trust him. We don’t know each other very well and there’s no chance for a relationship. It really hurts :cry:

Survey - D:

Do you believe that love is blind? Why?
Yes, sometimes, but love shouldn’t be blind. It’s sick.

Can you love more than one person at a time? How?
I don’t know. We love many people, but I don’t know if I could love another man like I will love my future boyfriend/husband.

Can you fall in love with a friend? Why?
I’m not that experienced, but probably it’s possible…when there’s a chemistry between us.

Have you ever fallen in love with a friend?

Are you a fool for love?
I don’t think so. Thanks ladyplatinum for clearing this question up :lol:

Do you know when to stop the love?

Do you know how to end a love relationship?
In theory, but I hope I won’t have to end.

Have you ever been hurt by love? Explain if you want.
Kind of.
I am. I don’t want to explain.
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Mariajoaosilva, I was like this woman sounds like her man is sitting right there next to her because of all the lovey dovey answers.:D Then I read that he was a distance away, therefore absence makes your heart grow fonder...I presume.:D

Now to the question that you don't understand at all. Okay, let me explain if I may...

A fool for love generally means that a person is quite persuaded by anything love associated with 2 or more people.:D To elaborate more this means that the person would do anything once they have found love or believed that they have found love to keep it and never let it come to an end by basically doing everything in their power to make the other person(s) know that their love is all that matters to them. They will take insults, being stood up, phone calls refused, overlook infidelity consistently and still feel that they can make things work out.

A fool for love can also mean that you are a hopeless romantic, willing to do all the things to make your significant other feel wonderful about who they are.

It doesn't always have to mean that you are an actual fool in life, but for love you are like what is called "a sucker for love". Have you heard that expression before?

I have a cute little story that happen to me in elementary school...actually it wasn't cute at the time. A boy in my class liked me and he asked me more than once a week for about a month if I would be his girlfriend. We were in the 7th Grade, I think. I finally decided that I would give him a "Yes" just to stop him from asking.

This is where the story takes a hurtful turn for him.

The very next day, he came to school with my name written all over his brand new white gym shoes. Saying He Loves Me and I Love Him. I was so embarrassed, dumbfounded and astonished that I ignored him the whole day and didn't speak to him again. The courtship ended before it began. He went overboard with the advertisement when I only said that I would be his girlfriend, besides he wasn't my choice I was only trying to be nice. That shaped my whole view of what not to do early on in life. Leave friends as friends and only love the ones I was interested in wanting to be in love with. He was so hurt and embarrassed because of my ignoring him, but I couldn't help it. I had to teach him a lesson for being a fool for love.

I hope I didn't go overboard with my explanation. Sorry, I got carried away.:D

Lady...Thank you so much for taking the time reading my post,and explaining me what "fool for love "can mean.You were so clear.
To answer that question i can say that i am fool for love,if that means to do anything,to make my bf well and happy,because only like that i can be happy to.
(of course i would not take insults and all the other bad examples you gave.But refering about my boyfriend,i don't need to worry with it cause he is very polite and sweet.).
I know what you mean with the distance saying.But believe me...between me and bf, although distance hurts,we can be so close.We make it seem like we are together,because our relationship is very strong,deep,and most of all,honest.:)

I don't know if you are happy with someone.But i do wish you find the right one,and can be very happy with him.It feels so wonderful to be in love,and to know that we are loved the same way.:wub:
Lady...Thank you so much for taking the time reading my post,and explaining me what "fool for love "can mean.You were so clear.

I don't know if you are happy with someone.But i do wish you find the right one,and can be very happy with him.It feels so wonderful to be in love,and to know that we are loved the same way.:wub:

You're so very welcome.

I can tell you that I'm still waiting for the love of my life to arrive into my life. It is not easy for me to trust that a man cares as much as he'd like you to think. I'm either being skeptical, or I'm falling head over heels with him and I can't do that if I'm not sure. Until I'm wonderfully involved mind, body and soul with someone special then maybe I'll feel as great as you and yours.:D
What makes you fall in love with someone?

I dunno. A mix of things probably. Intelligence, random awesomeness and...that.

Have you ever been in love?

Umm.. yes. :)

When do you know you've found the one?

You don't know. There's no such thing.

How much does love matter to you?

Well, without the people you love everything would be rather pointless so I'm guessing a lot.

Have you ever fallen in love at first sight?

No, there's no such thing.

What are the most important qualities he/she has to have?

Intelligence, sense of humour and all that cliché stuff. And he had to be loyal and share similar morals and ethics as myself.

Survey - B:

What are your thoughts about interracial relationships?

The same as any other relationship.

Do interracial relationships anger you? Why?

Of course not.

Are you currently involved in an interracial relationship?


Have you ever participated in an interracial relationship? Did it work?


Do you want to try out an interracial relationship? Why?

"Try out"? For the hell of it? Not at the moment, no. If you're asking: Would I have a problem dating someone from another "race", then NO!

What do you think is the fascination with interracial relationships?

Is there a fascination, really? Well, I don't know. People are bigots and/or just stupid in general.

Does an interracial relationship makes you a better person?


Survey - C:

What attracts you most to the opposite sex?

I don't know. It all depends on the person.

What attracts you to the same sex?

I'm not sexually attracted to women but they are damn sexy in many ways.

Are you more interested in the mind or body of a love interest?

:lol: Hmm, that's a toughie. But the answer is the mind. Obviously.

Do physical looks matter? Why?

Not really. Not significantly. But you have to be attracted to the person. That has not neccessarily got anything to do with physical appearance though.

What things do you try or want to change in the person you love?

If you want to change a bunch of things then you don't really like that person, right?

How much attention do you need in a love relationship?

If by attention you mean affirmation then I guess quite a lot. :lol:

Does it matter if he/she calls you everyday? Why?

Yes, it does matter. :)

Do you get jealous if he/she has close friends? Why?

Survey - D:

Do you believe that love is blind? Why?

To some extent, yeah.

Can you love more than one person at a time? How?

I think it would be pretty hard to love more than one person romantically at a time. But I guess anything's possible.

Can you fall in love with a friend? Why?

I'm sure you can. Don't know if it's the best idea though.

Have you ever fallen in love with a friend?


Are you a fool for love?

What does that mean, really?

Do you know when to stop the love?

I'm not sure what you mean..

Do you know how to end a love relationship?

I haven't had any experience in that area thankfully.

Have you ever been hurt by love? Explain if you want.

Not really.
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LOL whats with all the interracial questions? SOMEONE has a bit of an obsession... :S
You're so very welcome.

I can tell you that I'm still waiting for the love of my life to arrive into my life. It is not easy for me to trust that a man cares as much as he'd like you to think. I'm either being skeptical, or I'm falling head over heels with him and I can't do that if I'm not sure. Until I'm wonderfully involved mind, body and soul with someone special then maybe I'll feel as great as you and yours.:D

Lady...All i can tell you is that you will find the love of your life when you less expect.When i fell in love,i was not thinking at all about it.In fact,i was in deep pain when my bf came to life.I had just lost my grandmother,and he was the one that helped me the most during that period.
I was at a point where i couldn't understand what i felt,and why.
A couple of months later i realised that maybe he was sent my granny to take care of me.
As to find out that he is the one,i would say that it was life itself that showed me that,and there's not a single day that goes by,that i don't thank God and my granny,for the wonderful person they gave me the chance to meet and love.

(don't fear to trust man.Not all of them are the same,even if we girls,say it all the time.Maybe they are rare,but some man are and can be so special:wub:Yours will come when the time is right.)