One of the greatest Webpages I've ever seen about Michael Jackson


I really hope I'm not breaking any rule here on MJJcommunity by shearing this great Webpage that I've found. This is a page that I feel everyone should read and spread to everyone everywhere =) Also, I am sorry if it's already been posted but I couldn't find it.

this is a webpage that talks about The Man, Michael Jackson. About who he really was, not the man that the media said he was. It uses real sources and real quotations from Michael himself and others that know him to show how he really was. The page referees to a lot of the media rumors that was made up about Michael and it proves in such a good way how false they are. If there is anyone out there who still have doubts or who still have questions about maybe some rumor they heard to be true then this is the page to find out if that rumor really is true or if it is just another media lie.

This Webpage is without a doubt one of the best I've ever seen and no one can say its false information on there or anything. Everything is proven in a very credible way.

Please take the time to read it, all of it, there is A LOT of information on there, and spread it to other forums and communities. I really think this page deserves the attention of.
Please go to this great page;
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OMG Indra. My co-worker just gave me that same link yesterday. :cheeky:
I'm so glad you guys liked it. There are so many good things on this page but my favorite part of it is (
It just shows in such a great way what a good heart he had, what a man!! Just the way he talks about the good he wants to do, where he gets his inspiration and so on makes you want to do the same.
When talking about the 1993 trial they mention a transcript that was sourced from Wikipedia.

Haven't browsed the rest of the site or looked further into what Wikipedia had, but I have to point out that pulling info from Wikipedia is a quick way to discredit your arguments.
When talking about the 1993 trial they mention a transcript that was sourced from Wikipedia.

Haven't browsed the rest of the site or looked further into what Wikipedia had, but I have to point out that pulling info from Wikipedia is a quick way to discredit your arguments.

Doesn't that depend on what source wikipedia have used?

I'm gussing you mean this part; "[FONT=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]In the same conversation, when asked how this would affect his son, Chandler replied, [/FONT][FONT=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]"That's irrelevant to me...It will be a massacre if I don't get what I want. It's going to be bigger than all us put together...This man [Jackson] is going to be humiliated beyond belief...He will not sell one more record"

[/FONT]Isn't tha something we all know is true, haven't we all heard the tape?
I do see what you're saying but in this case I don't see how it hurts the page credibilty? She could have just used another soruce but wikipedia, as wrong as it has many times, does have things right too.
[FONT=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif][/FONT]
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Thank you for sharing.
Love it, so many wonderful words said about Miachael and from him.
Love the part where he talks about his faith too, gives me strenght too...
You are all very welcome. Hope you like it and please spread it to other forums.
Hmm, the link doesn't really work for me... am I doing something wrong?

This is the right link, it worked, but... :doh:

I really hope I'm not breaking any rule here on MJJcommunity by shearing this great Webpage that I've found. This is a page that I feel everyone should read and spread to everyone everywhere =) Also, I am sorry if it's already been posted but I couldn't find it.

this is a webpage that talks about The Man, Michael Jackson. About who he really was, not the man that the media said he was. It uses real sources and real quotations from Michael himself and others that know him to show how he really was. The page referees to a lot of the media rumors that was made up about Michael and it proves in such a good way how false they are. If there is anyone out there who still have doubts or who still have questions about maybe some rumor they heard to be true then this is the page to find out if that rumor really is true or if it is just another media lie.

This Webpage is without a doubt one of the best I've ever seen and no one can say its false information on there or anything. Everything is proven in a very credible way.

Please take the time to read it, all of it, there is A LOT of information on there, and spread it to other forums and communities. I really think this page deserves the attention of.
Please go to this great page;

Oh Indra! thank you for posting this. I was just about to share it. The head of this project is a friend of mine Debbie Kunesh who is an entertainment US journalist, she is also a member of The Michael Jackson Fan Club (MJFC). This is the site I have been talking about before with the fans during the trial whom I emailed here for a possible interview for this site before it was launched. And if in case there are still people out here who were in the courtroom at the 2005 trial and was present during the rallies and Mj's arraignment you can pm me here if you want to share your story with us on that site.

Let's keep spreading the L.O.V.E.

God Bless you all!