One Month Since Michael Jackson's Death: World Still in Shock

I've been crying every day in the past few days, it's starting to sink in for me now, I'm so afraid to think about the future and I can't stop crying I just want him back
most people had forgotten or didn't care about him but we were with him every step of the way, we were his support and he was feels so empty now :cry:
This has been the worst year of my life i thought losing my brother and stepdad 3 years ago was bad but losing my beloved favorite grandmother and singer in the span of 4 months had been the absolute worst :cry: :cry: :cry:
I cant believe this time has passed already, i know some of you have echoed it but i really do agree with Katherine, it does feel like just yesterday, these days have flown by.

I still cant 100% get my head around it, i mean, its Micheal Jackson!!!!!!!! how can he not be here?!?!?!

I mean, I read allllll the stories and everything blah blah every day, and it still doesnt seem to sink in that he llitterally isnt here anymore, it seems so rediculous to me...(even writing it seems crazy) I keep thinking somethings going to come along and say, it was a total misunderstanding and he is still here...

I think he is still very 'alive' with me beause ive been watching interviews, performances a lot, the only time it really seems to hit me is when i see tributes, people singing tributes really brings it home...

I suppose I had never contemplated a world without Michael.
I can not determine if I am in shock. Frankly I do not know how to react. Something in my emotional balance is broken and even though I'm very strong .. I see no end to these tears. I wish with all my heart to come back to smile and listen to my music ...
but it hurts ...maybe it hurts because we were too excited to London.
I can imagine the beauty of the moment in which he would have gone up on that stage. A star on earth!
.... it hurts to know that there will be other art from him.
We had thirst of music for many years and now I find myself unable to even hear his voice....incredible.

Show me another person, charitable / honest / good / generous / magic / excellent artist on earth and I stop crying.
I know what you mean. This month is a double whammy. First we'll have August 25th, so that will be another month. Then we will have August 29th-his first birthday not being here with us(physically anyway). :(
Yeah. I just thought... for me it's a quadruple whammy. August 25 marks two months. August 28th we were supposed to be in BK105. August 29th, his birthday. August 30th we were supposed to be in the 7th row :cry:

I finally got up the guts this afternoon to do the ticket refund thing with Ticketmaster and Viagogo. I just couldn't handle it before today. It's like full acknowledgement that it's all o-v-e-r :no:

I still cant 100% get my head around it, i mean, its Micheal Jackson!!!!!!!! how can he not be here?!?!?! ... I suppose I had never contemplated a world without Michael.
I know! I was thinking earlier today how much it feels like the world should've ended by now. It felt like that so much for me back in June. Like how could the world just go on without Michael here? Shouldn't it be the apocalypse now or something? It must be the end of the world. (I'm not meaning that I want that. I mean, Michael Jackson died, for God's sake!! How can that be?! Surely we can't breathe tomorrow. Surely the sun won't rise. Surely the world can't keep turning...)
My first post and it's so great to find a community where I can share my grief. I'm still not over it. I'll be okay for a while, but then I'll break down. Why is this so hard? I dream about him all the time.
I am still in shock. I am waiting still for someone to come and say this was a bad joke.

I tried to respond to your PM but you're not accepting PMs. Just wanted you to know.... see if you can fix it maybe in your preferences..
I believe this will be a wound that I can never fully recovered. Every song, every interview, every dance of him reminds me that he was no longer with us, he had just gone too soon. But whenever I thought of him in a much much better place with no pain and sorrow, I feel better but yet I still miss him so badly...
This is so hard, the pain feels like it was just yesterday but I can't believe it happened 6 weeks ago today. To me it feels like the days drag on and on and it happened months ago, I can't believe I've only managed 6 weeks :cry:
This is killing me! It's been more than a month and I still sometimes wonder if I am having a very long nitemare that I can't wake up from. I wish it was that way, so I could wake up to find out that he was still alive. Yesterday my husband and I went to a wedding, and I requested "Billie Jean". The DJ played other songs of Michael, including "Thriller", but he never played "Billie Jean". I was upset and I don't think I would have gotten so upset if Michael was still alive. I don't just like Michael Jackson because of "Billie Jean", but that's my favorite song because I like to dance to it. So I'm not trying to go on about the song of "Billie Jean", but my point is I got upset even though he played other songs by Michael Jackson and a couple from the Jackson 5, I wanted as much of Michael as I could get and "Billie Jean" would have been one more song by Michael that I could have heard. I still cry because he's gone. Why him? I always ask that question. I guess the song from Billy Joel comes to mind-"Only the Good Die Young". It doesn't answer my question though. Mother Teresa was a good saintly person too but she didn't die young. Why couldn't Michael have ALMOST died then they revived him and he was eventually back to good health because he would have been determined to get off the drugs? Why couldn't it have happened like that? I have always liked Michael Jackson, but at the same time, I am guilty of sometimes not appreciating him until it was too late. I say sometimes because I've watched anything that was of Michael on TV if I knew it was on. I would watch the Jackson 30th anniversary on youtube often(which I still do)/ I knew he was innocent of those sick allegations against him. At the same time, sometimes I didn't keep up with what was going on with him like I wish I did. I knew he was a good humanitarian, that he cared for all and helped as many people as possible. So I struggle with a little bit of guilt of not keeping up with what was going on with him, but I know if I knew something was going on with him, I'd find out what it was. When I first heard of his passing, I didn't realize he had passed. All I heard was that he was taken to the hospital and I said to my husband that I hoped he was alright. Then I heard he had no pulse or a weak pulse, I forgot now. Then I asked my husband if he was dead. My husband said yes. Needless to say it didn't sink in until the next day as I'm sure it took all of us a while.
I could go on, but I will stop here. It is indeed a very sad time for us MJ fans.

RIP Michael. I love you.

I still haven't figured out how to bold text here, but girl I'm feeling exactly what you're feeling. I feel guilty for having ignored Michael during the times in my life when things with ME were hectic and problematic. I feel frustrated that it had to be this final, this sudden slamming of the door is NOT what I expected AT ALL. I feel angry that it had to be him. I feel unreasonably weepy, unreasonably childish in my thoughts -- why, why, why could we not help him? he asked for help... he did... he wrote songs, he showed us his weakness, he shut himself off... all signs of a failure of hope. it didn't have to end this way and it still hurts -- a full five weeks after it happened.

I'm old enough to control my emotions, I've lived through hard times, I've survived many a storm. but I think his death is teaching many of us things about ourselves we hadn't even realized before. isn't that what he always wanted for every man and woman in the mirror? to learn from our mistakes, to move forward, to resolve our issues? the best way out for us is to help him help us -- in death just as he did in life.

I resolve here to never, EVER ignore a cry for help from anyone in my life.
me too i'm still in SHOCK :cry:

i don't believe that he is die :no: :no: i don't believe that he is die :no:
i don't think i can get over this shock ever either. its way too much! I think I would have been a bit more satisfied, even though I still would have been broken hearted, if he would have died after the concerts in London. He really wanted to show the world he can come back, but most importantly, impress his kids. It is just not fair.
I'm stil in shock, and it's been weeks.
I don't think i can ever fully get over it. It'll always come up and whisper in my ear, such a sad and dark whisper too.

D.S, i feeling same as you too...
so hard>