One Month Since Michael Jackson's Death: World Still in Shock


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Michael Jackson wrote the song Will You Be There for the album, which described about love one has for their dear friend in their troubled times. Now the same song is sang by millions in the loving memory of the Legendary King Of Pop: Michael Joseph Jackson.

But now Michael is gone ,then now who will be the scapegoat of the media?

But at last world and the media asked to Michael "Will You Be There?"

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I'm stil in shock, and it's been weeks.
I don't think i can ever fully get over it. It'll always come up and whisper in my ear, such a sad and dark whisper too.
Everytime I listen to his songs,I still can't believe he's no more.Its a very sad period during every MJ fans life
Has it been only a month?Time seems to have slowed down!
It saddens me to think i will never watch another 'live' interview again.At the same time I am happy the media do not have him to feed on!I listen to his music all day and i am happy i was alive to grow on his music.
No matter the amount of time that passes Michael will always be a part of our lives!
This is killing me! It's been more than a month and I still sometimes wonder if I am having a very long nitemare that I can't wake up from. I wish it was that way, so I could wake up to find out that he was still alive. Yesterday my husband and I went to a wedding, and I requested "Billie Jean". The DJ played other songs of Michael, including "Thriller", but he never played "Billie Jean". I was upset and I don't think I would have gotten so upset if Michael was still alive. I don't just like Michael Jackson because of "Billie Jean", but that's my favorite song because I like to dance to it. So I'm not trying to go on about the song of "Billie Jean", but my point is I got upset even though he played other songs by Michael Jackson and a couple from the Jackson 5, I wanted as much of Michael as I could get and "Billie Jean" would have been one more song by Michael that I could have heard. I still cry because he's gone. Why him? I always ask that question. I guess the song from Billy Joel comes to mind-"Only the Good Die Young". It doesn't answer my question though. Mother Teresa was a good saintly person too but she didn't die young. Why couldn't Michael have ALMOST died then they revived him and he was eventually back to good health because he would have been determined to get off the drugs? Why couldn't it have happened like that? I have always liked Michael Jackson, but at the same time, I am guilty of sometimes not appreciating him until it was too late. I say sometimes because I've watched anything that was of Michael on TV if I knew it was on. I would watch the Jackson 30th anniversary on youtube often(which I still do)/ I knew he was innocent of those sick allegations against him. At the same time, sometimes I didn't keep up with what was going on with him like I wish I did. I knew he was a good humanitarian, that he cared for all and helped as many people as possible. So I struggle with a little bit of guilt of not keeping up with what was going on with him, but I know if I knew something was going on with him, I'd find out what it was. When I first heard of his passing, I didn't realize he had passed. All I heard was that he was taken to the hospital and I said to my husband that I hoped he was alright. Then I heard he had no pulse or a weak pulse, I forgot now. Then I asked my husband if he was dead. My husband said yes. Needless to say it didn't sink in until the next day as I'm sure it took all of us a while.
I could go on, but I will stop here. It is indeed a very sad time for us MJ fans.

RIP Michael. I love you.
I am feeling more shock than I did before...WHen I first heard, I accepted it especially hearing the rumours of the drug use...but now it doesnt matter I just wish he was still with us. I keep fantasing differnet outcomes for that day and then I have to snap out of it. There is no more day dreaming about Michael, he is gone for good. WHen i hear that there might be more music out there we can hear, I feel better but then I realize, without him to finalize all that music and marketing and so on, it wont really be him. IT will be just money making machines for Sony and his family. I shudder to think of the horrible creative decisions that are going to be made in his name. I just wish Janet would be involved, but I realize she has to keep seperate because after all she has a career too.

I ache for his children, they must miss the wonderful days at home with him. I pray that they will be OK, that they will find normalcy in their lives somehow. The world is going to go after them like they did with LIsa Marie...Maybe somehow should can help them when the time comes. I hope so. She will be the only one that really knows what they are going to be faced with.

Michael whereever you are, please look over your devoted fans, the ones that saw you as a human being, and loved your art because it healed them and brought them so much joy and so much escape from an ugly world. Please help them get through it and to be stronger for it.
I know I'll never get over it. No matter what happened, no matter how he died, no matter who or what was involved - I'll just never, ever get over it.
No matter who's at fault, or whether anyone is at all, it was too early for him to go, he was needed here, HE WAS ONLY 50!!!:girl_tantrum:
And the more time elapses, the harder it gets, really...

But now Michael is gone ,then now who will be the scapegoat of the media?
Good question. He DID seem to be their favourite.
I was teary listening to him today walking along a beach, then just now listening to Dangerous :( I don't think he'd want us sad so I try not to be but I feel sad for him and the way he was treated in life when all he wanted to do was help others.
every time i hear something about MJ death i still can hardly believe what my ears are hearing,,,,i am still in shock and unbelief over that

it feels like a part of my youth died with him..............
I am too. I'm so hurt about this. and I hope these fueds about money AEG's role in this and The Jackson family don't stop the release of the "TII" footage coming out because I need every bit of Michael I can get right now!!!!!!!!!!!
to me it just gets worse , more surreal and painful... it strikes me...and i sit in the room and think by myself... could this be real? my hero is gone? :(
every time i hear something about MJ death i still can hardly believe what my ears are hearing,,,,
That's exactly how I feel. Everytime I hear something it's like there's another little part of me inside that hasn't heard yet the horrible news and it says, "What???!! No! That's not possible! Oh God! Michael!!!!"

I've been quite sad today. All day today. Cried several times. What's up with today??? And just earlier I was looking at the date here on my computer and thinking... it's over a month since and still... I'll be "ok" or even feeling happy (joking around, laughing) for a couple of days and then have a day like today. I'm struggling inside still to figure out what to do with this situation. New thoughts, new perspectives keep finding their way to my consciousness almost daily. And all the questions of why. Why now? Why him? Why, why, why??? Can his message get out there better without him? Really? So did God decide the world would work out better without him, or was this a horrible accident? And how is this better???

And then strange moments that torture my mind, like feeling guilty. What the... ? Like guilty that I didn't pray for him every day during the trial and that I let my own mess of a life at the time make me stay emotionally distant because I couldn't deal with that pain in addition. I feel bad that I sort of avoided dealing with it at the time. Things like that. I loved him with all my soul every moment from when I was 12 onward (God knows I did, and I hope Michael knows this now too), but somehow I still find things buried inside myself to feel weird or guilty about or feel I'd need to explain or justify or ask for forgiveness. It's really shocking to me that I'm feeling this. I never knew this about myself. I always thought I lived pretty guilt-free because I know I do the best I can at the time and that I'm a pretty decent person. I guess that's part of the grief process going through this, weird regrets you didn't even realize you'd ever have. I hate it, though. What will it be like another month from now? Or the month after that? I shudder to have to fully take in that it will be another month, year, decade without Michael. But I guess these stages of grief and thus the emotions will change and find new and interesting ways to make me miserable or make me smile. Probably both.
I'm certain that I'll never completely get over Michael's death. I haven't been able to listen to his music since the day he died. And I only play his music now if someone else wants to hear it. And even then I have to leave the room. It's too painful to hear his voice and remember that he's not around anymore. I also even find myself from time to time trying to talk myself out of caring how he died because it hurts me so badly to think about it. And also because no matter what happened to cause his death, nothing is going to bring him back. But still, I can't believe he's gone.
i bought the Ebony magazine tribute issue and have been reading the first part i have to say it has made me cry, bringing tears to my eyes it is a beautiful issue for MJ fans
lots of pixs and especially pics from his earlier days, the ways i rememeber MJ.....
had to put it down don;t want to cry again....
i bought the Ebony magazine tribute issue and have been reading the first part i have to say it has made me cry, bringing tears to my eyes it is a beautiful issue for MJ fans
lots of pixs and especially pics from his earlier days, the ways i rememeber MJ.....
had to put it down don;t want to cry again....

I saw it at $10.99 at Walgreen..........I must get it
when i think of everything that has happened since mj died i seriously want to vomit
That's exactly how I feel. Everytime I hear something it's like there's another little part of me inside that hasn't heard yet the horrible news and it says, "What???!! No! That's not possible! Oh God! Michael!!!!"

I've been quite sad today. All day today. Cried several times. What's up with today??? And just earlier I was looking at the date here on my computer and thinking... it's over a month since and still... I'll be "ok" or even feeling happy (joking around, laughing) for a couple of days and then have a day like today. I'm struggling inside still to figure out what to do with this situation. New thoughts, new perspectives keep finding their way to my consciousness almost daily. And all the questions of why. Why now? Why him? Why, why, why??? Can his message get out there better without him? Really? So did God decide the world would work out better without him, or was this a horrible accident? And how is this better???

And then strange moments that torture my mind, like feeling guilty. What the... ? Like guilty that I didn't pray for him every day during the trial and that I let my own mess of a life at the time make me stay emotionally distant because I couldn't deal with that pain in addition. I feel bad that I sort of avoided dealing with it at the time. Things like that. I loved him with all my soul every moment from when I was 12 onward (God knows I did, and I hope Michael knows this now too), but somehow I still find things buried inside myself to feel weird or guilty about or feel I'd need to explain or justify or ask for forgiveness. It's really shocking to me that I'm feeling this. I never knew this about myself. I always thought I lived pretty guilt-free because I know I do the best I can at the time and that I'm a pretty decent person. I guess that's part of the grief process going through this, weird regrets you didn't even realize you'd ever have. I hate it, though. What will it be like another month from now? Or the month after that? I shudder to have to fully take in that it will be another month, year, decade without Michael. But I guess these stages of grief and thus the emotions will change and find new and interesting ways to make me miserable or make me smile. Probably both.

I know what you mean. This month is a double whammy. First we'll have August 25th, so that will be another month. Then we will have August 29th-his first birthday not being here with us(physically anyway). :(
I still have a hard time accepting the fact that he is gone. It's as if my mind cannot process it and keeps telling me he is still here, I see pictures of him everywhere I go on magazine covers and it just doesn't feel like its real. But every once in a while something will just happen, Like a bomb will go off in my head and suddenly I am so overcome with sadness that I cannot help but cry when I think about him or listen to his music. It happened to me earlier when I was listening to the Bad album. Sometimes just a certain song or a particular photo of him will do it to me.
i bought the Ebony magazine tribute issue and have been reading the first part i have to say it has made me cry, bringing tears to my eyes it is a beautiful issue for MJ fans
lots of pixs and especially pics from his earlier days, the ways i rememeber MJ.....
had to put it down don;t want to cry again....

i cant find it lol
None of this should be happening! and I swear everyday I keep asking myself 'is this some long as nightmare I'm having....?'

I was just watching footage of him today performing and its like he's alive and well, like nothings changed. Never in million years could I have ever imagined this!
i bought the Ebony magazine tribute issue and have been reading the first part i have to say it has made me cry, bringing tears to my eyes it is a beautiful issue for MJ fans
lots of pixs and especially pics from his earlier days, the ways i rememeber MJ.....
had to put it down don;t want to cry again....

i cant find it lol

I cannot find the Ebony Tribute anywhere either.
It is like what Katherine said it's been month but it seems like yesterday.
i was on my way to have final exam when my friend stopped me""you no what?!!Michael Jackson passed away!!!“
i will never forget my feeling at that moment ,blank in my head"is this michael jackson that Michael Jackson???"
but i never doubt it fake cuz my intuition told me thats true......he left
I havent been the same since
its like im in a fog_ everything is so sureal I have a lump in my chest
like anxiety and it wont go away .. my heart hurts _ i feel like I lost
a part of myself _ I want to hold on to him so tight and not let him go.
I feel if I do Ill die inside _ but living through this seems so painful right
now _ I know grieiving is a process and that the pain will lessen as
I go through it _ but going through it is HELL
i was on my way to have final exam when my friend stopped me""you no what?!!Michael Jackson passed away!!!“
i will never forget my feeling at that moment ,blank in my head"is this michael jackson that Michael Jackson???"
but i never doubt it fake cuz my intuition told me thats true......he left

I think you had a very tough time while writing the exam,especially after hearing the news of loosing somebody who was like a family for all of us.
I am still in shock. I am waiting still for someone to come and say this was a bad joke.