OMG I just found 2 baby kittens outside!!!


Proud Member
Jul 29, 2009
I'm at work now and I just found 2 kittens walking in the stairs outside my office window... I took them and put them in my office's bathroom!

Bought them a litter, food (they jumped on it!) and a box so I can take them home until I find them a family (I already live with 3 cats so.. not 2 more please)

It's terrible to put two little thing like this outside with winter coming!

How cruel can people be!
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I am so glad you rescued them! I hope they find a home soon.
Oooh, I love cats. I already have two, If you wouldn't live that far away I would take 'em immediatly. :D
That's great that you rescued them! :) I don't get why people do that, it's not hard to go round knocking on a few doors or putting some posters up to see if somebody wants them for free. I hope you find them a good home :D

Off topic but I quite like that tat on your arm, it's a nice tribute :) :huggy:
Here's a pic of them I just took.

The male,

The female

I'll post some messages on forum I know, I think it'll be easy to find them a good family.

awww- they are adorable.. and looks scared:no:

i have rescued two cats as well.... so i won't be having anymore pets (kids) for a while. they do bring a lot of joy into my life.:D

nice tat! i wish i was that brave.
aww that's so sweet of you to rescue the kittens! :)
I wish I could could have them. :(
Their soo pretty :D
Oh wow those Kittens lookf adorable! :D But yeah they do look scared an I hope a home is found soon.

Tattoo is great :D
Oh wow, they are super cute! I wish I could take them but I already have two kitties (rescued by ASPCA) in a one-bedroom apartment.

I love your tattoo as well!
The little female found anew home, one of my coworkers took her with him :)

The little guy is at home with me and he tries hard to win my heart!

Since he's about a little more than 2 months.. I decided he was born on August 29th ;)

And for the moment.. his name is Mike (Mikie)... :wub:
Awwww :cry:
Poor little babies!

If I were in your city I would adopt them in a heartbeat. Seriously.
My boyfriend would kill me, but it'd be worth it. :lol:

Also, your tattoo is precious...:heart:
Ok, Mike (kitten) has been sleeping lying on my knees while me on the net..

He farted like 4 times, and he smells!!! :lmao:

At least he's cute ;)
awww omg they are adorable!!!! Im hoping to get a new cat around Christmas time.
This is a lovely story and a gift from above! :) Thanks for sharing!!!
Thank you for being so caring to the kittens. I have 4 of them. I also feed the cats outside my spartment building. I have one I call Banshe ( I name all my cats after X-men) because as soon as I open the door he meows very loudly to tell me to feed him and he keeps meowing til I do. It is very hard to place the cats after you've named them. You kind of get attached. I hope all goes well for you.
I am MAD!!!

My coworker who took the female...

I just asked him how she was doing.. he told me she was making too much noise and nobody wanted a 3rd cat in their appartment (he didn't ask them!!???) so he took her to to SPCA... When I told him that if there was something wrong, he had to bring her back to me... But I just checked on their website and she's not there!

Please somebody calm me down!!!
aww SO CUTE :heart:
cuuuuuute cute LOVE 'EM :heart:
it's good that you rescued them
god bless you
I am MAD!!!

My coworker who took the female...

I just asked him how she was doing.. he told me she was making too much noise and nobody wanted a 3rd cat in their appartment (he didn't ask them!!???) so he took her to to SPCA... When I told him that if there was something wrong, he had to bring her back to me... But I just checked on their website and she's not there!

Please somebody calm me down!!!

what happend hun :hug: :better:
Hi all,

I've been a member here since July, but never posted so far because I was happy just reading everyone else's posts and giggling at some of the funny threads - this forum lifts my spirits each time I stop to think just how absurd the world is without MJ and how intolerable the very idea is to me... And instead of weeping - yet again - I'll just giggle at some gif or some sick macro and find comfort in the idea that MJ isn't completely gone if his spirit is present in so many hearts out there....

And speaking of this, CarineMJJ, I love it that you rescued those kittens. I hope you find out eventually what happened to the female kitten - how unfortunate that your colleague should be so casual about that... as for "Mike", dunno, but he seems so sweet - being all cute and the farty type, lol - maybe you should keep him, even if you have 3 cats already... whatever happens, I hope he finds a home :)

And I really wanted to say I was in complete awe of your tat. Here's the thing: I don't understand tattoo - I don't believe in it. The concept of inking oneself for life, this idea of indelibility is beyond me. I see millions of idiots with celtic armbands and I feel sorry for them. But then your tat, no name, no silhouette, just "Never can say goodbye / 1958-Forever"... wow... found that ever so classy. This is about the coolest MJ tat I've ever seen. I've been obsessing over it all day actually, thinking of getting something similar myself.

So I wanted to ask you this: your tat is on your forearm, very visible. Since you've had it done, how have people reacted so far? I don't mean people you know, like family or colleagues or friends, but in general, with people you don't know, like when you buy something at a store or when you go to your dentist or stuff like that -- do people comment on your tat? Or do they just give it a look and look at you and say nothing? How many of those who comment ask you what your tat stands for and how many get the drift right away? Sorry for all these questions - I'm just trying to get the idea of what it means to get a tat on such a visible area...


PS: I can't for the life of me find how to insert emoticons. I have no emoticon bar, no smiley box, nothing.... how d'you guys do it?
Well, first, thanks for your comment about my tat lol

It is visible but I chose those words so not many people knows what it stands for, most important is I know what it means, and fans can understand too.

People notice it but they usually don't ask, and if they do, I tell em it's private (not many MJ fans here, when you say you are, you get laughed at sooo).

Good luck on decideing wheter or not you get a tat.

And thanks for the good wishes for the kitten :)

P.S. Smileys are on the bottom left of he page, if you click on Smilies are on, you get to the page where they all are.
I am MAD!!!

My coworker who took the female...

I just asked him how she was doing.. he told me she was making too much noise and nobody wanted a 3rd cat in their appartment (he didn't ask them!!???) so he took her to to SPCA... When I told him that if there was something wrong, he had to bring her back to me... But I just checked on their website and she's not there!

Please somebody calm me down!!!

oh no!!! :no:
Thanks for replying!

Yeah I'm considering it, but I'm afraid if I get one I would just stare at it all day :smilerolleyes: