Omer has changed his name to Omer Michael Bhatti.

he can change is name to whatever he wants.

He can, and he's entitled to, no one is disputing that. Its just it raises question on his part, as he hasn't exactly denied that rumor that the tabloids created, and now this...Sure seems like he's milking it to me.
I just want it to be known that there will be zero speculation about MJ being "daddy" to Omer (which originated back in '95-'96 in the tabloids), which is not true. Just wanted to beat anyone to the punch and lay the warning out there now.

You guys have been great so far just keep it up. :) Remain respectful and Carry On!

I will add that it does seem rather odd the timing of this, but hey the kid is allowed to change it to whatever he wants. Not going to add anymore at the current moment.
In some photos he does look like MJ, but that's not saying anything really....but do any of us even have confirmation that he isn't MJ's secret son? I mean..if we don;t....than it means we don't know for sure at all.
Let's all do that!

:toofunny: :toofunny: :toofunny:

Oh, yeah! Mine will be thaaat funny: Paola Michael..... eeewwwww :lol:
That's just for some people, my name doesn't fit :mello:

This is not from the Associated Press but from Verdens Gang, a Norwegian tabloid.

I'd take this with a grain of salt if I were you...

He has, its changed to Omer Michael J Bhatti.. I thought the J stood for Jackson but now I read this story it must stand for Jamal.The name change is in honour of MJ, like you would name your kid... the papers are going to make something more out of it though.twinklee made a good observation about the pap pics and he does seem to be milking his association with MJ.. I didn't think he would do that but there you go..
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He never sat well with me. He looks like he can sell MJ out anytime. Does anyone know if he was living with Michael as recent as June 25th?
No, Michael wasn't having random people living with him anymore. And good for him.
:lmao::lmao::lmao: how cute my new ID is Shariece Michael bethea Joesph Jackson i'm offically his child haha
I think this is OK, no problem. I don't think this should be somekind of problem, at least he was close friend of Michael, not just one dude who wanted to be close to Michael. Omer is good guy.
In some photos he does look like MJ, but that's not saying anything really....but do any of us even have confirmation that he isn't MJ's secret son? I mean..if we don;t....than it means we don't know for sure at all.

Like I said before this is not going to turn into a thread about whether or not Omer is his son. The story that came out last year originated from a tabloid story dating back to 1995-1996. Omer is not Michael's son. And just as an observation I do not see Michael leaving ANY child of his out of his will. Period. This'll be the final word on this topic, out of respect for Michael and his children.

Any more discussion or speculation on the matter and this thread will be closed.

If you want to discuss Omer's name change go ahead, carry on. Stay on Topic. Stay Respectful.

Keep Michaeling!
Like I said before this is not going to turn into a thread about whether or not Omer is his son. The story that came out last year originated from a tabloid story dating back to 1995-1996. Omer is not Michael's son. And just as an observation I do not see Michael leaving ANY child of his out of his will. Period. This'll be the final word on this topic, out of respect for Michael and his children.

Any more discussion or speculation on the matter and this thread will be closed.

If you want to discuss Omer's name change go ahead, carry on. Stay on Topic. Stay Respectful.
Thank you White Chocolate. :)
If this is true, this kid is really milking it for all it's worth. So sad. :(

How is he miliking it exactly? the guy has refused to do interviews on mj before his death and since his death. He has as far I can see been a very loyal friend to both MJ and his children. Never selling stories or talking publicly about them.
And now you guys are accusing him of tipsing the paparzzi and using his relations to get attention from the media?.. that's just mean, honestly. I think he deserves more respect than that.

So he changed his name? I guess he did it because he's lost someone dear to him and wants to honor them in the best way he knows how. And you wanna call it miliking it? ... please.