Ok hate to be a debbie downer here but...

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:smilerolleyes: It's obvious you don't care about his health. Me and MicHil's main priorities for Michael are his health and his happieness.

And.. that's all I'm gonna say, because you think you're right and everyone else is wrong. That's okay though, because your the Queen of Right and we are only the Peasants of Wrong.
Why do you think she doesn't care about his health?

But that's not the point any way...she is right in saying that you can't compare any other tours with it...he doesn't have to travel all over the world and all that jazz...
you know, yall, it really doesn't matter. MJ is the one who did the concerts. MJ is the one who did the hard work. only MJ knew what he went through. what i will say, is, that, in 2001, he did a tv documentary where he just said that touring put him through HELL.

and...AEG 'said' 10 shows..which became 50, and AEG said they had big plans. if it were up to them, he WOULD be going all over the world, for at least 3 years. plus another poster had stated a quote from MJ's father where his father taught him never to show that there is anything wrong, when you are on stage. chances are, that if something WAS wrong, we would not be able to tell by looking at him. and it makes sense that all actors and other entertainers are told to put on an act, and not look like something is wrong. that's why it's called a 'show', and an 'act'. all entertainers are trained that way, as a tradition.

certainly, i recall Brittany Murphy, in her last role. there was no way for me to think that something was wrong, when i saw the snippet of her performance on screen.
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:smilerolleyes: It's obvious you don't care about his health. Me and MicHil's main priorities for Michael are his health and his happieness.

And.. that's all I'm gonna say, because you think you're right and everyone else is wrong. That's okay though, because your the Queen of Right and we are only the Peasants of Wrong.


Are you for real? :toofunny: In any case, you cheered me up alot tonight, thanks.

Are you for real? :toofunny: In any case, you cheered me up alot tonight, thanks.

Wow, nice Tiffany Pollard/"New York" graphic (or whatever those are called), lol! I don't see that every day!
lets try reading this again and see how many people actually get my point this time... Hopefully more then one person this time.

I want to just put something out there. We are all getting our hopes up for things on this dvd/blu-ray set. Now If the things you hope are not on there please don't go all crazy. lol.

We need to remember that Michael never wanted us to see this anyway. This wasn't his best, we all know his best. This is a REHEARSAL We have to remember this. I feel guilty for even wanting this knowing that Michael hated to do anything half assed. And this was as half assed as it got. We have to also be grateful for what we get. This is something that we shouldn't be getting. Michael should be on stage performing these songs for all the people who loved him.

I know we will be happy with this but some of us will no doubt bitch and moan for some reason or another. And to those i say Get over yourself. Be satisfied for once in your life.

Ok I'm done. Please remember.
I have been here long enough to see that people will find fault with this even though we have seen it in the theater. What i am saying is FOR ONCE be satisfied.

I think we have all seen and discussed and analized and over-analized and dreamt of TII many times. I saw the movie 12 times.... At the 6th I already knew most of the few lines of it LOL!!

So I don't think it would be fair or smart form us to be dissapointed by the rehearsals. We know what we are buying.

HOWEVER, I think some people might complain if we don't receive what we are being offered: more FOOTAGE OF MICHAEL JACKSON. I love the work of Mr. Ortega and the dancers and singers, but honestly, I don't mean to buy the BR/DVD to hear more of them, or just to see more comments by them. I want to see them, sure, for they were close to MJ and made this journey by his side, but... I am getting this for Michael. Period.

At first there was some discussion about new rehearsals to be included: Stranger in Moscow, AT LEAST. Now it sees like this is not included. If this is missing, I'll be dissapointed. That simple and that easy to forget.

If I have TII and any new footage of Michael, I am glad. I don't expect perfection of this. Not a all. I know this is work in progress and no matter what some people (many people, actually) might think, for me, this is a gift. I live so far away from Michael, he was so out of reach for me, that this is really more than I could expected at this point.
This thread is being closed because the originator asked for it to be closed, and I just have to say, almost nobody actually read and tried to understand the point of it and this entire thread turned into another fight, like many threads are on here lately... it's very dissapointing :(
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