Official Statement From The Estate Of Michael Jackson To The Fans

Re: Official Message From The Estate Of Michael Jackson To The Fans

And they say we , the fans are the judge. So if we don't want the Cascio recordings on it, they won't be? LMAO....yeah right.
Re: Official Message From The Estate Of Michael Jackson To The Fans

l don't believe them bla bla bla
Anything for money.
Re: Official Message From The Estate Of Michael Jackson To The Fans

Yeah, didn't they first say it was 100% MJ? Now they admit Porte is there as well. But I'm afraid not just on the background vocals like they claim....

Yea, Teddy said it's MJ never mentioned Porte singing sh*t! Not, even in BG! Just MJ! LOL But, now Porte is mentioned why...? Because many people heard clearly there was somebody else there! So they have no choice now to tell the truth! And ur right, I do believe also Porte is more then just BG help that's why we complained in the first place hearing such a difference, but, some seem to forget that now!:smilerolleyes::doh:

I say hey if people want to buy the album then buy it! I never pre-ordered it anyways! So I will wait to see what happens, cause it's still early for changed...I hope?!:angel: I don't just want to settle just because others will be no doubt MJ songs! When all tracks should be do doubts period, not just some!
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Re: Official Message From The Estate Of Michael Jackson To The Fans

Ok, maybe it is MJ then on BN and Monster, which i find very hard to believe.
Why? Because i don't like the sound at ALL! This cannot be on a K.O.P. album, just can't!

It's not his sound and way of making songs, listen to al his own songs, this doesn't even comes close to that!!

I am sorry for the Cascio's but i don't want their tracks on MICHAEL period!

OOoh yeah, i don't care if it's the Estate that comes wtih this statement. I still won't believe that the mainvocals are MJ's!
I'm sorry it just makes me sad to hear MJ like this...;(
Re: Official Message From The Estate Of Michael Jackson To The Fans

Also do not forget that Mike might be also composer/writer/cowriter to this, or the rest of tracks.

He is featuring not only as singer, but as composer.

All they need is clear credit on other voices, and specific exactly where, especially if they are singing on the main.

so you're saying he'd write lyrics saying 'because I"M MICHAEL JACKSON' as if he thinks he's self important? he never exuded that spirit in the past.. i felt weird just hearing that. never heard that sentiment from him before, and i don't believe that's his sentiment, now.
Re: Official Message From The Estate Of Michael Jackson To The Fans

No, dont you see? Its not about whether the songs are good or not! Its about the way they treat his music, and us! It's about being dishonest about what they're selling! If we let this go, then next time, they'll sell you anything under Michael's name, just because he used the bathroom in the same building it was recorded! If you release a song where Michael is not the main singer, then dont say it's a Michael Jackson song! Like HMH is Akon FEATURING MJ.

we are nothing but idiots for them
at least we all agree they lied when not mentioned another singer in the first place!
Re: Official Message From The Estate Of Michael Jackson To The Fans

No, dont you see? Its not about whether the songs are good or not! Its about the way they treat his music, and us! It's about being dishonest about what they're selling! If we let this go, then next time, they'll sell you anything under Michael's name, just because he used the bathroom in the same building it was recorded! If you release a song where Michael is not the main singer, then dont say it's a Michael Jackson song! Like HMH is Akon FEATURING MJ.

then the question should be: why are they already doin it now?
they will release fake music anyway, not only if we complain about it now, because they already did it.

but then i really cant imagine that they would take this risk and release fake music.. it just makes no sense.
Re: Official Message From The Estate Of Michael Jackson To The Fans

I'm outraged. Nice statement, until you PUT THE FREAKIN SONG ON! Then you immediately remember why you kicked up a stink in the first place.

Count me on for an demonstrations and not buying this album if they proceed with these songs being on MICHAEL.

Count me too. I am not buying it either.
Re: Official Message From The Estate Of Michael Jackson To The Fans

No, lol. It's gotten to the point where people who DON'T think it's MJ are steadfast in their opinion and to hell with what those who actually worked with MJ and actually know the complexities of his voice say, while those that DO think it's MJ are basing their opinion on the words of the Estate, Sony, and various producers and are now trying to move on and look forward to the album and the other 9 tracks slated to be on it.

This is Fun! NOT

Don't forget there's also people who has worked with Michael as well as members from the family saying they don't think it's him. It seems like their opinions can't be right to those fans who believe it's Michael, because they are not printed in 'official statements'.
Re: Official Message From The Estate Of Michael Jackson To The Fans

One more thing:

I don't buy the whole "cheap microphone" thing. 1) I've used cheap microphones; they don't change the timbre of the voice that much, 2) The Cascios have money; they probably had decent equipment, 3) we've heard Michael speak ON THE PHONE and still can tell it's him.
Re: Official Message From The Estate Of Michael Jackson To The Fans

so you're saying he'd write lyrics saying 'because I"M MICHAEL JACKSON' as if he thinks he's self important? he never exuded that spirit in the past.. i felt weird just hearing that. never heard that sentiment from him before, and i don't believe that's his sentiment, now.

I pissed myself laughing when I first heard it. Like, is this a joke? Where's the real track? He wouldn't write that or sing that - which is why THEY HAD TO HIRE SOMEBODY ELSE TO DO IT!
Re: Official Message From The Estate Of Michael Jackson To The Fans

They're trying to change history. If this isn't scary I don't know what it. TO WHOEVER LEAKED THE ACAPELLA AT SONY, We need you now more than ever! Please, share more proof.

They have to proof because they are lying to us. That is not MJ.
Re: Official Message From The Estate Of Michael Jackson To The Fans

I think it may be time to drop this guys, as much as you all think you know Michael you don't know him better than the people who worked with him, all your doing by continuing your campaign is jeapordising the albums success.
If you actually listen to the song without accusing it of not being Michael you'll realise its a really good song, I think you should all just enjoy the song and look forward to the album which you will love all but 3 of the tracks which you believe arent Michael, you can always take those 3 off your playlist if you dont think there Michael
Re: Official Message From The Estate Of Michael Jackson To The Fans

so you're saying he'd write lyrics saying 'because I"M MICHAEL JACKSON' as if he thinks he's self important? he never exuded that spirit in the past.. i felt weird just hearing that. never heard that sentiment from him before, and i don't believe that's his sentiment, now.

Listen to some interviews or trial depositions. He did speak at himself in third person. He said quite few times, 'Michael Jackson' , when talking about him as star/institution/brand. It looked as if he was another person commenting on Michael Jackson.

I remember because first when I heard, I laughed my a*s off. It sounded so odd for me! LOL

It does not mean that he saw him as self important, but means more that he was very capable to detach his inner self, from the brand Michael Jackson.
Re: Official Message From The Estate Of Michael Jackson To The Fans

One more thing:

I don't buy the whole "cheap microphone" thing. 1) I've used cheap microphones; they don't change the timbre of the voice that much, 2) The Cascios have money; they probably had decent equipment, 3) we've heard Michael speak ON THE PHONE and still can tell it's him.

exactly!!! :yes:
Re: Official Message From The Estate Of Michael Jackson To The Fans

I'm sure all this experts are right. The voice in the RAW VOCALS they heard (as is said in the statement) is Michael Jackson's voice.

My problem is "Breaking news", the song they give us, not this RAW DEMO. Let us hear the original one!
Re: Official Message From The Estate Of Michael Jackson To The Fans

And they say we , the fans are the judge. So if we don't want the Cascio recordings on it, they won't be? LMAO....yeah right.

If we are the judge then they should put a voting contest on so we can vote!
Re: Official Message From The Estate Of Michael Jackson To The Fans

I think it may be time to drop this guys, as much as you all think you know Michael you don't know him better than the people who worked with him, all your doing by continuing your campaign is jeapordising the albums success.

Rodney Jerkins worked with him as well. 3T worked with him as well. Their thoughts don't count?
Re: Official Message From The Estate Of Michael Jackson To The Fans

If all of those people who worked with MJ say it's him then that's pretty good evidence. Though it would be nice if we could hear the a cappella version they listened to, to get rid of any doubt.
Re: Official Message From The Estate Of Michael Jackson To The Fans

Why couldn't they put Rodney jerkins invincible songs on the album
Re: Official Message From The Estate Of Michael Jackson To The Fans

we are nothing but idiots for them
at least we all agree they lied when not mentioned another singer in the first place!

Not informing is not lying, we have no clue how the song was going to be presented on the album?? as I've said before they might have chosen to credit it as MJ featuring?
Re: Official Message From The Estate Of Michael Jackson To The Fans

Rodney Jerkins worked with him as well. 3T worked with him as well. Their thoughts don't count?

How about his brother Jackie? His mother and father? His children? His sister? His FANS??
Re: Official Message From The Estate Of Michael Jackson To The Fans

I'm sure all this experts are right. The voice in the RAW VOCALS they heard (as is said in the statement) is Michael Jackson's voice.

My problem is "Breaking news", the song they give us, not this RAW DEMO. Let us hear the original one!

Re: Official Message From The Estate Of Michael Jackson To The Fans

So the truth was that you guys didnt like the song,
why didnt you say so at the beginning,
I wasted alot of energy telling everybody how this was confirmed by all his top folks
he worked with over 20 years.
Re: Official Message From The Estate Of Michael Jackson To The Fans

I'm sure all this experts are right. The voice in the RAW VOCALS they heard (as is said in the statement) is Michael Jackson's voice.

My problem is "Breaking news", the song they give us, not this RAW DEMO. Let us hear the original one!
That's exactly the point.
Michael's former producers/collaborators listened and judged the original demo with raw vocals.
Fans listened and judged the over-processed version.
So there's no comparison.

Estate should release the original demo they listened to.
Re: Official Message From The Estate Of Michael Jackson To The Fans

Don't forget there's also people who has worked with Michael as well as members from the family saying they don't think it's him. It seems like their opinions can't be right to those fans who believe it's Michael, because they are not printed in 'official statements'.


3T - there were rumors for months that they are mad on Cascios, because Mike rejected them some songs that they came with, and instead Mike preffered to work with them..

Rodney Jerkins - he was not invited to this current project, he was left behind.

More important producers are stating that the mains are Michael - Bruce Sweden, Teddy Riley. Mike worked with those 2, more that he ever worked with Jerking or 3T ( family or not the matter is strictly one pertaining recording and studio work )
Re: Official Message From The Estate Of Michael Jackson To The Fans

One more thing:

I don't buy the whole "cheap microphone" thing. 1) I've used cheap microphones; they don't change the timbre of the voice that much, 2) The Cascios have money; they probably had decent equipment, 3) we've heard Michael speak ON THE PHONE and still can tell it's him.

The Cascios had a whole studio built for Michael, they could afford decent equipment.
ROLMAO @ 3) It's true!!

Whatever, first they say its all Michael, then all the sudden, ONCE WE HAVE DONE SOME RESEARCH... the name of Porte appears... and the version of the song is changed on the official website... pppfff!
Re: Official Message From The Estate Of Michael Jackson To The Fans

Rodney Jerkins worked with him as well. 3T worked with him as well. Their thoughts don't count?

Obviously they don't, like I posted on page 13, because their thoughts are not printed in 'official statements'.