Re: How many of you pre-ordered the OPUS book already?
I'm in doubt...not sure if i wanna buy it, because apart from being full of pics -many we've seen before - I don't see it very...hmm interesting.
I would expect some of Michael's work -essays, poems, etc-
So, give me some reasons, guys, why did you pre-ordered it, what attracted you to it?
I ordered it a) because Michael authoried it and loved it, and b) because the new technology involved is super cool. Princes Opus, 21 (gee, wonder where that name came from) comes with a pre-loaded iPod, but this card that shows Michael's rare moments through your videocam is super, super cool.
Have you guys done it on their site??? It is SOOOOO Coool. Everyone in my office keeps saying, HOW DID YOU DO THAT??????
Magic, people, magic. AND, Michael loved magic, and now the Opus will solidify that. Plus I want to see the full uncropped pics from his life, the rare items no one else has seen and the mere size and grandure of it makes it a collector's item and something to share with friends (who will undoubtadly view Mike in a better light) make it all worthwhile.
I wouldn't have bought it if there were doubt about Michael wanting to do it, but after seeing the new magic technology and knowing he'll be the first Opus (or anything) to do this, makes it all worthwhile. Plus, he deserves one. AND, they weren't lying about it. The other Opus', including Princes sell for more than 2,000 pounds. So, why wouldn't I get it? Plus the price doubles soon. The price now is just for pre-orders until a certain time. I'm sure the second doubled price will increase in a few weeks as well. Actually, the book will probably cost a thousand pounds by the time it is released, so $195 isn't bad at all. Have you all seen how big this thing is? It's Super High Quality High Resolution photos and never before seen items. Michael chose the pics himeslf. He just wanted to wait to add photos from "This is It", so I am glad they are continuing the project and honestly, I believe that it IS for the fans. They seem to honoring Michael's wishes, unlike coug***AEG***cough who I now think were involved in the death of a superstar. How much so will only come out in time.