Official Michael Jackson Bobble Head Released

... guys, now we can appreciate that the markets have the interest in producing such MJ stuff, because in 10 years... I am not sure we will have the chance to buy something like this.... on a large scale like this!

During 90s and 00s Michael had almost nothing official - OFFICIALLY authorized by his family or Estate.

Now... there are the only things that are selling around the world as the official MJ brand!
I think its more about the part of MJs legacy, not about our personal attitude towards such things.

You have to imagine people looking at this stuff on the stands at malls, supermarkets... and the impact on society knowing - its Michael Jackson, see the point?
It's not bobblehead.

It's applehead! :lol:
lol, i just agreee - this is not Michael. Whoever they did, it is not Mike.

let's think positive and just say: it's another MJ Impersonator