:waving: Hey Jess, yeh I'm not too bad I'm about to jump off the computer in a second to make a cake, I feel like doing a little cooking.
I just jumped online to say :hi: to everyone and to check all of my animals on facebook so they don't die or run away,
yeh it's cooled down here heaps too, how ever its still quite muggy, this morning I was out cleaning Milly's and Molly's cage and I was only outside for 10 minutes and the sweat was literally dripping off me.
I ended up having to go and have a shower before went out with mum and dad to riverlink to have a look at the shops and get out of the house.
Anyway I'm off to go and cook this cake and I'll either talk to you tonight if your on here and if your not I'll talk to you tomorrow
bye bye :waving:
Oh and Misty if you come on here today be sure to bring the
as I've got a piece of cake with your name waiting for you