Now's the perfect time to release The Making Of Thriller on DVD


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
With all the hype of Thriller 25 at the moment MJ would be foolish not to release The Making Of Thriller on DVD
Yer it would be perfect. Plus I want it. I was just going to buy the VHS.

It's such a shame it hasn't been released on DVD so far!! I want it BAD!!
Yes your'e right.. Would be cool with a Thriller 25 Special airing all over the world and a well promoted Making of Thriller DVD.

That would probably boost up the T25 cd aswell :)
ur right.. it's a great time to release it on DVD...

They could easily release 'The Making of THRILLER VIDEOS'

Having all the Makings of Thriller, Billie Jean, & Beat It

There is no reason why they are not on DVD..

I mean we've seen a lot of the making of Beat It, just in sections and clips throughout the years.. So obviously they have the footage.. now release it.
A good time to release The Making of Thriller would be in December, because that month is the official and accurate 25th Anniversary of premier screening of Thriller in MTV and many channels around the world.

I've had the The Making of Thriller since it was released in 1984, and I've recently transfered it over to DVD, and transfered my DVD version on to my PSP which is really cool. But I would love Michael to release The Making of Thriller since on DVD, because such an legendary and ground breaking music video deserves a DVD release.
Even this guy at work.. when he saw my THRILLER 25 package.. He was all 'Is the Making of Thriller in there?'


He's not a big MJ fan but he was like.. "Man I loved that video, I used to watch the making all the time.. How can they release an anniversary version without the Making of Thriller?"
should have been released on the CD. but its typically to easy to just throw thriller and motown 25 on there
Even this guy at work.. when he saw my THRILLER 25 package.. He was all 'Is the Making of Thriller in there?'


He's not a big MJ fan but he was like.. "Man I loved that video, I used to watch the making all the time.. How can they release an anniversary version without the Making of Thriller?"

I agree with that statement. I thought it was pretty foolish of MJ and/or Sony not to include the "Making of Thriller" onto the Thriller 25 DVD. :no:
its sheer laziness on all sides imo. its well known what sony think of mj fans interms of putting any old stuff out there and they will still buy it.
So, elusive? That is what fans do. We buy what WE think is great and Michael is just that, GREAT.

And yes, I think that the Making Of Thriller should be released on DVD, as pretty much all films have done in recent years. So, elusive, this film is no different.

BUT, I do agree with you that Sony only thinks of us as fans that will buy anything and everything. That point has never been truer. :)
Sonly doesn't own the making of thriller. That product was bought by MTV and other outlets to fund the video which sony refused to pay for.
yeah but isnt making of thriller owned by mtv and mj so not just upto mj. but if it could be released maybe they should add more content on dvd for sf. ie victory tour highlights,, pepsi ads, grammy awards american music awards montage. and maybe a new doc on making of thriller the album incl details and small clips of deleted songs - or maybe dvd could come with 5 trk bonus outtakes cd or something like that. come on mj that would get the fans buying product - but come on make sure digitally mastered picyure and sound
When I watched 'the making of thriller' on youtube the person who posted it said something along the lines of him being able to post it without going against copyright because the company that used to own the film doesn't own it anymore. I'm going to check if it still says that with the video and what company it was...
But on subject,I would love to see it released on dvd.I think there is a whole generation that didn't get the video when it came out so I think it would sell well :)

Edit: I just checked youtube but the video with that specific describtion isn't on there anymore :s
It was when the making of thriller was first posted on youtube,so it was a while ago,I can't remember what company they said owned it till that point.
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well if MTV ownes it.. SONY could have easily gotten it in still and payed for use of it..

They would pay the amount needed to use it.. MTV would get a small percentage.. through the MTV logo on the album credits and DVD credits and that is that..

I mean they don't have the RIGHTS for everything that was used.. I mean they had to give credit to many different outlets for using there stuff..

Recording studio equiptment/copyright issues/ and many other things..

all those credits they give in the back of the album are people that they also PAID to use there stuff..

What would be so hard to get the MAKING of THRILLER??

and.. Hold on a second.. Do I remember watching The Making of Thriller on VH1?? well ya, I have it recorded too and it has a VH1 logo on one of them.. Also, they show lips of it on various chanells all the time.. BET, MTV, VH1, even news channels..

So what's so hard?? I don't understand..
^ same would also be nice to have The Making of Thriller on DVD as well.
Michael owns The Making of Thriller. MTV bought the original broadcasting rights but Michael owns the footage and the publishing rights. Michael's production companies, MJJ Productions and Optimum Productions, owns the documentary along with The Legend Continues. Moonwalker is slightly different