Now AEG are fighting amongst themselves.., Randy Phillips writes to AEG Concert producer

this cartoon is just 0.001% of what Michael had endured throughout his life because of the media etc...
So please RP, show how truly brave you can be.
True. Poor Michael :(
This is just for them to get a little taste of what MJ had to endure.
we just closed a $60m deal against a gigantic back-end for the rights to the film that will be created from all the footage we so wisely shot from the beginning of this project to the last rehearsal.
Ah see!!!!! They know MJ was not 100% able to make it.
They wisely took the footages as a back up just in case MJ died?
I always questioned the intense amount of footage being taken before the concerts. If it were a back up then they obviously were questions in their heads about the health of Michael Jackson.

Companies are so polluted, they neednt throw any dirt out into the atmosphere because their ethics and self indulgence is enough pollution to mentally emotionally cripple the world.
I don't think the footage was taken because they knew MJ was going to die. MJ documents everything and I think they were always planning on putting this together as a package. It's just really sad that it's turned out this way.
I don't think the footage was taken because they knew MJ was going to die. MJ documents everything and I think they were always planning on putting this together as a package. It's just really sad that it's turned out this way.
I agree
It was footage to be used for the making of ..
Michael alway sshot behind the scene footage
Lost of it _ There is NOTHING suspicious abot that.

Michael does on every project and it was a wise decision they
they did shoot it _ for the sake of MJ his Legacy and estate
it would be much sadder if they didnt... Michael would have
nothing to show for all the work he put into this ..

The purpose of the contact and project was to make money for MJ and AEG
that should continue and not stop _ certainly Michael/estate deserves it.

what do you guys think AEG should do can the footage and lock it in a vault
Now is the BESt time for MJs project and merchandise and books etc etc _
to make profit for his estate _ its not disrespectful to MJ _its what he would
want _ what he originally planned_ To pay off his debt and make his estate
solvent _ to perform for his fans who he loved bring the world his vision through
his performances_ he had a message and to allow his children to see Daddy at work _

The best thing to do is continue the work and get the show out there
for Michael his fans, children, legacy and his estate _ MJ was the best performer
that was what he did _ and thats what he would like to continue

Even The exicutors of Mjs estate are having his books and merchandise released
to make money for MIchael and his estate while the iron is hot _ that is whyMJ
hired them to manage his estate _ Michael would approve ..

I dont agree with making AEG out to be ciminals for doing that
_That was what the partnership was all about _ now what if MJ
became e sick and couldnt perform_MJ and AEG woold do the same thing
use the reheasal footage - to make a profit and bring Mjs show to the world -

I really dont believe they had conspiracy to kill Michael arrrg :(
to make money _ they were a solvent billion dollar business and they are not
desperate _ nor do they kill off their performers to make money - they were
making many consessions to make Michael as comfortable as possible _

They did not know what was going on behind closed doors in Michaels home _
Michael wanted to Sleep _ i dont think he shared with AEG how he was doing that nor
would they even ask .they were in business relationship with Michael _not his keepers
or parents ..they didnt go home with him or know his personal business after work
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I agree
It was footage to be used for the making of ..
which Michael does on every project and it was a wise
decision they thay did shoot it _ for the sake of MJ his
Legacy and estate - it would be much sadder if they didnt.

The purpose of the contact and project was to make money for
MJ and AEG _ that should continue and not stop _ certainly
Michael/estate deserves it.

what do you guys think AEG should do can the footage and lock it in
a vault - Now is the BESt time for MJs project and merchandise and books etc etc _ to make profit for his estate _ its not disrespectful
to MJ _its what he would want _ what he originally planned_ To pay
off his debt and make his estate solvent _ to perform for his fans who
he loved bring the world his vision through his performances_ he had
a message and to allow his children to see Daddy at work _

The best thing to do is continue the work and get the show
out there for Michael his fans, children, legacy and his estate

Even The exicutors of Mjs estate are having his bookd and merchandise released to make money for MIchael and his estate while the iron is hot
I belive Michael would approve ..

I dont agree with making AEG out to be ciminals for doing that
_That was what the partnership was all about _ now what if MJ
becuase sick and couldnt perform_MJ and AEG woold do the same thing
use the reheasal footage - to bring Mjs show to the world -

I really dont believe they had conspiracy to kill Michael arrrg :(
to make money _ they were a solvent billion dollar business
and they are not desperate _ nor do they kill off their performers
to make money - they were making many consessions to make Michael
as comfortable as possible _

They did not know what was going on behind closed doors in Michaels home _ Michael wanted to Sleep _ i dont think he shared with AEG how he was doing that ... nor would they even ask .they were in business relationship with Michael _not his keepers or parents ..they didnt go home with him or know his personal business. after work

Actually I didn't take it as something being done at the expense of MJ. I took it as a commentary on how AEG is exploiting the death of MJ.

And given Phillips' response, I say that he has lent some merit to the depiction...

Couldn't agree more, the fact he got so angry in his email to me came across as someone with a lot going on inside them...
rehearsals are also done for the cameramen and concert director, everything is organised from the shots to the camera angles, thats why they also filmed the rehearsals, especially when the stage was up.
i cant hate on randy phillips for this. why do some fans hate EVERY basic business practice? what do you expect AEG to do? donate the rehearsal footage to charity? of course they are gonna sell it for as much as they can. this doesnt sound like anything "shady" to me. fans would get upset if he DIDNT respond to the cartoon. but when he does, and says Mj is someone who touched his life and he adored, its bad all the sudden.

just relax.
that was not a shot at Michael...not the way I viewed it. That was a complete attack on Randy Phillips and AEG. It called him out as a money money money money give me money guy.

That email was so scripted... people open your eyes. They are doing damage control and keeping the doubt off of them.

If the truth is offensive, that explains a whole mess of shit around this place.
Fans dont let anyone talk you into going easy on AEG, AEG has people on all Michael Jackson Fan Sites posting stuff for them and agruing there story. Michael Jackson was in AEG care when found DEAD, AEG is alot stonger and more deceptive than they want you to believe, they are responsbile for Michael Jackson's death anyway you want to slice the cake, it will come up with the first piece being AEG. Like someone said "why would a CONCERT PROMOTER want in on one of their Performers Estate" trust me AEG has been paid for their Losses and will be paid for their Premediated 100 hours of rehearsal Footage, funeral DVD and anything esle they can come up with, they have NO further Vested Instrest in Michael Jackson Estate. The real fight is between SONY and AEG and will be kept as quiet as possible but its coming because AEG knows with what they know they should be on SONY Lifelong Payroll like all the other Players, AEG hands are completely covered in Michael Jackson Blood dont wash their hands for them let them try doing it themself. LIARS !!
that was not a shot at Michael...not the way I viewed it. That was a complete attack on Randy Phillips and AEG. It called him out as a money money money money give me money guy.

That email was so scripted... people open your eyes. They are doing damage control and keeping the doubt off of them.

If the truth is offensive, that explains a whole mess of shit around this place.

I agree
It was footage to be used for the making of ..
Michael alway sshot behind the scene footage
Lost of it _ There is NOTHING suspicious abot that.

Michael does on every project and it was a wise decision they
they did shoot it _ for the sake of MJ his Legacy and estate
it would be much sadder if they didnt... Michael would have
nothing to show for all the work he put into this ..

The purpose of the contact and project was to make money for MJ and AEG
that should continue and not stop _ certainly Michael/estate deserves it.

what do you guys think AEG should do can the footage and lock it in a vault
Now is the BESt time for MJs project and merchandise and books etc etc _
to make profit for his estate _ its not disrespectful to MJ _its what he would
want _ what he originally planned_ To pay off his debt and make his estate
solvent _ to perform for his fans who he loved bring the world his vision through
his performances_ he had a message and to allow his children to see Daddy at work _

The best thing to do is continue the work and get the show out there
for Michael his fans, children, legacy and his estate _ MJ was the best performer
that was what he did _ and thats what he would like to continue

Even The exicutors of Mjs estate are having his books and merchandise released
to make money for MIchael and his estate while the iron is hot _ that is whyMJ
hired them to manage his estate _ Michael would approve ..

I dont agree with making AEG out to be ciminals for doing that
_That was what the partnership was all about _ now what if MJ
became e sick and couldnt perform_MJ and AEG woold do the same thing
use the reheasal footage - to make a profit and bring Mjs show to the world -

I really dont believe they had conspiracy to kill Michael arrrg :(
to make money _ they were a solvent billion dollar business and they are not
desperate _ nor do they kill off their performers to make money - they were
making many consessions to make Michael as comfortable as possible _

They did not know what was going on behind closed doors in Michaels home _
Michael wanted to Sleep _ i dont think he shared with AEG how he was doing that nor
would they even ask .they were in business relationship with Michael _not his keepers
or parents ..they didnt go home with him or know his personal business after work

ah, thank you for being the voice of reason! I totally agree with you.
It's also irresponsible for some fans to promote the false concept that Michael abused drugs.

Michael had ailments that required medication. No one takes painkillers for fun.

Michael made it clear he hates touring, there was nothing secret about it. i remember his words like light of day "I CANNOT SLEEP".

So, how do these fans have the right to judge him as having abused drugs?

He declined AEG 2 times. Since 2001, he spoke that he did not want to tour again, he repeated that in the Ebony interview.

He knew the risks, but was forced into it because of attacks from every corner to try and bankrupt him.

Michael had not worked from 2001 till 2009. That's almost a decade with no work for a top musician.

While Maddona had put on 2 or three concert tours in that time.

He began taking medication as he was preparing for tour because he needed something for his metabolism.
He had used diprivan before in HIStory tour and did not die.

Why would he believe a nurse over a doctor, moreso having used the drug before (that is if it was diprivan)

"ABUSING DRUGS" is a careless remark that is fit for tabloids.

If i go to a doctor and he gives me medicine that helps me cope say with stress, then years later, i have the same situation and I ask a nurse who then says teh medicine is dangerous. I would ignore that nurse by telling her it's okay, i have a doctor who would be responsible for prescribing.

Michael is not a medical professional.

Michael was responsible, that's why he insisted on an inhouse doctor because he knew his health.

Infact i was concerned about the tour, knowing his instances of sudden collapse and i felt to cope, he shoudl have a doctor 24/7 and be checked out after each show.

Michael was wise, he did just that, had a doctor 24/7 even though AEG initially did not want it.

Now, for the media and his detractors to deleve into his entire medical history from 1984 pepsi burn and then claim Michael was abusing drugs, that is senseless.

What is there to abuse

If you have pain - and take pain killers?
If you have lupus - and take lupus medication?
If you have a fear of flying - and the doctor recommends wine to ease your nerves?
If you have depression - and you take depression medication?

Should he leave the lupus medicine out while taking medicine for depression?
Or should he leave medicine for depression while taking that for painkillers?

Of course Michael could not sleep on tour with the high energy, pulsating music and adrenalin in his body, so a doctor recommends diprivan.

Suddenly Michael is a drug addict because he used diprivan during tour periods and because he took painkillers for injuries, medicine for depression caused by the media and medicine for lupus.
If , & i mean IF he was taking propofol to sleep, then we have to face facts that he was an addict. It is a drug to put people to sleep when they go for an operation, not to get a few hours sleep. Its not something you casually take to sleep at night. It's also not something that is administered at home either.Even his longtime friend karen Faye has said he is an addict. She knew him better that we did & i don't see any reason for her to lie.

Anyway, lets see what the autopsy & toxicology reports say. I really hope he wasn't an addict but my gut feeling tells me something wasn't right.
rsw22 - It's hard for me to comprehend that of all the people whom I was influenced by, whom I looked up to the most, and of all things, taught me that music and love can overpower sex and drugs, it was Michael. But we MUST face facts. Karen Faye herself has admitted he was dependant on prescription pain killers. Michael had been to rehab in the 90's for goodness sake. No one is perfect! Yes, he was an addict. Did it make us love him any less? No. Did we worry for him on constant basis and want to give his head a shake? Yes. I'm sorry but you don't just go home and grab your Diprovan to put you to sleep. A drug addiction is a drug addiction, anyway you slice it. But the addiction should not be what you focus on. It's the person you should pay attention to.