Now AEG are fighting amongst themselves.., Randy Phillips writes to AEG Concert producer


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
~ My World ~
Not sure if I'm posting this in the right place. If not, I apologize perfusely to all staff members.


July 27, 2009

Seems like the pressure of trying to recoup the $30 million his company laid out for the ill-fated Michael Jackson "This Is It" concerts is finally getting to AEG Live's Randy Phillips.

The beleaguered exec fired off an e-mail to Bruce Glatman, his friend of 20 years, and producer of those London shows, blasting him for forwarding our Airhead cartoon to a few of his pals, the same one that has attracted more than 3,000 views on Nikki Finke's popular Deadline Hollywood Daily website.

Here's the complete text of the e-mail:

Glatman, it did not surprise me, or any of my friends, that you would send a mass e-mail out with that tasteless cartoon. As much as I love satire and, as most of those copied above know, have an excellent sense of humor, using a person's tragic and untimely death to attack another person is just a tad beyond the pale of normal business competition.

The truth is that you are some type of middleman buffoon, the type of bottom-feeder that inserts himself in other peoples' lives since you have never run a business, created a job or executed on an idea of your own. Even Andy Hewitt, who is not a friend, is someone I can recognize for his intellect and prowess as a concert promoter and respect him for his accomplishments. The insecurities of many of those in this industry allows for useless schmucks like you to exist.

Since Tim Leiweke told you exactly how he feels about your reprehensible actions in another e-mail, I can only reiterate that the doors at AEG and AEG Live are permanently shut to you since we choose to only do business with honorable partners. As he pointed out, we try to build on positives and avoid the negative agendas of human flotsam like yourself.

In closing, I have attached a very well-written and researched article in the new Rolling Stone Magazine. For those interested in the truth about the last year of Michael's life, here it is. It might also pain Glatman to know that we just closed a $60m deal against a gigantic back-end for the rights to the film that will be created from all the footage we so wisely shot from the beginning of this project to the last rehearsal. It is riveting and an honest tribute to the person Berry Gordy, at the worldwide broadcast of the memorial service we produced, referred to as "the greatest entertainer that ever lived."

AEG, as a company, will come out of this tragedy extremely well and I will always have my memories of what could have been and that of a unique human being who truly touched my life.

To those on this e-mail, sorry that you were dragged into this exchange by this jerk. Glatman, please do not respond since I want to live my life and enjoy my career without any other contact with you.

Randy Phillips
"Still President & CEO of
AEG Live!"

Tasteless Cartoon in question here:
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I have to say i am not Randy Phillips biggest fan, but at least he took a pop at some dick who though it would be funny to get a kick out of some tasteless cartoon at the expense of Michael.
Actually I didn't take it as something being done at the expense of MJ. I took it as a commentary on how AEG is exploiting the death of MJ.

And given Phillips' response, I say that he has lent some merit to the depiction...
Actually I didn't take it as something being done at the expense of MJ. I took it as a commentary on how AEG is exploiting the death of MJ.

And given Phillips' response, I say that he has lent some merit to the depiction...

co-sign. The cartoon was tasteless however Randy Phillips behavior since MJ's death is tasteless too. Guess that's why he was depicted in the cartoon like that.

Very interesting about the in fighting... thanks for posting, Ja!
You're welcome Trish (and others)....

My take.....

I have no opinion on the matter at all, due to the fact that I feel AEG (as a whole) has been tasteless with everything post-Michael. All I can do is sit back and laugh at all sides.

Karma's a bitch, then you die. So oh well, let them fight it out amongst themselves, hell if I care. lol
You're welcome Trish (and others)....

My take.....

I have no opinion on the matter at all, due to the fact that I feel AEG (as a whole) has been tasteless with everything post-Michael. All I can do is sit back and laugh at all sides.

Karma's a bitch, then you die. So oh well, let them fight it out amongst themselves, hell if I care. lol

Eii Ja, long time no chat, how are you doing?. I miss you. R u still in CA?
co-sign. The cartoon was tasteless however Randy Phillips behavior since MJ's death is tasteless too. Guess that's why he was depicted in the cartoon like that.

Very interesting about the in fighting... thanks for posting, Ja!

Also co-signed. I don't think that animation would've existed without Randy/AEG's course of action shortly after Mike's death.

Don't think they're fighting amongst themselves though, since it's directed towards the show producer, which I don't think i part of AEG, but hired by them.
this cartoon is just 0.001% of what Michael had endured throughout his life because of the media etc...
So please RP, show how truly brave you can be.
I'mma also co-sign with other's on Mello's post and I also find this line from Mr Phillips:

we just closed a $60m deal against a gigantic back-end for the rights to the film that will be created from all the footage we so wisely shot from the beginning of this project to the last rehearsal.
coupled with this line:
AEG, as a company, will come out of this tragedy extremely well and I will always have my memories of what could have been and that of a unique human being who truly touched my life.

continue to make me question Mr Phillips... and I can't help but be suspicious and unimpressed.
I'mma also co-sign with other's on Mello's post and I also find this line from Mr Phillips:

coupled with this line:

continue to make me question Mr Phillips... and I can't help but be suspicious and unimpressed.
I know... can you believe that mess???

We ani't taking advantage of him, but we are making out like bandits and OUR company will come out just fine in the aftermath.

Hell. What about MJ's family? Will they come out of this tragedy extremely well, too?

He is full of shyt.
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It might also pain Glatman to know that we just closed a $60m deal against a gigantic back-end for the rights to the film that will be created from all the footage we so wisely shot from the beginning of this project to the last rehearsal.

o that didn't come out well

edit: nvm, some of you others saw it too!
Personally I don't think there was a single person around Michael with any taste tact decorum or honor apart from his own kids for the last few years.
Not sure if I'm posting this in the right place. If not, I apologize perfusely to all staff members.

Seems like the pressure of trying to recoup the $30 million his company laid out for the ill-fated Michael Jackson "This Is It" concerts is finally getting to AEG Live's Randy Phillips.

More LIES from AEG and their Co-Horts. AEG has been well Paid for All Michael Jackson THIS IS IT - NOT Fake Concerts Loses, all AEG is Looking for is help from Media, tabloids and Interenet to get in on Michael Jackson's Estate Hearing next week. So tell them to come back with something better than these Lies amongest Thieves, Really AEG is starting to look Like Clowns, I think I will call them "Jackel Clowns" from here on out, yep that names suit these Clowns and their CoConspirators just fine. Just too funny, maybe they should hire some better LIARS to work for them in the media, tabloids and internet. The only fight these Jackel Clowns will be having is when they feel Sony/ATV or The Estate Holders are getting more than money than they deserve since they did the Hardwork in getting Michael isolated and murdered.
I know... can you believe that mess???

We ani't taking advantage of him, but we are making out like bandits and OUR company will come out just fine in the aftermath.

Hell. What MJ's family? Will they come out of this tragedy extremely well, too?

He is full of shyt.

He's full of shit.. and not particuarly professional... who sends off an email like that? in the midst of all this turmoil to a person he's claiming he no longer trusts? Isn't that risking your email to be shared with others... to me he comes off so unprofessional...

It continues to amaze me the amount of unprofessional people who manage to rise to such positions...
the 'well researched' rolling stone article that he (Randy) refers to about the last year of Michael's life - what is that article like? is there a copy on line somewhere? tasteless as this may be, this is nothing compared to what Randy deserves...this is just too subtle for him
If Michael had a grave, he'd be rolling in it. First AEG take advantage of grieving fans. I don't care if they lost 30mil, they're a mutli-dollar company that can find other ways to make their money back than to screw us over. We lost money too when they moved the shows, but people forget about that. The cartoon was a blatant disrespect for Michael. So many people wonder why he was so miserable throughout his last years besides his kids, and it's because people who say were his friends treated him like or thought of him like that. Everyone talks about carrying out Michael's legacy, to get along with another, to love one another, and then something like this comes out. There are starving kids in the world, and we're worried about this. In the time it took for us to read this thread, God knows how many people just died. Heal the world, dammit!
Randy Phillips was deeply upset by Michael's death, he almost broke down and I think it was about Michael, not the money. As he says they will recoup their lossess financially, but he was bringing Michael back to glory. He obviously had no idea that Michael was abusing drugs, and neither did we. Sadly the people who did gave Michael the secrecy that allowed him to continue, instead of speaking out and maybe forcing him to get help. Nobody cared enough to deliver some tough love to him.
Randy Phillips was deeply upset by Michael's death, he almost broke down and I think it was about Michael, not the money. As he says they will recoup their lossess financially, but he was bringing Michael back to glory. He obviously had no idea that Michael was abusing drugs, and neither did we. Sadly the people who did gave Michael the secrecy that allowed him to continue, instead of speaking out and maybe forcing him to get help. Nobody cared enough to deliver some tough love to him.

agree on most points...but not on one :cheeky:
there were people who cared enough to deliver "tough love"
the point missed that just because someone is taking pills it doesnt mean there is an addiction...
all these stories about sedatives and pills...they are hiding what went on underneath..speaking out and crying for help..and this is the kind of help that was given "cant sleep? take a pill" "still cant sleep?well take this pill this is stronger"..:no:
everyones fighting for control and money and its just a mess. its a really sad thing to see that even in the wake of michael dying people are still doing the same old things thing I dont is "email" from "Randy" giving you the link but not the referred "attached research for a Rolling Stone special" ...does it only sound to me as a self promotion to watch this cartoon?

We all have different taste of humour, I actually laughed at "Joe's Comments" :)
and the "get Madonna a diet coke" :)