November 5, 2008

Michael Jackson's Thriller sold 31,000 copies last week and would have ranked #15 on the big chart if older, catalog albums were eligible to compete there. Instead, it jumps to #1 on the Catalog Albums chart. Thriller 25 topped the catalog chart for 10 weeks earlier this year. There are two principal editions of Thriller on Nielsen SoundScan's run-to-date chart. Added together, the album has sold 4,405,000 copies since 1991 (and of course tens of millions before that). The Halloween focus on the title track gave Thriller a boost. That song topped the 1 million mark in paid downloads this week. Its sales now stand at 1,019,000. A second song from the album, "Billie Jean," is also listed on Hot Digital Songs. It has sold 733,000 downloads.

always a great boost to the endorphines to hear that!!:clapping:
Congratulations again for those who voted for Mr.Obama in the USA.

"To those who would tear the world down, we will defeat you."

Lets hope some of advisers will not arbitrary decide who "would tear" the world down, basing it on ignorant propaganda and manipulations, like it happened before. Or the unique chance the world has with the new USA's president will be lost. Lets hope Mr.Obama will be able to break through the cliché of international policy of his advisers.
Too bad about HMH...:( The plans he said they had for it sounded so interestin'.

Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael performed at Obama's inauguration, too? :angel:
:yes: I've been thinkin' the same thang.

1991 - Michael Jackson's single "Black Or White" was released.
Barack Obama & Michael Jackson - "Black or White" >


Barack Obama & Michael Jackson - "Man in the Mirror" >

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November 05, 2008. One of's faithful sent in the following report:

Your boy Chris Breezy is pulling some weight in Europe. he is the opening act for another one of Rhianna's European tours. As you may recall Rhianna canceled some shows the last time when Ciara was getting better reviews than her and now she's making it up to those fans.

However, there still may be some drama in chris is pressuring Rhianna to give him more 'privileges' then would a normal opening act. He doesn't really want to be known as an opener for Rhianna of all people so he insists the bill must read that he is a 'special guest.' He's demanded more than the usual 30 minute set. All of those demands were approved by Rhi's camp. However, now Chris wants to close the show.

He wants rhianna to perform cinderella instead of her actual hit umbrella as the last song of her set. Also, he wants to close the show with a dance break/remake of Michael's thriller. .

Although Rhianna's camp is not to keen on that idea, Rhianna has asked them to fall back and let her man claim his role as the man in the relationship. For the first time during the tour in Wellington, she actually performed Cinderella with chris instead of Umbrella.Ffor fans who know her as the 'umbrella' girl, there were not too pleased.

Ladies ... why is it that whenever you give a man the drawers he always gotta try and take over
Congratulations to Barack Obama. The world needed a change and the change was made! I am so proud that after centuries of racism America made the right choice. "I have a dream" became "The dream came true"
Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael performed at Obama's inauguration, too? :angel: :yes: I've been thinkin' the same thang.

yeah seeing as his daughters are fans of mj. you can always hope
yeay Obama! :clapping:

Now I'm thinking back to Clinton's inauguration, and can't help but think...

Wouldn't it be awesome if Michael performed at Obama's inauguration, too? :angel:

Just wishful thinking at this point, I know, but many minds filled with hopeful thought can make dreams come true... we saw the proof of that yesterday.:punk:
That would be fantastic! I know I'd get emotional watchin the performance. The two men are symbolic figures. They achieved something that was once thought impossible in their respective field:clapping:Go Obama and Go Mike!!!!!!!!
Or Janet. Rhythm Nation, The Knowledge... :trish:

I slept soo hard and long yesterday, from all the hype, I just passed out. Ah... :pleased:
Has the internet killed the video star?

Oh my goodnees. Isn't that something? My sister and I thought about that and you know the song "Video Killed the Radio Star"? Well, we made up a new one that said, "Youtube killed the video star"...... hehehehehehe.

Anyway, Thriller is still selling. That tells you what kind of a masterpiece that CD truly was.

Regarding the story - I take their info with a grain of salt. They make up a lot of stories. Just saying.

I think it would be awesome if MJ was at Obama inaguration and performed "Man in the Mirror". Awesome.
Man In the Mirror would be awesome! I've tried not to think about him performing at the inauguration cuz that would be too amazing...and if he doesn't it would really be missed. Maybe if MJ can't do it, they could get someone else to perform it with a choir. The song is definitely right on the money for what the new administration stands for, imo. I'd love to hear it at the inauguration. :yes:
I would love to hear that song as well. A great song for a great message.
hmmm.... hate to tear open old wounds, but imo the song to perform would be What More Can I Give.

Or... dare I say... a new song? :wub:
hmmm.... hate to tear open old wounds, but imo the song to perform would be What More Can I Give.

Or... dare I say... a new song? :wub:

WMCIG makes me nervous. I think bringing that song back will just give the ppl who want to itch about something a reason to bring up Schaffel and his dealings with the song. That's the last thing Michael needs right now... for old crap to come to the surface and keep haunting him, imo. And everytime that song is nearly resurrected, something bad happens. :bugeyed It's a great song...beautiful song and I agree it would be appropriate as well, but it has too much baggage and potential to start up old crap. Perhaps it should be put to rest as there's no way to separate the song from the Schaffel association.

MITM is something people already know and like and it's rousing. I don't even want to think about a new song at this point :lol: altho that would be a nice surprise.
I think it would be awesome if MJ was at Obama inaguration and performed "Man in the Mirror". Awesome.

Or Why You Wanna Trip On Me. I still think that'd be the perfect song for that event.
I was thinking the same thing today about MJ doing a performance at Obama's party.........but maybe 2 songs......"We've Had Enough" to signify that we had enough of Bush and the Republican party's BS.....which we made crystal clear of on Tuesday.

The 2nd, why not "HIStory" since we made HIStory on Tuesday?
If he performs HIStory, he should still perform something with a kick, like MITM , WMCIG, or WYWTOM.
Well at least it ain't like over on the KOP board where people are bitching about Obama being bigger then Michael, lol.

It would be awesome if he performed at the Inaguration, but I doubt it'll happen.
lol..u just occurred to me... i was thinking, in all this we were doing about how MJ will promote his new cd in another thread..and talking here about what MJ should do regarding Obama...and..i remembered...that...all we ever have to go on, is what we saw in the past...and, it's easy for us to forget...MJ always does something that is totally unforseen to all of us..something never even conceived...

we think of him doing an inaug party cus we remember the clinton thing. we think of him being interviewed by Oprah, cus..that already happened. we think of larry king...cus..king suggested it. but, in reality..whatever MJ ends up doing..NOBODY will have thought of it, but MJ. at least..if things go as they have always gone with MJ, up to this point.
LOL, I can see this becoming a rumour....
How long til someone says 'insiders' claim MJ might be at the inaguration? :lol:
lol..u just occurred to me... i was thinking, in all this we were doing about how MJ will promote his new cd in another thread..and talking here about what MJ should do regarding Obama...and..i remembered...that...all we ever have to go on, is what we saw in the past...and, it's easy for us to forget...MJ always does something that is totally unforseen to all of us..something never even conceived...

we think of him doing an inaug party cus we remember the clinton thing. we think of him being interviewed by Oprah, cus..that already happened. we think of larry king...cus..king suggested it. but, in reality..whatever MJ ends up doing..NOBODY will have thought of it, but MJ. at least..if things go as they have always gone with MJ, up to this point.

So true... :flowers:
Still, that he did an inauguration before, doesn't mean he would never do another again, and if he's ever gonna do it again, this would be the time.

LOL, I can see this becoming a rumour....
How long til someone says 'insiders' claim MJ might be at the inaguration? :lol:

*waves at journalists reading this board* :ciao: That's right, we know what Michael's gonna do....:fortuneteller:

....not! :lol:
But that's part of the fun of being a fan of Michael, isn't it, he keeps blowing your mind. ;)