November 27, 2008

Thanks for the news, you guys.

To the Indian members of the board - hang in there.

Peta is crazy.

He'd also love to work his magic on Michael Jackson.

"Imagine Michael, who I hear is in quite good shape right now, doing an album sort of like his past – classic, good music – but with a little bit of an edge, but not trying to be like Justin Timberlake or Beyoncé or trying to compete in that world.

"And he comes out onstage with a good haircut, looking healthy, in an Armani suit; no bulls--t behind him, just singing."

Has he run his ideas past Jackson?

"I have and with a little better reception than the Stevie Wonder reception, but it hasn't come to fruition yet."

I love David Foster. He knows what he is talking about. I almost forgot about his book. I just might get it. I liked what he said about Mike so far.

Regarding the artcile referring to O2 - interesting answer. :)

Others, like Elvis and Michael Jackson, turn into the great tragic figures whose eventual fall only reinforces our terminal fascination. ...

Blah. The tragic figure is the media.
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He'd also love to work his magic on Michael Jackson.

"Imagine Michael, who I hear is in quite good shape right now, doing an album sort of like his past – classic, good music – but with a little bit of an edge, but not trying to be like Justin Timberlake or Beyoncé or trying to compete in that world.

"And he comes out onstage with a good haircut, looking healthy, in an Armani suit; no bulls--t behind him, just singing."

Has he run his ideas past Jackson?

"I have and with a little better reception than the Stevie Wonder reception, but it hasn't come to fruition yet

Nice words from David:yes:

Message to PETA........Michael Jackson does not OWN these animales anymore! Its now the responsibility of the NEW OWNERS to take care of them....DUH!!:doh:

I just hate stupid people playing know it alls!:smilerolleyes:
Well maybe its true, lol. It wouldn't be a bad thing, except to those who have the gimme's in terms of wanting an album. But even then it wouldn't be bad because what law says that Michael can't be writing an autobiogrophey and creating an album at the same time? Michael's the kind of vocalist who, once he gets all of the songs written and chosen, can record all of his vocals in 2 weeks.