November 10, 2008

Is Oprah quietly extending an olive branch to Michael, or did she just come up with a very creative way to get us to send him to her?/]

This is a tricky one. It feels funny. I mean, everyone knows that we MJ fans really get out there and vote for our man Mike, but should we do it this time after all that has happened?

I mean, it seems like she and MJ need a moment to talk about how he was being condemned without his side being heard, but it feels like they need to talk off the air--off camera.

Wow. This is tricky. *sigh*

Michael is a beautiful person and it just seems like she forgot all about that while Sneddon was charging at him like a bull.

I guess she's gloating over the success of her "media power "having given President Elect Obama her platform.
It's like telling him who needs who now....
fall for it...NOT!

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oprah is as fake as they come jumping on bandwagons at whatevers the in thing of the moment. her at the obama rally was vomit inducing. shows how up their own asses they are that they think everyone has to know who they support like its gonna make someone vote for a certain person cause oprah does. she made her career outside of the USA off mjs back. yet crapped on him for a great height when it was the in thing to do. so fake
Even on news channels like Cnn, they were talking about her being at the rally, cuz she was crying that dude's shoulder, with the headline "Is this Oprah's mystery man?"(paraphrasing). I was watching it thinking... "does it even matter?!" Trying to make it all about her or somethin'. Whatever.
oprah is as fake as they come jumping on bandwagons at whatevers the in thing of the moment. her at the obama rally was vomit inducing. shows how up their own asses they are that they think everyone has to know who they support like its gonna make someone vote for a certain person cause oprah does. she made her career outside of the USA off mjs back. yet crapped on him for a great height when it was the in thing to do. so fake

Very Well Said. You pretty much summed everything up right there... MJ doesn't need Oprah and I don't understand why some fans jump up and down about that woman when it comes to Michael when she has treated him like $hit.
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I find it weird that I typed a report about the Jacksons being honored at the BMI Awards and most fans want to talk about Oprah. Just saying. Anyway, I couldn't help myself so -

I'm sure all of the applications listing a fan of Michael Jackson will get thrown out and destroyed.

Probably. I have lost a lot of respect -well - all respect for that woman. After what she said to Aprodite Jones, I would not be shocked if Oprah did that.

Ape - I love what you have written. However, I doubt that heifer would even read it. Hopefully, if you are chosen, I am gonna watch her show just to see you. Hopefully.

I mean, it seems like she and MJ need a moment to talk about how he was being condemned without his side being heard, but it feels like they need to talk off the air--off camera.

For what? What did MJ do to her to even go there? It was clear as day that Oprah only interviewed MJ to be known on a worldwide scale. She used the man for her own reasons. Oprah can go somewhere. Oprah made the decision to trash the man. Oprah made the decision to bring in celebrities and try to get them to trash the man. Oprah made the decision to invite Lisa Marie and Evilcilla, I mean, Priscilla Presley to trash Michael and let Priscilla assumed that MJ was hitting on Lisa Marie when LMP was 16 years old. Oprah did that. Michael Jackson probably could care less about how the media or Oprah percieves him. He did enough just by how he changed so many people's lives by the music and impact that he is made. Oprah used her money to get people to talk about her ass. Now, she is trying to take credit for Obama being president. The woman is a straight up media whore. If Ellen or Tyra was doing this, then I would not have an issue with it. However, Oprah is just as fake as they come. The fact that Madonna, Britney and Beyonce was mentioned as "popular" turned me off. I wish some fans need to just accept the fact that the Oprahs, Diane Sawyers, Barbara Walters, etc. are fools that uses famous people to have a career. They are not important. They do not mean a thing to anyone with any kind of sense.

However, if fans want to go ahead and send their stories to Oprah, I wish you luck. I hope to see you on the show.

whether they are naturally his or not, are old enough to speak

Was that even called for? I mean, really? You supported him then you trashed him in the same message. I mean, what are you trying to do? Not everything that happened to MJ was his fault. I understand that fans can be honest about Michael, but trashing him is uncalled for. Esp. if you are a member of a MJ fan board.
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at the end of the day oprah prob tried to get mj to appear at one point so she could get big ratings and he refused to do it so she turned all bitchy. thats how it works with mj and most ppl in the media. suck up to him to try and get what they want and when mj refuses they act like a spoilt kid and talk crap about him. prime example being the vegas reporter
at the end of the day oprah prob tried to get mj to appear at one point so she could get big ratings and he refused to do it so she turned all bitchy. thats how it works with mj and most ppl in the media. suck up to him to try and get what they want and when mj refuses they act like a spoilt kid and talk crap about him. prime example being the vegas reporter

Exactly. And that is why I do not see why some fans care what Oprah does regarding MJ. Mike is one of the very few celebrities that do not waste their time talking to these media whores. He would rather talk about his life in his music. Hell, the media wouldn't tell the truth about him so what is the point of Mike even talking to them?
Exactly. And that is why I do not see why some fans care what Oprah does regarding MJ. Mike is one of the very few celebrities that do not waste their time talking to these media whores. He would rather talk about his life in his music. Hell, the media wouldn't tell the truth about him so what is the point of Mike even talking to them?

Right on point, regarding MJ not talking to media whores.

And it makes me laugh, because MJ doesn't talk to them, but they can't stop talking about him. LOL!

When you think about it, MJ's name is brought up ALMOST everyday, in one form or another. And that includes when they are interviewing some other artist, they most of the time find a way to bring MJ into the conversation. I find it laughable!
When you think about it, MJ's name is brought up ALMOST everyday, in one form or another. And that includes when they are interviewing some other artist, they most of the time find a way to bring MJ into the conversation. I find it laughable!

Not only laughable but interesting. Because it shows that MJ is a true legend. These "hot" stars of today are just hype. They haven't made an impact. However, MJ is more than hype, he is an icon, he is the definition of a legend.
I have lost a lot of respect -well - all respect for that woman. After what she said to Aprodite Jones, I would not be shocked if Oprah did that.
What did she say to Aprodite Jones? I hadn't heard. I've heard that Oprah trashes MJ and have written in to her before to complain about that, however I don't watch her show or much TV at all (even now) so I don't know first hand what she's said.

Ape - I love what you have written. However, I doubt that heifer would even read it. Hopefully, if you are chosen, I am gonna watch her show just to see you. Hopefully.

:) Thank you, but I don't plan on being on her show. I am pretty sure I'll be busy. Not sure I can speak as well as I can sometimes write my opinions. So it might not be a good idea, however if I could feel confident enough, maybe I should anyways. I'd cross that bridge if or when I get to it but I wrote that to show my support. That's all. No one says you must appear on her show if you send something in. I can also understand the boycott approach as well.

Not only laughable but interesting. Because it shows that MJ is a true legend. These "hot" stars of today are just hype. They haven't made an impact. However, MJ is more than hype, he is an icon, he is the definition of a legend.
This is great and so true. The journalists and company should not take it so personally when they get snubbed by a legend. They should try showing a little class.
oprah is as fake as they come jumping on bandwagons at whatevers the in thing of the moment. her at the obama rally was vomit inducing. shows how up their own asses they are that they think everyone has to know who they support like its gonna make someone vote for a certain person cause oprah does. she made her career outside of the USA off mjs back. yet crapped on him for a great height when it was the in thing to do. so fake

The truth. I almost rolled my eyes right out of my head seeing her at the Obama rally. She's so full of it that it ain't even funny.
@ Ape: Oprah said to sister Aphrodite she wants nobody at her show who talks pro Michael Jackson.

The link does not work for me, (how) does it work for you?
^wow....that is harsh. I don't see anyone talking well about her anymore so I guess she's on her decline. Maybe she will find some humility and remember that she is only as human as the rest of us.
^wow....that is harsh. I don't see anyone talking well about her anymore so I guess she's on her decline. Maybe she will find some humility and remember that she is only as human as the rest of us.

Dear Ape,
She has truly forgotten we she came from...which is actually quite unfortunate...

Just as God has giveth... God can takith away..! :angel:
why would she even post this question, knowing that there are plenty of MJ fans out there? she into yanking chains? is she gunna use the media to give the world the impression that there are fans of everybody out there except MJ? perhaps i oughta be a nasty verbally abusive person harboring evil thoughts in order to achieve the type of respect that apparently some people give to Oprah. i don't get why some people feel that they have to get EVERYBODY to like them, in order to be happy. i know that some people don't like what i have to say, but i don't give Oprah the time of day. she was and is nasty. and for me to give her props is to award abuse. i don't have to have her approval to be successful in life..and i believe neither does Michael. i know that some fans here and otherwise have probably been abused at some time in their life in some way....i have..maybe they don't agree with me..but why award an abusive person? i don't think its healthy. should someone like ellen be ignored while i waste my breath trying to plead with Oprah who has proven her personality to be unhealthy? i just get the feeling that if Oprah were nice, she would get less attention than she is apparently getting from some fans for being mean. i don't know about you, but negative energy is bad for my health. and..maybe i don't know what MJ is thinking, but judging from some of his track record, he seems to not suffer fools gladly. he doesn't necessarily go back to his vomit like some other words..if someone has mistreated him, i haven't seen him return to them, thus far. can you sayyy MTV? when a counsellor advises an abuse victim, they usually dont tell the victim to go back to the abuser..not last time i heard. i would hope some fans would support this theory, concerning each their own. to my knowledge, there is no artist in the world who is liked by every single person on the entire planet. and yet..they do alright. so..i believe MJ will be alright without Oprah. in my humble opinion, the man that cannot be named on this site, first garnered much attention for being negative toward MJ, before finally getting banned, when fans got the message. and MJ survived without him. to me..Oprah is taking that same path.

*leaving my soapbox and not wasting my time writing to her*
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It's interesting that she's having this type of show. I can't recall her ever doing anything like this and it feels like she's calling MJ fans without saying it. There are many fans that dress like MJ and MJ fans know a lot about him too.

If anything, I hope she knows we are very proud of him.

Well, I seriously doubt it. Oprah doesn't care about Michael or his fans at all. She was molested as a child, and she believes the kids who said he molested them. She doesn't like him. I'm sure she will have people on her show who like Usher or Alicia Keyes or something.