Nothing but :angry: talk!

I like your thighbrows. :angry:

May I pluck one and keep it under my pillow for wishful thinking? :angry:

*Slams fist* :angry:

THIS IS A SIEGE! :angry:
You may NOT pluck my thigh brows. :angry:

They are for my thighs, and my thighs only! :angry:

*does the moonwalk randomly*

So there :angry:
When you moonwalk, your thigh brows are accentuated and it intrigues me so. :angry:

Pardon me for harboring a deep desire. :angry:
You kicked me? :angry:

Right, someone gon die! :angry:

*Kills a stone with two birds* :angry;
Problem!? :angry:

THAT'S MY MOTHER. :angry; :angry:

She has a twisted kneecap! :angry:
How can I steal myself? :angry:

STEEL! :angry:

Your avatar making me laugh Lorraine. :angry:

MJJC just went down!? :angry: