Not Good Bye See You Later...


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Tonight I was sitting here reading all of your posts, and I felt this really overwhelming urge to write. And so I wrote something faster than I have ever written before. I think this should probably go in the Fan Art section maybe, but I realllly wanted people to read it, and I knew it would get more exposure here. So here it is. I just felt VERY compelled to write this, and post it as soon as it was finished. I finished this literally 3 minutes ago...Sorry for the length.

PS. I am in no way trying to put 'words' in Michael's mouth. This just came to me very suddenly and flowed so freely on to paper that I felt like I REALLy needed to share it.

'Not Good Bye, See You Later...'

There is nothing left for me to do here,
and there is nothing left for me to say.
I have so much left to live for,
that I couldn't fit in to one more day.
I had a sell out tour of fifty dates,
and my children to introduce to my music.
But with all of that taken from me,
you would think that I would 'lose it'.
But it seems I haven't 'lost' a thing,
in fact, I think I have gained.
I've been given back all my special moments,
that is better than any of my fame.
The things I thought I needed the most,
turns out in fact, it seems, I don't.
The things I thought that I'd forgot,
turns out, it seems, that I have not.
And what I had here waiting for me,
was my entire family.
Not them all, they're not all here.
I miss them so, but someone whispered,
"Please have patience" in my ear.
Still know that I'm not alone,
here I've found many a willing hand to hold.
I've gathered strengh I didn't know I had,
to hold my emotions when my kids spoke of 'their dad'.
I filled up with such great pride,
at the dignity I saw with everyone's 'Good Bye's.
And though, just for now, we've parted ways,
my heart won't break, and my glove won't wave.
I, myself, won't say good bye.
There is no reason for the tears you cry.
I'm here with you, though you can't see.
Open your ears, listen, I'm speaking here freely.
And I know you miss me,
I can feel it.
But don't be sad, or dwell on it.
I don't want to see a single fan cry,
or crane their head to stare at the sky.
I'm not there, because I am with you here...
I'm in your eyes, when you look in the mirror.
A little piece of me will always be with you,
if you were touched by what I do.
And so I leave here with no good bye,
and I imagine that you will ask me, "why?"
Good byes you see, are for when you are gone
and don't know at all when you will return.
I am here with you, at each corner, and every turn.
So I'll tell you, "I'll see you later!"
Because indeed I surely will.
I'll be there for you from the bottom,
to the top of every hill.
Through the darkness of the night,
to the bright of every morning.
When you feel the warmth inside your heart,
that compells you to keep going.
Know it's me, and just know that my heart is warm here too.
My dreams and aspirations, never will they die.
My vision will never be blinded,
My hopes are forever high.
There is nothing more that I could wish,
or ask of anyone.
With all my fans my love remains,
my legacy will carry on.
That was beautiful, girl!!
You were definitely well inspired for that.
It's comforting, in a very real and "right" way.
Thank you for sharing!
That was absolutely amazing. It gave me goosebumps and it made me cry....
I don't know where you got that into your head from and how it was written so fast, but thank you so much for that.

Aw, thank you so much.

I have read of many people having their moments with Michael, and in a way I really believe that was mine. Not necessarily that he was 'telling' me what to write, but that he just touched my heart and my mind in a certain way that just told the story.

I am a fast writer, but I have never written anything quite as fast, that was quite as meaningful.
That's beautiful! :)
Maybe out of topic, but I was just reading about automatic writing (poems, stories etc) and you described it the way someone who would do channeling would! Are you sure you weren't channeling from a higher source? lol
That's beautiful! :)
Maybe out of topic, but I was just reading about automatic writing (poems, stories etc) and you described it the way someone who would do channeling would! Are you sure you weren't channeling from a higher source? lol

Wow very interesting lol. I'm gonna have to read up on that...I think I have heard of it before actually. LOL Wouldn't that be interesting if that was true,
Wow, thanks for sharing!

It's very comforting to read, indeed, even though it's not really Michael who told it to us but it feels like that's excactly how he feels..

And we definitely won't say 'goodbye'! Just, see you later :heart:
Wow, thanks for sharing!

It's very comforting to read, indeed, even though it's not really Michael who told it to us but it feels like that's excactly how he feels..

And we definitely won't say 'goodbye'! Just, see you later :heart:
Abslutely! :yes:
I have a feeling that the heaven concerts will take place on a July! lol Michael said "See you in July" but he didn't specify what year! :lol: And considering that most of his words/phrases came true in an eerie way, I wouldn't put this past me that we would all see him on a July! :D
wow.. that was so beautiful, it made me cry. its amazing how you can write that. it really brings comfort to read these kind of things, even if i know it isnt michael himself who wrote it it still feels like this is something he wanted to tell all of us beacuse we know he dont want to see us sad and crying.

its not goodbye, he is with us all the time. yeah. thats exactly how it is.

thank you so much for posting, you once again helped me with my pain and grief. thank you.
Oh my goodness *crying again* that was so beautiful and amazing!
I really believe Michael is still with us all and letting us know he is in different ways.I really believe that this was your moment :wub:

Thank you so much for sharing xx
awww that was beautiful.. very touching to read. :cry:
I really believe Michael is with us all and this is not the end,
we will see him again in heaven :yes:.
aw thank you so much guys. =]

im so glad it is comforting for all of you, and i do think this was 'my' michael moment =]
aw thank you so much guys. =]

im so glad it is comforting for all of you, and i do think this was 'my' michael moment =]

i'm still waiting for my michael moment, but i'm sure it will come sometime. i know he's with me, even if he doesnt "show" it.

btw, is it okay if i save this poem om my computor? i thinks its lovely :)
i'm still waiting for my michael moment, but i'm sure it will come sometime. i know he's with me, even if he doesnt "show" it.

btw, is it okay if i save this poem om my computor? i thinks its lovely :)

Of course it is okay for you to save this to your computer, I am so humbled that you like it enough to keep it :)

I am a strong believer that everyone will have their 'moment'. And it comes when you are least expecting it too, I think...
Of course it is okay for you to save this to your computer, I am so humbled that you like it enough to keep it :)

I am a strong believer that everyone will have their 'moment'. And it comes when you are least expecting it too, I think...

of cource i liked it, its really great :D

yeah me too, i know he want to reach out to all of his fans :)
Abslutely! :yes:
I have a feeling that the heaven concerts will take place on a July! lol Michael said "See you in July" but he didn't specify what year! :lol: And considering that most of his words/phrases came true in an eerie way, I wouldn't put this past me that we would all see him on a July! :D
LOL yep that's true.. :lol: You never know when it's gonna happen..
Of course it is okay for you to save this to your computer, I am so humbled that you like it enough to keep it :)

I am a strong believer that everyone will have their 'moment'. And it comes when you are least expecting it too, I think...
Aw, so true! He feels more near me then ever.
I loooove your poem, it's so touching! Made me cry all over again...dang I'm so sensitive for good words haha.:cry:
Thanks girl!