No one can impress me again!

I try to be philosophical about it and think it was always going to end one day. Yes, I'd have given anything to have another 20 years of his work but it was never going to last forever. At some point, the music would die and younger generations would miss out on MJ. It was always written, it just happened a few years sooner than we thought.
Thinking about it, the only music that could stand up now he's gone is classical for me (and I'm not normally a fan at all) but I'm realising it's the only music that can rival the purity of the music, the understanding of the sounds and the creation of mood through great composition. I'm not surprised by the rumours that he was working on a classical album. He was a composer in the true sense and made us all appreciate the power of different instruments, melody and rythmns. I see the influence of classical music more & more in his albums.
100% Agree.
Music will never be the same :(
i'm only 16 & my 1st album was history on cassette. The rest of my life will never be the same without michael.
There isn't a artist in this day & age that fans would FAINT over, only michael could do that.
Thinking about it it's funny. Michael always said how hard it was because he raised the bar so high for himself he could never be satisfied.
Unfortunately for us, in doing so, he also raised the bar too high for us! So much so, we will never be satisfied with any music we hear from now on.
Michael Is My Song Bird. He is the best, no one could ever replace him. His all I listen to, with the exception of gospel (That is getting very secular now). No one moves me like Michael. I have 54 song on my mp3. I havn't even scratched the surface. There's so much of him I have not experienced. I get goose bumps just thinking about out.

I hate when they compare him to Elvis and the Beetles (No disrespect ment to the fans of these wonderful artist). But really Michael is in his on league and will never be touched. He is not one of the greatest (I really hate when they say that). He is the Greatest. When are they going to give him his due. Really it doesn't matter cause I know what it is and every body else to even if they don't want to admit it.
If you have never listened to Off The Wall, please do so. It is an awesome album every song is great. People are really sleeping on the albulm.
This is from my blog, I wrote this on 11th July... Thought I'd share, because it looks like I'm not the only one with thoughts like that...

The It's still out there.
I can hear it sometimes - reaching my ears from the neighbouring building, or from tv downstairs...
But... I don't care anymore.
It was such a massive part of my life, it was everywhere, it was with me, at all times, there was nothing without it, and now... I just don't care.

I was tidying up my upstairs room earlier today, and I picked my iPod up - to move it somewhere else. I noticed it was dusty - I haven't touched it once for two weeks now...
I've been leaving it at home lately.
My radio at work doesn't come on anymore, either. I work in silence.
And even when the music plays, even when it reaches my ears - I don't listen.
I push it out of my head, close my ears to it.
I can't bear music. It makes my heart ache.
So I don't want it.
It's not the same. It's never going to be the same.

The Music is DEAD!!!

It has been in my life since I was a little girl.
It was mum that gave it to me. (Because dad, apart from the soldier choirs, couldn't care less really.)
One of my earliest memories is of music playing really loud, and mum - holding my hands in hers and teaching me to dance.
"Move your leg to the side. Now put the other one next to it. Bend your knees... Okay. And now do the same, but in the other direction. And again..."
She showed me, danced with me...

I remember listening to crappy dance songs when I was very young...
It was late 80s - Poland was still very much a communist country, and not much of the Western beats were reaching us. But some were...

I remember this tv stand we had in our big room... There was a drawer in it, where all the music was kept.
And one day - I was seven years old - I had a friend over. We were searching that drawer for something to listen to. I was getting aggravated, because whatever I proposed, he didn't like.
And finally, from the very deepest bottom of the drawer, I pulled out a cassette.
I knew it was there, I had it in my hands before, but never listened to it once - I didn't know what it was, and was not interested to find out. This was "mum's music".
And that day I would have put it right back, too, if it wasn't for my friend, who suddenly came alive...
"Oh, put that one on, put that one on, this is good!" - he exclaimed.
I looked the cassette over a little dismally. It was a dodgy, pirated copy - those were the only ones we ever got in the country at the time - but the picture of a man that looked a little like a woman to me on the cover was surprisingly good - clear, sharp.
The writing next to the picture said: Michael Jackson. Bad.
"Okay. If you want." - I agreed, happy to have finally settled on something, and shoved the cassette into the player.
And a few seconds later the first, oh-so-characteristic, and so immediately recognizable nowadays "doom-doom-doom-doomdoom" of the song "Bad" sounded...

And at that moment, to me - the Music was born.

That cassette got the truest of workouts in the next few weeks...and years.
It took a few more years for Poland to fully open up to the West.
It took a few more years for me to discover who Michael Jackson was, but when I finally did - I loved him.

And I loved music.
Not just His music, although His I always liked the best of all.
To me, truly - Music was Michael Jackson.
Other singers, bands...okay, sure - but He was The Ultimate.
I never anticipated any other music as much as I waited for His.

Throughout the years, my ears were open. I always looked out for sounds.
My iPod tally is slowly closing in on a thousand - and that's just my favourites.
The music would play throughout the days. At home, at work, on the train while I was on the way to school, in the car... My music was always ever-present.
There was a soundtrack to every single important event in my life.
I loved music. I felt music. I appreciated it.

But on the 25th of June 2009...suddenly...unexpectedly...the Music died. Suddenly...unexpectedly...shockingly... It was no more...

I still remember the day it was born to me...
And I will never forget the day it had gone.
I don't have anything to add that hasn't been said already. I agree with you guys 100%.
Though of course there will be good and catchy songs it will never be the same again, Michael was unique and no one can come close to the magic he shared with his music and videos. :(
I am so agreed with you.

Michael is unique and yes, he is irreplaceable. No more excitement in waiting for new concerts, new music videos and new songs releases. Never have a chance to see him anymore. My life is so empty now cos no one can amazed me ever after. He had done so much to make this world a better place for us, but without him here, the world is no longer a better place.

But yet I feel better when I can share my feelings with all of you here...Let us stay strong and united....HUGS to all of you :)
Yep, even though I like all kinds of music, Michael was one of the few artists, if not the only one that had me feeling all kinds of ways! :woohoo: :girl_sigh: You don't get that alot, so that's what I'll miss the most.
100% agree.
Music is dead and It has become history. What the artists do today is just 'remaking history' in a non-innovative way. They are boing and forgettable.
I agree
nothing will ever be the same.
only Michael could create the hype for new albums/tours/pictures etc.
-sigh- we have lost the greatest.