No one can impress me again!

Arabian Knight

Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
I feel that after Michael passed away that there is no future in the music industry, I think everything died already. I quote Will.I.Am: “Something needs to put a jolt back in the music industry. And the only thing that can do that is the jolt itself. The energy that sparked the imagination of the kids that are... me, you know, the Justin Timberlake's, we're all products of this. (Motions to Michael) So the only person that can put that jolt back in to that monstrosity of entertainment and music is the one who created that. (Motions to Michael again)”

I won’t have any enthusiasm for watching a new music video from anyone anymore. I won’t wait and anticipate (like a little child) a new album release unless it is from Michael. There is no SHOCK anymore the feeling of extreme enthusiasm and eagerness just died!

I had a dream to meet him in person and I missed my chance forever. I purchased tickets for Dangerous concert in Dubai but it was canceled by our ruler. That was one of the saddest days in my life when I had to return the tickets for a refund. Then Michael visited Dubai I think in 2005 and I was traveling, I thought I still have the chance to see him in London but lost that chance too, I thought I had plenty of time…

There is nothing that will excite me anymore, I am a genuine fan of only one artist which is Michael Jackson since 1982 and no one else was able to make my hair stand when he performs, it was like a huge event when I purchase a new album and listen to it for the first time, especially when I watch a new video, concert, etc… I will really miss all of that!

I believe we lost the greatest entertainer that ever lived. His music will truly live forever.

For me Michael is irreplaceable.
I feel similar in many points! I know that there will never be anyone who can convince me 100%....only Michael could do that. And now after all that happened....I know much more that really no one will ever make me feel like Mike did with his music and his personality.

I love you Michael!!!
I'm not kidding when saying I don't care for any other artists out there right now (I was a fan of janet though since 97) so she will be the only one I really bother to..u know just LIKE, go to her her albums.. all other artists is just..BLAH! they're all the same!!!

Michael to me was from 1-10.. over the scale..all other artists was -10.

I WILL MISS see new pictures..laugh of the cute outfits:( the excitement of the CURLS!!! dissapointment when,if straight hair is back! LOL then all excited when the curls are back again!!!! concerts!!! a new MJ song!!! and knowing he is ALIVE!!!

I used to think..michael is looking at the same moon and sun I'm looking at.

he was my everything..not kidding :( life is so empty
the same for me, everything just died. I have no interest in anything anymore, what for? There is nothing even close to Michael, and never will...
My 2 Icons growing up were Michael and Madonna, they have been the only ones that i've fallowed all my life since i was born.. Now that MJ is gone she's the last brilliant entertainer that i'll fallow from now on. Like Siedah Garret said, we lost the music, the music died and im completely agree. :( The music nowadays is so superficial and soul-less, no other artist can top Michael no will do it!!!
I so totally agree with you guys. Which is why the only music that I like now is Michael and Bollywood. Bollywood is the only other kind of music that really impresses me. I hate todays music none of it is good anymore. Which is why I had stopped listening to it years ago.
There will be no one like Michael. No one that can set the music world alight like him. No one can perform like him, there are imitators sure, and I'm not saying I wouldn't like to see people like Usher, Justin etc...but Michael was the original. And now, in this digital age, which has killed the magic in music, we won't ever see that again...

It's devastating. But their still are fantastic musicians out there, we still have Stevie, god, I can't think of anyone else :(

It just all seems so empty now...
I totally understand how you feel. Michael is definitely one of a kind..He does not only changes the music industry but has also changed many people's life.

Just how many people could affect so many people's life like the way Michael does. What's more, we have never met Michael in just amazin..and this is exactly what makes Michael soo special.
Im going to miss the anticipation of waiting for his new music to be released. I know there is still a mint of unreleased gems by him but what im trying to say is that i want him to be there when it gets released so he can see how excited we really are.
Michael is irreplaceable, yes, at least we still have his music with stays with us.

There is no one in the music industrie who is in any way impressing to me, only MJ and his legacy and it is blowing everything away already.
michael was one of a kind, we all know he was influenced by james brown but he took what he learned and made it his own to the extent that when you watched him dance and perform you weren't thinking about anyone else but michael jackson.

these other dudes be it usher, justin timberlake or chris brown. when i see them dance i don't see innovation just movement inspired by the king of pop and that's why they'll never achieve iconic status.
Yes, i agree you~Michael is irreplaceable=]
i know the world who leave the michael will be very sad,
but we should stay positive and be more stronger...
i think this can make michael feel more better too~~~
Yes, Michael is irreplaceable.
all others in the music industry now or later, can only copy him and nothing more :(
There is and never will be anyone as talented as him - his songs, singing voice, dancing, performances, everything was just so outstanding - how can anyone beat that.
and my word - I was impressed with this, when that fan just jumped onto the crane and he dealt with it so well
I so agree with whats been said here.....the day MJ died was the day the music died for me as well.

For example, both Whintey and mariah have projects coming out and I was a bit interested especially in what Whitney had to offer, but right now, I just could'nt care less!
wehn michael died we all died with him
I kinda felt the music industry was dead, for me after Mike was on haitus mode, I had a bunch of 80's band as my refuge, coz' IMHO their the one's left with less buttons pushed in record making process.
but with this, I dunno obviously Michael is irreplacable and if new artisit keep singing about sex and what not forget it. Music's been long dead *sigh*
That's how I am feeling right now. However, I've been following Janet's career for a long time and apparently she has new music out in September? According to her site?
the only thing that keeps me happy is the love of dancing and all of you fans on here im not alone with you all.
I feel the same.
I will always love great music and there will be some great songs but artists no. I have actually thought about this a lot recently and I can't think of anyone who I could adore so much. I was 12-years old when I became a fan of Michael's and it was like a lightning had hit me, in a good way of course.
Madonna, Janet they were great but both have lost the excitement factor. I'll always love Janet but she's not the same. Who else is there? Some are ok, some are good but the magic is missing of everybody else.
I was watching T4 on the beach (It's like a concert with all the hot artists out at the min in the -UK) I just kept thinking, oh my goodness now Michael has gone we are left with artists who are about as inspiring to me as dishwater. There was just no soul, no depth, no heat!!! Singing words that mean nothing.

Really no offence intended for all those that enjoy the music it's just how I feel. There are a lot of artists who I do like.

I feel There will never be that world excitement for an artist's concert like Michael's. It's so sad. I know the Ushers and Justin's are doing there thing and that's great but it just doesn't sit with me after watching someone like Michael. I guess the younger kids need someone to follow.

I know Michael will live on, but to me we have lost the greatest entertainer in living history. With a heart that helped to really heal the world and fill all of us with so much happiness through music.

On a happier note I feel blessed to have grown up with Michael than to never have had in him in my life at all. So I'm going to stay strong for him and his family. We deserve to give him that. We are his voice now.