No big public MJ party for his 50th?

i wishhh man! it too late to start planning....i know somone was planning a party in i think..yeah...but not enough fans paid attention..
WTF? The man is a JW and JWs do not celebrate birthdays. So, shame on your ass! You knew that his b-day was August 29th and you could have told people an idea on how fans can celebrate his birthday. You guys could have teamed up with other fan sites and threw a party for him like what happened in 2003. I didn't see you or anyone on here doing that. So, why even go there with the man? If you have some MJ fans who are your buddies and you wanna do something on Mike's b-day, then do that. However, do not expect MJ to do anything for his birthday. What Madge and Prince did for their birthdays (even though Prince is also a JW and doesn't celebrate birthdays) has nothing to do with Michael.

There is a party in NYC being set up. I read that there will be on in Austrilia (sp) and in Las Vegas. So, there are fans celebrating the man's birthday. BTW, if you people want to send something to Michael, you can send it to his NL estate. He still owns the place, so do your part and send something to him. There is a PalTalk party, a youtube party, all kinds of things to do. Stop bitching on the man when it is not his fault. Damn. Yes, 50 is a huge milestone, but some people, like MJ, do not want to make a big deal about it. That is him, not you or me. Just be happy that he is free to be able to turn 50 with his children, family and fans. Goodness. I think at times, fans take MJ for granted and expect him to do what other people are doing. Please, give that nonsense up!

Couldn't agree more, Bee! :flowers: The word FREE is the most important word in that sentence. Although I think it would have been nice to celebrate otherwise, I have to agree with everything you've said. :cheeky:
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it is my business since im a member on this forum and i cant stand seeing mean ppl like u attacking others for no reason! got it ? :rolleyes2: and u wanna talk about minding our own business ? well its not any of ur goddamn business to tell her how she should feel about this and whether she should be happy or sad that michaels not throwing an official party for his bday. back off

Back off yourself. The last time I checked, you don't run this forum nor are you a moderator so don't give me that goody-goody two shoes crap. Besides I didn't "attack" neverlandprincess "for no good reason", maybe if she left the "shame on you mikey bull" out, then maybe I wouldn't have had to respond. Calling other fans out for disrespecting MJ doesn't make me a "mean" person either. I don't understand why you of all people are taking this so personally, since this little "discussion" never had anything to do with you to begin with lol.

Anyway I'm over this. If this is your way of trying to me feel ashamed then you're failing miserably. I stand by everything I've said previously regardless how YOU or anybody else feels about it. I've remained silent for too long and even if the mods had to come here and delete everything, I'm not going to change my mind nor apologise.

P.S Don't even bother to respond with your scolding, because I'm not gonna read it LOL
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