Nintendo DSi/DS Lite/Original

I got a Nintendo DS a few months ago and have really enjoyed it so far. The PSP definitely is better for graphics, but it all depends on what you wanna play. I knew Nintendo was going to be it for me cuz there are a number of games on it that I wanna play, like all the Mario games :). It's also pretty cool that Nintendo is trying to market to different lifestyles - like I love Personal Trainer Cooking and the brain challenge games. There are a ton of junk/so-so games for the DS but the good ones are *really* good.

£149 for a console, accessories, + games? Wow! That is a bargain! The camera on the DSi could be cool, so maybe it's worth getting.
Brought my DSi!!! Totally cool. Had a little trouble connecting it to the internet at first but now it's all cool. I can sit in bed or in the garden and browse throught MJJCommunitty!! Totally cool.
Have to say the brain training games are funny. My brain age is absolutely horrendous!!
Re: Nintendo DS Lite

^ Congrats on finding the right DS for you! Enjoy! :clap:

Just heard about the new Nintendo DSi. I might wait for that. Similar, with new features.

That wil be the next purchase I will be doing. I hope the design is a little sturdier than the DS Lite; once you accidently dropped that thing there was no getting around some breakage somewhere. The original DS was built a little more to last.