nice tweets from Prince

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And yes you're right... let's underline the problem of selling PLASTIC bottles with whatever in there:
just in case Prince is reading here and wants to get informed.

What i meant was that the chemicals used to make plastic smooth are also leaking directly into the water that's in the bottle. But it's true, plastic garbage is also a massive environmental pollution problem.
Anyway, off topic.
I do wonder why people who post here are so negative in their comments.
I believe we should just pray for the well being of Prince, Paris, and Blanket Jackson.

No need for anyone to follow up with some negative comment; because I have already

read the many negative things you have already posted.

Just very disappointed about the level of brainwashing being applied into Prince's head. Paris probably is on anti depressing medication and of course therapy so she does not have mind of her own.
Prince is old enough to make his own decisions, whether we like them or not.

Of course he is old enough to make his own decisions and because of this I feel sorry for his "lack of awareness" after so much money is spend on his education.
I'm not sure over what I should be more surprised about:

Prince has a beard or Prince knows how to drive. :blink: Either way, I can't believe how quickly he's growing up, and I'm only 2 years older than him! :eek:mg:

Edit: He also re-vined this post that I thought was kinda funny.
I like that little Michael figurine or whatever it is.

Snowwhite To me those cousins will always be a part of Michael's children's lives. I realized that from the moment they went to live in Katherine's house. They will party together, hang out together, go on vacation together, go to weddings together and all trips will always be paid for by the estate. It seems to me that Michael's kids like these cousins too, and I guess that is how it should be. By now Blanket is really attached to the cousin close to his age.

I just wish Paris was able to be free and go on road trips too. Oh well...
I had a little giggle as he wrote this with his vines
"One of the best shows in Las Vegas if not the best"

He is so modest that he couldn't directly say that his dad's show is the best show:cheeky:
bless him/. nice to see emotionally he can go to this show
It is so good to see him do something Michael oriented or dad oriented. Lately all you see is them helping other people's careers like Latoya's, and I was wondering when they will give some thumbs up to a daddy project. Thanks Prince.
Yeah, it's nice to see Jr. supporting his dad related projects instead of the other Jackson's. I guess it must be amazing, lucky ones who can afford going to see ONE. I can listen to the videos perfectly and I don't have an account.
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Lately all you see is them helping other people's careers like Latoya's, and I was wondering when they will give some thumbs up to a daddy project. Thanks Prince.

But the Cirque-shows are the only projects they are supporting. They are also supported from Kathrine or the 3Ts, so they have persmission from family. And I am sure Kathrine got extra money from the Estate to attend the premiere of the shows.
^^Yeah I know but it is still good to see him give accolades to something Michael orientated, even though it is only the Cirque shows and maybe Katherine got extra money to attend the premiere.
Well, Jackie and Tito got paid by the estate to attend hand and foot print ceremony at the Grauman's Chinese Theatre, so I don't think any members of family supports MJ related projects without payment.
Thanks. i shouldnt be surprised but...

I'm surprised.
Justin Bieber didn't get paid, or didn't want to get paid, and he is not family. The only thing the estate paid for him was his drive to there.

I wonder if the consulting fees that the estate paid for KJ was her appearance fees to few places?
Nice tweet from Taj (I will not make an extra thread...hope its ok )

Taj Jackson@tajjackson3· Sept 9th 2014

This world seems to easily reward negative and suppress the good. Hang in there moral people. You just have to take the longer better route.So many celebrities with the the power and influence to do such good in the world. Yet use their status to promote negative things. #ImissMJ
Prince Jackson @princemjjjaxon · 17 h.

Prince looks really happy :) (Disney-Pic from Sept 7th)

Nikita Bess
Fixing his hair per usual

Prince Jackson ?@princemjjjaxon 24. Oct.

Long night at universal Halloween horror nights


^^Prince likes to hang out with the cousins. Are there any pictures with him just hanging out with his friends, except for the school photo when they were going on a trip and the girlfriend photos?
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