Nice article about Michael in Good Housekeeping.

I noticed when Captian Eo came out that Michael didn't look the same and I was aware he had a nose job by the time of the Victory tour. I was born in 1976 and first became aware of the Jacksons through the cartoon. I remember liking him in the group better even then and I still do. I guess it took me a while to become a fan because Thriller scared the hell out of me. In 1996 after years of slowly liking him more and more I became a huge fan.
Do most peeps have a hard describing Mike to young children? From my experience with young kids they just accepted that Mike from '84 and Mike from '96 was the same person without mockery or question. they saw him perform, sing and dance, and knew it was the same person.

Only time I've heard comments has been from older kids who have already been geared toward that mockery of him by the press.

Maybe I was a dumb kid, but it never bothered me a bit when his skin got lighter. I kinda didn't even notice. I jus' thought that Michael was magical and could do anything no one else could simply cuz he was Michael Jackson, so I never wondered about his appearance.

Anyway nice article. It jus' goes to show ya that Michael has been culturally relevant not just becusae of his musical brilliance but becuz he has time and time again made people re-evaluate themselves and our society.

I was exactly the same lol. The first time I saw Michael was in the early 90s, but when I saw older footage of him and footage of his family, I never questioned any of it, just accepted it. Michael was always just Michael to me. Looking back I always figured I was just not a very perceptive child lol but maybe there's something else to it.
^^^I agree, I actually HATE the article sadly because of the reasons you mentioned. The woman who wrote it is a dope who doesn't get that Michael love is proud of being black and doesn't suffer from self hate. :mat: I hope her sun teaches her ignorant butt about Mike.

how easy is it to understand why MJ felt safe with children and felt judged and ridiculed and misunderstood by adults.
this parent and the rest of our society will not take a second look at how their jokes, mockery, and maligning of this man on a daily basis could have also affected his insecurities.

he was a beautiful beautiful soul.... why one person had to suffer so much is beyond me.

i hated the article.
While you all HATED the article, the point of it was her son put her in her place. It's the innocence of a child that makes the article good. Like others have said, it just backs it up that children gravitated towards Michael.
how easy is it to understand why MJ felt safe with children and felt judged and ridiculed and misunderstood by adults.
this parent and the rest of our society will not take a second look at how their jokes, mockery, and maligning of this man on a daily basis could have also affected his insecurities.

he was a beautiful beautiful soul.... why one person had to suffer so much is beyond me.

i hated the article.
somebody earlier on here said that when MJ's look changed, they saw it as just another magical thing that MJ could do, because of him being Michael Jackson. i like that. that's how i saw it.

for me, it was..when i saw the new look on the Bad Album, MJ called it 'his new look'. and that's how i accepted it. i thought it was magical, too. because only MJ could do it. he had the different color eyes, and everything, and i was just amazed...a blessing bestowed upon him, is how i saw it. and, from what i observed..that's when everybody started the 'reinvention' phase..mocking MJ for it, but crediting themselves for it, when people started vainly trying to 'reinvent' themselves. fact is, they were jealous of MJ, and the fact that it worked so well for him, he was first with it, and wasn't noticeable on others.
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Thanks for sharing the article!
Michael always will have an effect on everyone don't matter if you're 1 or 100 years old he will always have that effect on all of us.
But on the other hand I don't really like the article, I mean I like it it's good but on the other hand the woman makes it look like Michael really hated himself when he was white, and he was proud of his roots, when he was black and all but I don't think he hated himself because he became white he still considered himself as a black man inside that would never have changed.
To me it doesn't matter if Michael was black or white or green or yellow of red or purple you get what I mean :lol: I'd still love him anyway no matter how he looked.