News Said Justin E! News: Justin Timberlake Might Do 02 Shows, As A Tribute

That's actually what I read. That JT would take some of the dates and that other artists he inspired, like those you listed, would take some of the others. I'm sure there would be some collaborations as well.

There are people I question, who I think would and do use MJ's name for their own good and to get back on the map. JT doesn't fit that bill imo. He's always been respectful to Michael Jackson.

Is he as good? Obviously not, but then again nobody is and imo nobody ever will be.

Well if this would be the best way to go, then I guess it can work. But it has to be about Michael Jackson and I have a feeling that these other singers managment will try to muscle in on who would be the next POP ICON??? Who gets top billing and my artist should open these shows and no, my artist should do these shows.

Yes we know that Michael can never be replaced, but some of these singers think that if there is anyone who can replace Michael, then it should be them.
IMO I just think it's too soon.
I'm sorry, but this is such a stupid idea. Maybe his intentions are good, but people won't be coming to see him to show their respect for Michael. Just sounds to me like he wants to profit after this tragedy.

There will surely be commemorative shows, shows where there will be dozens of artists that loved him. He should take part in those if he really wants to pay his respects.
Ok people where's what I think should be done. If you have a ticket for any of the shows, and you feel the need to donate the funds to a charity in Michael's honor....ask for a refund. Don't tell them to send the money to a charity because they probably won't. I'm not saying AEG is shaddy or not, but just to be safe, ask for your money back. When you get it back, send it to a charity that Michael supported, and send it in his honor.

IMO it's the only way you'll know for sure if the charity gets it.
I don't care who the artist is, I have no interest in seeing a tribute concert to fill Michael's dates at the O2. No one can fill the void Michael has left.
I don't care about others! All I ever truly wanted to see was Michael.
No one can fill his place but if they are going to tribute there should be like dozens of big names in a concert...
bullshit the loss wont be MINIMAL b/c i have a feeling mj didn't pass his physical. y else would aeg have a dr on the payroll living w/ mj?
daft media story dont even bother with it.we have bgigeer things to worry aobut. none of this matters anymore
well he could maybe do 1 or 2 using the dates, no way are there gonna be enough people to and see him do 50 shows, only Michael can do that
bullshit i'd go. i wanted to see mj. now im mourning the loss of my brotha. wht i wanna c justin for? aeg doesn't wana do returns and i predict they'll make us fill something out during the week of mj's services so fans won't really be on the ball and lose out.

whatever. i'd give anything to just h ave my tickets in hand. screw it, keep mymoney i want my tickets
Justin timberlake will never replace mj,no one ever will!
If the family are feeling up to it,it would be nice if they could put together a rememberence concert one day, as michaels blood runs through there vains so that way we would still have a part of michael on stage and even though he would not be there in person,we would definetly all feel hes spirit!
But at the moment we must all take one day at a time!!
Its a nice thought but I'd be very annoyed if AEG think he can 'fill' Michael's shoes in some way because he can't and no one ever can. I don't know whether I could even attend a tribute concert, I don't know. It's just all too much right now.
I don't want to see this idiot in any of Michael Joseph Jackson(RIP) tribute shows, let alone the O2 shows.
If Randy Philips/AEG going to do this then fu*k him/it.
with all respect for Justin as an artist.. BUT...

that would be discusting! these shows where MICHAELS comeback. Now we don't want someone else to enjoy being on that stage, with the crowd MICHAEL put together. who does he think he is?

man.. people are like hungry wolfs.. only few hours ago did the king of pop die, and they are already grabbing to be the new king. Trying to take over what Michael created..

I want to VOMMIT!!!!