NEW: Was Michael Jackson Framed?: The Untold Story That Brought Down a Superstar

^Thanks for clearing that up.

Funny how it's the Chandlers' own words that are coming back to bite them in the backside. It obviously wasn't their intention but Ray's book does more to prove that the case was a total set up!
I think narcissists can't help but tell on themselves. And that's what happens when they write a book...
Yes, exactly:

"In his heart, Evan already knew the truth; he didn't need Jordie to confirm it."

Evan had this fixed idea that Michael molested Jordan and would not take a "no" for an answer from Jordan. And he made that very clear to Jordan.

It was evan's fantasy plain & simple
Published: January 26, 1994

Michael Jackson Settles Suit For Sum Said to Be in Millions

Michael Jackson, the music superstar who was accused of sexual molestation by a 14-year-old boy, agreed today to pay the boy an undisclosed amount that was said to be in the millions of dollars.

In return for the financial settlement, the boy, who is unidentified, dropped the civil lawsuit he had instituted against Mr. Jackson. But a separate criminal investigation will continue.

Regarding that investigation, District Attorney Gil Garcetti of Los Angeles County said today that Larry Feldman, the boy's lawyer, had not ruled out having the youngster testify. "Nobody has bought anyone's silence," Mr. Feldman said. Prosecutor's Statement

In a terse statement, Mr. Garcetti said: "The criminal investigation of singer Michael Jackson is ongoing and will not be affected by the announcement of the civil case settlement. The District Attorney's office is taking Mr. Feldman at his word that the alleged victim will be allowed to testify and that there has been no agreement in the civil matter that will affect cooperation in the criminal investigation."

Even with the settlement, Mr. Jackson's career has been damaged, with prospects for product endorsements and films out of the question for the moment.

Lawyers for both sides declined to discuss the details of the out-of-court settlement. But a friend of Mr. Jackson said the figure was in the millions and could exceed $10 million.

Mr. Feldman said the teen-ager was "very happy." No Admission of Guilt

"We signed off on the deal; that was it," said Mr. Feldman, after a private afternoon meeting in the chambers of Judge David Rothman of Santa Monica Superior Court. Mr. Jackson's two lawyers, Howard Weitzman and Johnnie Cochran Jr., were also at the meeting.

Mr. Jackson's lawyers emphasized today that the entertainer was not guilty of the accusations. "The resolution of this case is in no way an admission of guilt by Michael Jackson," said Mr. Cochran, reading a statement from himself and Mr. Weitzman. "In short, he is an innocent man who does not intend to have his career and his life destroyed by rumors and innuendo."

But legal experts said the settlement had left Mr. Jackson open to similar suits.

Entertainment lawyers said Mr. Jackson's advisers weighed the pros and cons of a settlement and decided it was the only option to avoid a civil suit -- which would have forced Mr. Jackson to testify in court -- and lessen the chances of a potentially more damaging criminal case in which, again, he would have to testify. If found guilty in a criminal case, Mr. Jackson could go to jail.

"There are two advantages here for Michael and his advisers in deciding to settle," said a top entertainment lawyer in Los Angeles, who spoke only on the condition that he not to be identified. "The first is that, in California, you can't be allowed to testify in this kind of case against your will."

So if the youngster or his family decides that he will not testify, the lawyer said, the criminal investigation will be effectively ended. Juries Are Unpredictable

"Second, the real reason you settle is, even if you feel you're innocent, the facts or evidence could show some liability," the lawyer said. "And it's difficult to predict what a judge or jury will determine. We've all seen that in criminal cases recently. It's difficult to predict what a jury will decide. Lawyers are becoming increasingly nervous about that, especially in a case with so much publicity."

Lawyers acknowledged that by agreeing to a settlement the boy avoided having to testify in public and endure sharp questioning by Mr. Jackson's lawyers. There is also the money that will be gained without a trial.

At this point, Mr. Feldman said, his client wanted to have a normal adolescence.

"My job in this case is a lawyer for a little boy who has suffered for a long time," he said. "I have done what is in this little boy's best interests. I am proud of what I've done. My little boy has shown an enormous amount of courage."

Of the boy, whose family apparently sanctioned his friendship with Mr. Jackson, Mr. Feldman said, "He gets to go on today and hopefully everybody will leave him alone and he will get to repair some very, very deep wounds."

Mr. Jackson's personal worth is estimated at $100 million. People close to Mr. Jackson said the boy's lawyer and family initially sought $20 million in exchange for dropping the lawsuit. A lesser figure was worked out in recent weeks, those people said.

Advisers to Mr. Jackson acknowledge that his career has been seriously hurt, especially since Mr. Jackson, who is 35, built that career on an image of childlike innocence, often surrounding himself with young children. Pepsico, whose products were represented by Mr. Jackson in multimillion-dollar television commercials, has ended its relationship with him. And the lawsuit has effectively stopped the development of his film career. His plans for concert tours and music videos are on hold.

Mr. Jackson prematurely ended his world tour in November, saying he was addicted to painkillers.

"Overseas this is less important than domestically," advisers to Mr. Jackson said. "The impact on his career outside the U.S. will be minimal. In the U.S., it's very bad. It will diminish his reputation, his stature." Various Sex Acts Charged

Mr. Jackson has repeatedly denied any wrongdoing in the case, in which the boy, who was 13 at the time, accused him of molesting him repeatedly over a five-month period. During that time, the boy has said, Mr. Jackson frequently bathed with him, shared a bed with him and showered him with gifts and trips. He said Mr. Jackson had fondled him and performed various sex acts with him.

The civil suit, filed last September, accused Mr. Jackson of sexual battery, seduction, willful misconduct, intentional infliction of emotional distress, fraud and negligence in a campaign to entice the boy.

Associates of Mr. Jackson said the closely guarded settlement was worked out by his two lawyers, Mr. Weitzman and Mr. Cochran, and the boy's lawyer, Mr. Feldman. Neither Mr. Jackson's manager, Sandy Gallin, nor his agents, Creative Artists Agency, were directly involved in the negotiations, they said.

With the civil case ended, legal experts said a criminal investigation of Mr. Jackson might collapse. Investigators in Los Angeles and Santa Barbara Counties have explored accusations that Mr. Jackson sexually molested the boy in 1992, but lawyers said that inquiry, which began in August, now seems doubtful because the settlement makes it improbable that the boy will cooperate. Under a California law adopted two years ago, a victim of sexual abuse cannot be compelled to testify against his or her assailant. Sony Is Quiet

Mr. Jackson, perhaps the biggest pop music star of the 1980's, has a deal with the Sony Corporation worth a reported $50 million to $65 million, but top music executives of that company have been reticent about expressing support for him. Tentative efforts by his agents at Creative Artists Agency and his manager to build a movie career are at a standstill.

Rumors of a deal between Mr. Jackson and his accuser have surfaced over the last few days. On Monday, prosecutors announced that they would not pursue charges of extortion leveled by Mr. Jackson and his advisers against the boy's father. "The evidence does not show that any crime has been committed," said Michael J. Montagna, a deputy Los Angeles County District Attorney.

Shortly before Christmas, Mr. Jackson returned to Santa Barbara and his secluded Neverland Valley ranch, which has its own breeding ground for white tigers, bears and gorillas. Fighting back tears, Mr. Jackson read a four-minute message on television in which he urged the public, "Don't treat me like a criminal," and described being subjected to a complete body search by criminal investigators. "It was the most humiliating ordeal of my life," he said.

The boy who made the accusations against Mr. Jackson had given the police a detailed description of the entertainer's genitals.

Mr. Feldman, the boy's lawyer, insisted that nothing in the settlement of his lawsuit pertained to the criminal case. "We have been talking to the District Attorney," he said. "The District Attorney has taken all of our evidence." Mr. Feldman said the District Attorney's office did not participate in the settlement discussions.


i cant buy on amazon.
I remember that there was a great person who had all michaels book online, is this one also online so i can read it???????
I saw the link but that aint 40 pages? is that a short version of the book?
Last edited:

i cant buy on amazon.
I remember that there was a great person who had all michaels book online, is this one also online so i can read it???????
I saw the link but that aint 40 pages? is that a short version of the book?

Do you mean Jetzi?
Here is the link for the original article as it was published the first time, but her new article is not there yet

If there is somebody who has read the newer version, can you please post here if there is something new added and is it worth of buying?
jordan now telling friends, that were prepared to testify against him in 05 that nothing happened and he hated his parents etc confirms to me the sodium.. story was false.

but at the end of the day this will never be lied to rest until JC admits the truth. and considering evan has been dead three years and not a peep out of him i doubt that day will ever come.hes the only one who can end this and he wont

fischer talking about costs etc for investigating imo is a red herring. its an excuse for the media who have set agendas. fans have a huge knowledge. google doesnt cost anything. just look at this thread and how it picked about the sodium confession,the family not wanting a crim trial etc. look at the tiabbi piece from 05 that was pulled by those higher up. im sure fischer incounted opposition to her article and there were those that tried to bury it
but at the end of the day this will never be lied to rest until JC admits the truth. and considering evan has been dead three years and not a peep out of him i doubt that day will ever come.hes the only one who can end this and he wont

Unfortunately I have to agree with this. Maybe there will be a death bed confession by Jordan in some 50 years, but basically he seems to be a coward. Or just enjoys the money he got through their lies a bit too much to disturb the status quo about it.
VERBATUM Transcript from the Michael Jackson/Chandler settlement press conference as taped from satellite on 1-26-94, unedited.

Larry Feldman's statement-Attorney for Plaintiff:
"We wish to jointly announce a mutual resolution of this lawsuit. As you are aware the plaintiff has alleged certain acts of impropriety by Mr. Jackson and from the inception of those allegations Mr. Jackson has always maintained his innocence. However the emotional trauma and strain on the respective parties have caused both parties to reflect on the wisdom of continuing with the litigation. The plaintiff has agreed that the lawsuit should be resolved and it will be dismissed in the near future. Mr. Jackson continues to maintain his innocence and withdraws any previous allegations of extortion. This will allow the parties to get on with their lives in a more positive and productive manner. Much of the suffering these parties have been put through has been caused by the publicity surrounding this case. We jointly request that members of the press allow the parties to close this chapter in their lives with dignity so that the healing process may begin."

Johnnie Cockran's statement-Attorney for Defendant [Michael Jackson]:
"In the past ten days the rumors and speculation surrounding this case have reached a fever pitch and by-and-large have been false and outrageous. As Mr. Feldman has correctly indicated Michael Jackson has maintained his innocence from the beginning of this matter and now, as this matter will soon be concluded, he still maintains that innocence. The resolution of this case is in no way an admission of guilt by Michael Jackson. In short, he is an innocent man who does not intend to have his career and his life destroyed by rumor and innuendo. Throughout this ordeal he has been subjected to an unprecedented media feeding frenzy; especially by the tabloid press. The tabloid press has shown an insatiable thirst for anything negative and have paid huge sums of money to people who have little or no information and who barely knew Michael Jackson. So today the time has come for Michael Jackson to move on to new business, to get on with his life, to start the healing process and to move his career forward to even greater heights. This he intends to do. At the appropriate time Michael Jackson will speak out publicly as to the agony, torture, and pain he has had to suffer during the past six months. Thank you very much. "
Interesting, isnt it:

From the very beginning, the 2003 case against Michael Jackson looked like a bad rerun of 1993 with essentially the same cast of ridiculous characters:


To say that all of Michael Jackson's enemies have converged in Santa Barbara might be an understatement. Contrary to the flimsy observations of the likes of paperboy Dan Abrams of 'The Dan Abrams Show' as well as those of media ho Diane Dimond, this is a setup, folks. Just take a look at our chart below. One would have to suffer from cataracts not to see the 'pattern' of conspiracy perpetrated against Jackson, not by him.

When persons involved with this project first resolved to do it, we took it on with the sole purpose of reporting what mainstreaming media appears to be afraid to report. For reasons still not clear (alright we think we know why), few if any news/media outlets have even touched on the subject of the suspicious involvement of virtually the same players from the 1993 allegations in the latest case against Mr. Jackson. It is our hope that persons reading this report will take the time to ponder what we have found, process the information, and decide for themselves. We are particularly hopeful that journalists interested in reporting the story as objectively as possible will consider this modest offering and perhaps decide to investigate both sides of the case for themselves. All we can do is hope.

Sneddon and the Chandlers

(1) District Attorney Tom Sneddon, who attempted to bring charges against Michael Jackson in 1993 and who is now prosecuting the current case against Jackson, is on the faculty at the Santa Barbara College of Law. Ray Chandler, (2-3) the uncle of the boy who accused Jackson of sexual abuse in 1993, studied law at the Santa Barbara College of Law and is currently a real estate lawyer.

(4) Dave Schwartz, the stepfather of Jackson's first accuser, is the founder of Rent-a-Wreck, a car rental agency that is represented by the public relations firm Tellem. After Jackson was arrested in 2003, Tellem offered Tom Sneddon their services - for free.

The Chandlers' Former Attorneys and their Ability to Find 'Victims'

(5) Civil lawyer Larry Feldman represented Jordan Chandler, the boy who accused Michael Jackson of sexual abuse in 1993. (6) Feldman sent Jordan Chandler to see psychiatrist Stan Katz for an evaluation.

(7) In 1993, Jackson's former maid Blanca Francia was deposed by civil lawyer Larry Feldman for the Chandlers' lawsuit. In the deposition, Francia claimed to have seen Jackson act inappropriately with other children, including her own son. She later recanted these statements but members of the District Attorney's office often refer to Francia's son as an alleged victim of Jackson's.

(8.) After getting in contact with Larry Feldman, John Arvizo accused Michael Jackson of sexual abuse; the boy was then sent to see Dr. Katz (9). Note that less than four months earlier John Arvizo and his family had vehemently defended Jackson on numerous occasions.

Feldman is not the only former attorney for the Chandlers who can't seem to stay away from the Jackson case. (10) The Chandlers' first attorney Gloria Allred has also made it her life mission to seek out other accusers. We're sure her efforts are solely motivated by justice and have nothing to do with the cut of the settlement that she would inevitably receive if one of her clients were to successfully sue Jackson.

(11) In February 2003, after seeing a documentary that put a sinister spin on Jackson's relationship with John Arvizo, Gloria Allred contacted Tom Sneddon and demanded that he investigate Jackson. At the same time, 'media psychiatrist' Carole Lieberman also filed a complaint against Jackson. Sneddon responded to Allred and Lieberman's complaints by stating that although he would take the matter seriously, he could not reopen the Jackson case without a cooperative victim.

Months later, John Arvizo told Larry Feldman that Michael Jackson sexually abused him. Once again, Allred missed out on the opportunity to represent a Jackson accuser. As for Lieberman, she made sure to advertise on her website that she was the first psychiatrist to demand that Jackson be investigated.

(12) Not to be one upped by Feldman and Katz, Allred and Lieberman teamed up on another collaboration 'an accuser' named Daniel Kapone. After being treated by Dr. Lieberman, Kapone suddenly remembered having been abused by Jackson when he was just three years old. Once Lieberman helped him recover his 'repressed memories', Allred signed on as his attorney. Unfortunately for Allred and Lieberman, it was later determined that Kapone had never even met Michael Jackson.

1993: The Media

(13) During the 1993 case, many of Jackson's former employees cashed in on the allegations by selling salacious stories to the media. The most visible opportunist from the 1993 case was the aforementioned Blanca Francia, Jackson's former maid. She first sold her story to Diane Dimond during an interview on Hard Copy and later collaborated with Chilean journalist Victor Gutierrez on his book Michael Jackson was my Lover.

(14) Aside from providing Blanca Francia with a platform for her sensational stories, Gutierrez and Dimond had something else in common; they were both were sued by Jackson for spreading a false story about him in the mid-90s. During an interview on Hard Copy, Gutierrez claimed to have seen a videotape of Jackson molesting one of his nephews; Dimond later repeated his story on a local radio station. It was eventually proven that no such tape existed and Jackson filed a lawsuit against Gutierrez and Dimond for defamation of character.

2003: The Media

While the mainstream media has been collectively irresponsible in their coverage of the Jackson case, NBC seems particularly intent on ruining Jackson's reputation by hiring several well-known Jackson detractors to cover the case. The following people either have an axe to grind with Jackson, have spread false rumours about him in the past or have connections to the Santa Barbara District Attorney's office. Take a look:

(15) Despite the fact that Jackson sued her for spreading an irrefutably false story about him, NBC hired Diane Dimond to cover the Jackson case in 2003. (16) Dimond also admittedly receives information from the District Attorney's office and there has been much speculation regarding the nature of her relationship with Tom Sneddon.

(17) Tim Russert, the senior vice president of NBC News, is married to Maureen Orth, a journalist who has written three slanderous articles about Jackson for Vanity Fair magazine. Two of these articles were written about the case and were full of half-truths and rumours.

(18.) NBC hired Jim Thomas as a special analyst; Jim Thomas is admittedly good friends with Tom Sneddon.

(19) NBC produced two salacious Dateline NBC specials about the Jackson case. The most recent one featured interviews with Jim Thomas and Ray Chandler and was heavily slanted in favour of the prosecution's version of events. (20) The special was produced by none other than Victor Gutierrez, who was hired by NBC to cover the Jackson case even though he still owes Jackson $2.7 million dollars from a defamation of character lawsuit that Jackson filed and won against him. Conflict of interest anyone?

Gutierrez and the Chandlers

(21) Many have speculated that Victor Gutierrez collaborated with Evan Chandler, the father of Jackson's first accuser, to write Michael Jackson was my Lover. The book contains personal photographs of Jordan Chandler and court documents that only somebody directly involved in the case could possibly have access to.

(15) Victor Gutierrez and Ray Chandler recently worked together on the Dateline NBC special, which Gutierrez produced.


Is it merely a coincidence that all of the people who have accused Michael Jackson of acting inappropriately with a child are connected to one another? Every accuser, every professional who has worked with each accuser, every tabloid hack who has reported negative stories about Jackson - literally all of the players involved in both the 1993 case and the 2003 case are related to one another.

Is it a conspiracy?

Many don't even know that the law at the time allowed Civil to go first in California. I think that if those who like to believe MJ was a child molester knew the real reason behind the settlement they would be open to hear everything else! Because many who think that he was guilty believe he just said here take my money. And it didn't happen that way. MJ tried to stop the civil case from going first. But, it was denied. What was there to do but to try then to save his rights to defend himself in the criminal case.