NEW: Was Michael Jackson Framed?: The Untold Story That Brought Down a Superstar


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011

Product Details
Paperback: 40 pages
Publisher: Argo-Navis (October 4, 2012)
Language: English
Product Dimensions: 9 x 6 x 0.1 inches

Price: $5.99

Award-winning writer and journalist Mary A. Fischer has tracked down crime and corruption stories from around the world for national magazines including, GQ, The Atlantic, Los Angeles Times magazine, New York, Rolling Stone, Men's Journal, O-Oprah, ELLE and AARP.

Twice she has been ranked as one of the top five print reporters in the U.S., when two of her GQ articles, including her cover story on Michael Jackson, were finalists for the National Magazine Award.

Known for pursuing under reported stories, Fischer is credited with breaking several high-profile criminal cases, among them, the '93 Michael Jackson case originally published in GQ, and the McMartin Preschool child molestation scandal. She was the first print reporter to take the controversial position, backed up by her six-month investigation, that there was no credible evidence against the McMartin defendants and the allegations against them were not credible.
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Great! I certainly will buy it to support a good case.

I think there were some things in which she wasn't right: notably, I don't think Jordan was given Sodium Amytal, but all in all it's a very good and useful article. And one of the first to challenge the allegations.
I am surprised... that 40 pages of this booklet? ... but the article had only a few.

I can post the full GQ 1994 article, but this booklet has something more, it seems.
And of course, Ray Chandler lied (not the only time) when he claimed Mary Fischer backtracked from her 1994 article.
This is a good price; so I purchased a copy for my MJ collection. :reading:
Thank you for this. I also purchased a copy because once again I feel a need to show my support for people who went against their editors and attempted to look beyond tabloids and lies. Mary Fisher was a lone wolf at that time for writing such an article.
i appreciate the article, but a superstar is never brought down, unless he no longer has fans.
I personally realized after Michael died, that I wanted his complete vindication. Maybe this will help that cause.
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I'll get this. When my parents owned a take away shop when I was growing up I had a copy of this article printed and left it among the magazines for people to read while they were waiting. Got ALOT of reads!
If she has indeed added more stuff in it i will get it for sure

Just hope my local bookstore can get it for me
and was he? in the eyes of the people who count? No. is there anybody in the world who is flattered by everyone in the world, no matter what? No.

It actually does matter how someone's reputation is. It's true that no one is flattered by everyone and we cannot make everyone like MJ. And that's not the goal either. The goal is to make people realize that he was not a criminal. They do not have to become a fan to accept this fact. And do you think Michael did not suffer from people thinking of him that he was a pedo? This was the pain of his life. IMO fans have to do everything in their power to help to spread the truth about the allegations.

It's also a fact that for many people the allegations are still THE stumbling block when it comes to MJ. A lot of people refuse to listen to him or buy his records because they think he was a criminal, or at least they are unsure about the allegations and do not want to associate with someone who they think might be a criminal. The allegations cause big harm to both Michael's reputation and his career. It's our duty to educate ourselves and others about them.
I'll buy this. I don't particularly enjoy reading about the accusations, but I want to support this and show that there is demand for well-researched information about Michael, not just the usual sensationalized tabloid garbage.
The cover says that there is a new foreword by the author so my best guess is that any new thoughts/information will be added there.

In the spirit of supporting positive pieces about Michael, I'll order a copy.
a new foreward?? I wonder what she will add? and considering those lies told on MJ I think for the most part his fans and those who loved him stood by him. The fact that over the years MJ still sold records, and in March 2009 sold out 50 shows more than any other artist ever proves he retained a strong part of his fan base. I think most folks with common sense can see MJ was framed and lied on. Mike should have been much more careful about people he had around him and he should have never left himself in vulnerable situations especially after 1993. I would have never let any child over my house after 1993 but Mike decided to allow it still and again he was betrayed. I just hope the Arvizo's are eventually punished for their bold faced lies and I hope that Sneddon and Diamond reap what they've sown knowingly causing stress on an innocent man and knowingly going along with a lying and corrupt family. They know the Arvizo's were liars and perjurers yet they went along with it to 'get Michael'. I have hope they will be punished for that.
It actually does matter how someone's reputation is. It's true that no one is flattered by everyone and we cannot make everyone like MJ. And that's not the goal either. The goal is to make people realize that he was not a criminal. They do not have to become a fan to accept this fact. And do you think Michael did not suffer from people thinking of him that he was a pedo? This was the pain of his life. IMO fans have to do everything in their power to help to spread the truth about the allegations.

It's also a fact that for many people the allegations are still THE stumbling block when it comes to MJ. A lot of people refuse to listen to him or buy his records because they think he was a criminal, or at least they are unsure about the allegations and do not want to associate with someone who they think might be a criminal. The allegations cause big harm to both Michael's reputation and his career. It's our duty to educate ourselves and others about them.

sure. but it's like religion. when somebody wants to believe something, a zillion fans can fight till they die, and the non believer will continue to make you think you're talking to a brick wall. it would be easier for me, if people would continuously put out articles like this, without wanting to make money off of it. there are so many ways to make money off of Michael's back..and i'm just sick of it. and deep inside, i think the ones who want to make you think you're talking to a brick wall, know that Michael is innocent, and already bought his records, because his records are irresistable. he doesn't just become the greatest selling artist of all time, and maintain that title for a whole lot of years, without some haters, and a whole lot of die hard fans, who, in their heart, don't see his name as tarnished, buying his records. i know in my heart, i am far from alone, in seeing his name as not tarnished, deep in my heart. i'm not against continuing the fight. haven't fans been fighting this fight for years? haven't the die hard haters made those fans feel like fans are just talking to a brick wall? just remember, don't take the haters personally. everybody has an intrinsic knowledge of who really is a criminal, and who is not. and everybody has an intrinsic knowledge of who is the subject of great envy, and who is not. i guarantee, if Michael wasn't a true massive success, so many less people would 'think' of him as a criminal. Michael's good name is secured. If it wasn't, nobody would be on this site, right now. In fact, i think this site would not exist. Who wants to represent an artist with a tarnished name? If a person did the right thing in life, his or her name is secure, no matter what people think. Genuineness never fails. If a person truly did wrong..their name is matter how many people flatter him or her. If we know this, we know not to give a crap about what people 'think'. Not everything is available before the naked eye. Unlike what somebody else said, here..Michael's not a house of bricks. He was a man. His true reputation went wherever he went.

Ask yourself this question, then perhaps you can answer it. Do you think the haters are going to spend what they consider their hard earned money on this book? Or are they more likely, in a society that is, for the most part, not interested in making the extra effort, to read a headline on that has the same article..and then, perhaps, read the article...for free?

in order to fight for someone's name, the fighter has to believe, that in their heart, the subject they are fighting for, has no tarnished them.

in order for a name to be tarnished, the person with the name has to do something wrong.

would you fight to untarnish Hitler's name?

a name isn't tarnished by someone hating on them. otherwise, everybody would have a tarnished name. who, on this earth isn't hated by at least someone? a name is tarnished by the name owner doing something wrong. You think Paris would be a proud daughter, fancy free on Twitter, amongst all these meaningless empty soulless haters, whose opinions mean nothing, if she thought, in her heart, her father's name was tarnished?

an innocent person is untarnished, and is represented. i represent Michael. I choose to continue to fight for him by continuing to help him remain the biggest selling artist of all time, by buying his music over and over and over and over again...including the same songs i bought before...and act as if the haters don't exist. because as far as i am concerned, the haters are dead to me.

you said in your post that it is a FACT that Michael is not a criminal. Doesn't that mean, that in your heart, his name is not tarnished? Do you consider yourself as being lesser than a hater? this, it is my hope, that maybe, you'll think about this, since you think other people determine a person's name standing, rather than the things the name owner does.

as it is with everyone...nobody determines me, but me.

Nobody determined Michael, but Michael.

Why do i have to educate myself about Michael's innocence? I know intuitively he did not commit the crime. i'd know it if i was in third grade. i know a lot of envious monsters attempted to frame him. they are the REAL criminals...including the boys(now, men) who tried to convince me that Michael molested them, and the creeps who tried to extort Michael, into helping them, financially, with movie deals and when he refused, they started all this mess. (and as far as the bogus crap cops who put Michael in a holding cell, they are just people in a uniform, but they're people, just like me. and they are all the ones with tarnished names and reputations, because they all did something blatantly WRONG. and if they get to determine the state of Michael's good name, then so do i. i say he's innocent. but neither those crap cops, nor i, get to determine that. Only Michael determined that.) but Michael's not framed, because he's innocent. and in my eyes, he looks the same as he did before all this mess started up. i wear shirts with his name on them, proudly, in society. i wouldn't wear a Hitler shirt, proudly in society. I wear Michael shirts proudly in society, and i don't give a rat's ass what people think. Nobody bothers me, when i wear them. i think they know the truth. that Michael's innocent. forever.
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I ordered the kindle edition before I knew there was paperback edition - hopefully it will contain the same content. Will be interesting to see what else she has to say. It's great to see that most of the statements she made turned out to be true (e.g. Ray Chandler shopping for a book deal, etc). Good to see that there are some journalists out there that speak the truth - makes a change from the likes of DD and Maureen Orth, both of whom never let the facts get in the way of a good story.

Just hoping that one day very soon the truth comes out about this because nobody deserves to be labelled a peadophile when they're not.
sure. but it's like religion. when somebody wants to believe something, a zillion fans can fight till they die, and the non believer will continue to make you think you're talking to a brick wall. it would be easier for me, if people would continuously put out articles like this, without wanting to make money off of it. there are so many ways to make money off of Michael's back..and i'm just sick of it. and deep inside, i think the ones who want to make you think you're talking to a brick wall, know that Michael is innocent, and already bought his records, because his records are irresistable. he doesn't just become the greatest selling artist of all time, and maintain that title for a whole lot of years, without some haters, and a whole lot of die hard fans, who, in their heart, don't see his name as tarnished, buying his records. i know in my heart, i am far from alone, in seeing his name as not tarnished, deep in my heart. i'm not against continuing the fight. haven't fans been fighting this fight for years? haven't the die hard haters made those fans feel like fans are just talking to a brick wall? just remember, don't take the haters personally. everybody has an intrinsic knowledge of who really is a criminal, and who is not. and everybody has an intrinsic knowledge of who is the subject of great envy, and who is not. i guarantee, if Michael wasn't a true massive success, so many less people would 'think' of him as a criminal. Michael's good name is secured. If it wasn't, nobody would be on this site, right now. In fact, i think this site would not exist. Who wants to represent an artist with a tarnished name? If a person did the right thing in life, his or her name is secure, no matter what people think. Genuineness never fails. If a person truly did wrong..their name is matter how many people flatter him or her. If we know this, we know not to give a crap about what people 'think'. Not everything is available before the naked eye. Unlike what somebody else said, here..Michael's not a house of bricks. He was a man. His true reputation went wherever he went.

Ask yourself this question, then perhaps you can answer it. Do you think the haters are going to spend what they consider their hard earned money on this book? Or are they more likely, in a society that is, for the most part, not interested in making the extra effort, to read a headline on that has the same article..and then, perhaps, read the article...for free?

in order to fight for someone's name, the fighter has to believe, that in their heart, the subject they are fighting for, has no tarnished them.

in order for a name to be tarnished, the person with the name has to do something wrong.

would you fight to untarnish Hitler's name?

a name isn't tarnished by someone hating on them. otherwise, everybody would have a tarnished name. who, on this earth isn't hated by at least someone? a name is tarnished by the name owner doing something wrong. You think Paris would be a proud daughter, fancy free on Twitter, amongst all these meaningless empty soulless haters, whose opinions mean nothing, if she thought, in her heart, her father's name was tarnished?

an innocent person is untarnished, and is represented. i represent Michael. I choose to continue to fight for him by continuing to help him remain the biggest selling artist of all time, by buying his music over and over and over and over again...including the same songs i bought before...and act as if the haters don't exist. because as far as i am concerned, the haters are dead to me.

you said in your post that it is a FACT that Michael is not a criminal. Doesn't that mean, that in your heart, his name is not tarnished? Do you consider yourself as being lesser than a hater? this, it is my hope, that maybe, you'll think about this, since you think other people determine a person's name standing, rather than the things the name owner does.

as it is with everyone...nobody determines me, but me.

Nobody determined Michael, but Michael.

Why do i have to educate myself about Michael's innocence? I know intuitively he did not commit the crime. i'd know it if i was in third grade. i know a lot of envious monsters attempted to frame him. they are the REAL criminals...including the boys(now, men) who tried to convince me that Michael molested them, and the creeps who tried to extort Michael, into helping them, financially, with movie deals and when he refused, they started all this mess. (and as far as the bogus crap cops who put Michael in a holding cell, they are just people in a uniform, but they're people, just like me. and they are all the ones with tarnished names and reputations, because they all did something blatantly WRONG. and if they get to determine the state of Michael's good name, then so do i. i say he's innocent. but neither those crap cops, nor i, get to determine that. Only Michael determined that.) but Michael's not framed, because he's innocent. and in my eyes, he looks the same as he did before all this mess started up. i wear shirts with his name on them, proudly, in society. i wouldn't wear a Hitler shirt, proudly in society. I wear Michael shirts proudly in society, and i don't give a rat's ass what people think. Nobody bothers me, when i wear them. i think they know the truth. that Michael's innocent. forever.

There aren't only fans or haters in this world. There are also people who are neutral to Michael and undecided but genuinely would care about what happened and they need to be given the opportunity to learn the facts and those facts should be available, spread and never ignored or swept under the carpet just because you know in your heart that Michael was innocent and that's enough for you. You should look out of your own perspective a bit.

You should also realize that if someone, who is not a hater, only a genuinely interested person, asks you about why you think Michael was innocent, you should be able to give a coherent answer, supported by facts and not the "I just know it in my heart" answer, because that would not sound like a good argument for any logical and unbiased person. That would sound like you are basing your judgment on emotions rather than facts and would give the impression you do not really have facts supporting your case, when that's not true at all. Michael has all the facts supporting his innocence and those facts are out there and you can actually give a coherent, logical argument for his innocence that is based on the facts. That's why fans need to arm themselves with information and facts and not be lazy to educate themselves.

Why are you so much against fans educating themselves on the allegations so that they can offer good arguments if someone asks them?
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It says this is in the original, unedited format. I'm guessing she had to edit things down for her GQ article. I'm curious what she removed or GQ edited out, little things can turn out to be very useful later.

I also want to read her foreword, and see what her thoughts were on everything that happened in the trial. I wonder if she still follows what goes on with MJ/the allegations. Like the 1996 Evan lawsuit, Evan attacking Jordan, Evan's suicide. A lot of what she wrote predicted the Chandler's behavior.

I hope she DOES profit from this. I hope everything positive about Michael is viewed as being marketable and profitable, it's the only way we'll ever finally see an end to the endless crappy negative biographies and articles, if they realize there's money in actually telling the truth.

There are a lot of people assume they "know" the truth about Michael in their hearts. many don't. A lot of people go "um er we'll never really know what happened", including people who knew him. The only way to change hearts and minds is to batter them over the head with the facts, and that as fans we are more informed and knowledgeable about him than anyone else; because there are people out there who are "informed" on trashy things about him, and if we don't know as much as they do, they can easily try and manipulate or distort information to smear Michael's name, which they still attempt to do. We have to turn this information into common knowledge, we're the only ones who can do that. His family have almost a zero belief in achieving that, and most of his supposed friends are the same. It's up to us.
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There aren't only fans or haters in this world. There are also people who are neutral to Michael and undecided but genuinely would care about what happened and they need to be given the opportunity to learn the facts and those facts should be available, spread and never ignored or swept under the carpet just because you know in your heart that Michael was innocent and that's enough for you. You should look out of your own perspective a bit.

You should also realize that if someone, who is not a hater, only a genuinely interested person, asks you about why you think Michael was innocent, you should be able to give a coherent answer, supported by facts and not the "I just know it in my heart" answer, because that would not sound like a good argument for any logical and unbiased person. That would sound like you are basing your judgment on emotions rather than facts and would give the impression you do not really have facts supporting your case, when that's not true at all. Michael has all the facts supporting his innocence and those facts are out there and you can actually give a coherent, logical argument for his innocence that is based on the facts. That's why fans need to arm themselves with information and facts and not be lazy to educate themselves.

Why are you so much against fans educating themselves on the allegations so that they can offer good arguments if someone asks them?
did i Say i was against the fight? All i said was it could have been put on didn't i outline the extortion? Does it matter what i know? either people will listen or they will not. i AM educated on this. and i'm NOT acting on emotion. the basic things that are relevant in this case are clear and simple. And if i decide to talk from my heart, that is valid. And, last time i checked, there are no neutral people, when it comes to Michael. And if there is somebody, supposedly, in the middle, they're less likely to be negative.

Most people have their minds made up about a lot of things. nobody has asked me what is the truth about Michael. Again, you don't give people much credit. Lots of people are of strong opinion on a lot of things.

and let me add an 'extracurricular' note. I don't have to go far, to see that there is a mushrooming of Michael Jackson fans that were born around 1990 or after. I go to Youtube, and see Michael's videos. The majority of these young fans, you would Think, know nothing about Michael, or weren't around for the parts of MJ's career that the media loves to talk about. Yet these young fans are super enamored with Michael. and not once..not once do they say anything about child molestation. They sound beyond their years, and they talk about nothing but how real his music is, and how they wish they were born at an earlier time, to experience what the media talks about, musically...and how today's music sucks. The only singular pest appearing on the youtube comment section is somebody who has been around awhile and is a spammer, who is obsessed with calling MJ a pedo and is in hell and all the crap language that easily indicates that the spammer is warped, and not approachable. and, all these many young fans are too busy flagging his comment, and reporting him, and removing his comments. Sounds like these kids are educated, passionate, and know what the truth is, and what to focus on, to me.

And, you know what? Michael's music is the most powerful music in the world. The music knows. Music aligns itself with goodness and truth. I firmly believe that if Michael was one with a bad name, his music would've made itself forgettable, by now. His music has spoken for him, from 1969..and counting. and his music is all these kids talk about. The spammer doesn't seem to have affected them, at all.
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I asked my local bookstore if they could get it for me and they said they will try
did i Say i was against the fight? All i said was it could have been put on didn't i outline the extortion? Does it matter what i know? either people will listen or they will not. i AM educated on this. and i'm NOT acting on emotion. the basic things that are relevant in this case are clear and simple. And if i decide to talk from my heart, that is valid. And, last time i checked, there are no neutral people, when it comes to Michael. And if there is somebody, supposedly, in the middle, they're less likely to be negative.

Most people have their minds made up about a lot of things. nobody has asked me what is the truth about Michael. Again, you don't give people much credit. Lots of people are of strong opinion on a lot of things.

and let me add an 'extracurricular' note. I don't have to go far, to see that there is a mushrooming of Michael Jackson fans that were born around 1990 or after. I go to Youtube, and see Michael's videos. The majority of these young fans, you would Think, know nothing about Michael, or weren't around for the parts of MJ's career that the media loves to talk about. Yet these young fans are super enamored with Michael. and not once..not once do they say anything about child molestation. They sound beyond their years, and they talk about nothing but how real his music is, and how they wish they were born at an earlier time, to experience what the media talks about, musically...and how today's music sucks. The only singular pest appearing on the youtube comment section is somebody who has been around awhile and is a spammer, who is obsessed with calling MJ a pedo and is in hell and all the crap language that easily indicates that the spammer is warped, and not approachable. and, all these many young fans are too busy flagging his comment, and reporting him, and removing his comments. Sounds like these kids are educated, passionate, and know what the truth is, and what to focus on, to me.

And, you know what? Michael's music is the most powerful music in the world. The music knows. Music aligns itself with goodness and truth. I firmly believe that if Michael was one with a bad name, his music would've made itself forgettable, by now. His music has spoken for him, from 1969..and counting. and his music is all these kids talk about. The spammer doesn't seem to have affected them, at all.

all i said was it could have been put on

The article is available all over the Internet and it has been for the past 20 years. You do not have to buy it, if that is your problem. But others can decide to show support to Mary Fischer by buying it.

Am i lying by saying MJ was extorted?

Again: where did I say such a thing?

I'm glad if you are educated about the facts of the case. But in your previous post you talked about how people only need to know it in their heart that he was innocent. No, that's not enough. People also need to know the facts of why he was innocent. Many people won't buy into any "just know it in your heart" argument, sorry. That's not too convincing from the outside.

I'm glad if many young people see through the lies, but many people do not. Until this day the allegations are being brought up in most articles written about Michael. Should fans just ignore the lies and not point out that they are lies and be able to show why they are lies? As far as I am concerned we owe that to Michael.

Beleive me: the allegations are the single biggest stumbling block for many people when it comes to MJ. If you don't see it, maybe you are in a lucky environment. I see it almost every day.