New unseen TII footage + Making of Thriller Vignette

Michael looks like such a little kid when watching the video, he's so happy and excited. Plus, I love his outfit :swoon: Awwww bless him :wun: Like you guys I find myself hating Murray more every day. I wont call him Dr as doctors are meant to save people, not kill them.
Oh my God... This show would be huge... I don't have the words to describe how I feel right now.. I just miss him.. :cry:
Was that 2 bad or Threatened?

Wow now im even more upset arrrrrrrrrg well at least we get Earth Song 3D and Captain EO
Simply amazing. I wish Mike would have been able to show us what he was preparing with him leading the way. Sighs!
:bugeyed AMAZING! I must get this! He looked soo cute when he was just sitting there smiling like a fan.:wub: Still, I miss him sooo much! It hurts..:cry:. Why did Michael have to go?

No, he didn't go, he was STOLEN from us by a certain man we all know :angry:
aaggggg!!!! I don't even feel sad today, I am angry, really angry about all this!!!!! (not about you, friend, of course no).
He was giving his best, please!!! His best!! And see what they did to him!!!!!

So bittersweet to watch ANYTHING TII....I was watching it last night and i was SOOOO happy and excited to see it, him,and him SO happy...!! but at the same time...It's sooo difficult to watch it....what it would have been would be nothing short of would have meant so much to him to show the world his dream...:cry: This is just too much...
This would have been an incredibe show. He's the best.

It's so nice to see him smiling and happy. I loved at the end seeing him smile. It made me smile. So cute.
Whenever I see glimpses of what was planned for the O2 concerts, I am amazed. This was a man who had been the industry the vast majority of his life and who was still creating, creative and innovative.

Michael's mind! Wow!
Whenever I see glimpses of what was planned for the O2 concerts, I am amazed. This was a man who had been the industry the vast majority of his life and who was still creating, creative and innovative.

Michael's mind! Wow!

I know, he never ceascs to amaze me! :heart:
But this is one more part of the Special Features on the This Is It DVD,,,, i mean if you all bought the dvd you must have seen this...

I was waching This Is It last night and my father was there, why he stayed an watched it? i guess he was he was AMAZED, he was saying all the time, "he was a good good guy", then "he was full of energy" then he would say "he keeps say saying God Bless you"

My father always kinda liked Michael but he is 54 years old and he is not into all this spectacle/show stuff (but i think This Is It is not about it anyway, is HUMAN), he's more into nature, i think he liked that of Michael ...., you know... is not typical of my father to watch entire movies, but he watched the entire movie and he even watched the Special Features in which I could see he was tearing up.... i always cry when i watch certain parts of THIS IS IT and certain parts of the "extras", but im not that emotional, is Michael the one that makes me feel that way, i guess he causes that on many many many many people all over the planet, including my father :) How can you not like Michael Jackson???, he was not only a genius but a super SUPER good person... once you notice his character you cant stop loving him.

WOW, i think i went off topic hehe, bye.
Hi people,

Urgent :angel:

can someone help me and say where some can find the pictures in this signature


Thanks in advance :clapping:
No one knows a link to this 3 Pictures :no:

Please !!! :angel:
It's in the Staging the Return feature.

Thanks for the info.

But, does somebody know if there are pictures on the internet to this pictures ? :fortuneteller:

@*Billie Jean*

Maybe you know where to find those pics ? :wub:
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