[NEW] Understanding Michael / Kind Letters To MJ <3


Puella Aeterna
May 4, 2024
Chicago, Illinois
UPDATE 1: This thread is specifically for those who enjoy a lot of reading and writing like Michael did! If you're not that type of person, I've also created threads for everyone to write tiny things. The other threads are for topics that are much shorter. There's a thread called "From Michael: "I Love You!" and one called "Yay! The Estate Did A Good Thing!" ✨ Feel free to check those smaller threads out if you'd like. 💝

The Series Is Complete So The Thread Is Now Primarily Open For "Kind Letters To MJ"! 🌺

You Can Also Do Stories, Poetry, Or Creative Writing Here If You Want Because That Just Sounds Fun So I'm Adding It In. 🤷🏾‍♀️ Have Fun. 🤣💯

Contains Important Information About Michael.

Hello, Soldier Of Love! 💖 My name is Princess Angie J, but please just call me Princess since that's much easier to say lol. 👑 My job is answering questions about Michael on Quora to help The Moonwalkers, The General Public, and The World As A Whole in finally understanding him. I also often call Michael by the nickname "Bambi" sometimes, so you'll always know that I'm talking about him whenever I use that name. I've seen a lot of Michael when he was alive and have heard many things from him in private conversations that the public wasn't told directly. It's a lot of information that has built up over the course of his life, but that's simply guaranteed when it comes to The Greatest Entertainer Who Ever Lived. 🌹

Although he is The King Of Music, a title that sounds so beautiful, his life was a rollercoaster ride of bright joys and deep sorrows. Bambi had spent his entire life being completely misunderstood by many and correcting this was one of the greatest desires that he held within his soul. Fortunately, it's been 15 years and that time is now.

I've created this thread in order to post the answers to the vital questions about Michael that I get on my Quora for the entire community to freely view. I'm required to break down and explain a lot of things that Michael wanted the world to know, but just could never say. He wanted to release projects that would've allowed him to do this after "This Is It"; however, he never got that chance. Of course, as this is a thread and not a timeline, I understand that much of my posts will continuously go through the process of being buried; which I've already planned for.

[ 🚨 ] I won't be able to always be active on this site because of all of the other work that I have to do; so, I've also set this thread to double up as a "Kind Letters To Michael" space (as you can see by the title), as well. Whenever I'm not online to make the "Understanding Michael" posts, feel free to talk amongst yourselves about writing letters full of love to Michael. Imagine that he could read your letters at anytime and be deeply moved by your words. If you could send him an endless amount of kind letters, what would you tell him? 💌 Please wait to write your letters in this thread once it has slowed down first, after each "Understanding Michael" part has been sitting dormant for awhile to give everyone a chance to read those new installments. ✨

After I've posted new information; if my post has been sitting for at least 6 hours, then the thread has become inactive enough for letters to be posted. I've made things this way so the thread won't just be hanging around in case it takes me a few days or even up to a week and more to be able to come back online. Everything that I post is shareable so feel free to copy any information you desire and paste it anywhere. All I ask is that you credit me (Princess Angie J / @ajamean) in anything that you share. It's important for the things I write to be public knowledge and freely available to the public because the rest of the people in the world are truly the ones who need help understanding Michael. From what I've seen over the years, The Moonwalkers have done a lovely job of continuing Bambi's legacy and reminding everyone of exactly how amazing he is. 🌺

If you'd like to ask me a question that you have about Michael, please only ask me on my Quora and not in PMs here or within the thread. This will help me keep my answers organized while also giving me the space because many of the answers have to be quite long. My Quora is directly in my "about" for everyone to easily find it.

Finally, I must also ask you to refrain from asking me questions that are quite surface level such as "What did Michael smell like?" or "What is Michael's favorite candy?" and questions similar to these. My work is to primarily give the answers to the questions that are about Bambi's depths and mysteries as the person that he was deep down inside at his core. The lighter types of questions are very fun, but they don't really help for understanding Michael all that much. Michael wanted people to have a clearer idea of who he was internally.

Questions that help in understanding Michael are more often about "why" he did or said things and questions that ask "how" he did things, like his creative process.

Thank you for reading this introduction with me and please enjoy the thread! 🥰 Au Revoir and 𝓜𝓾𝓪𝓱💋!

- 𝓟𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓬𝓮𝓼𝓼 𝓐𝓷𝓰𝓲𝓮 𝓙.♡
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QUESTION - Did MJ ever explain to you his creative process when writing a song? I'm much more interested in how he became such a genius than all the garbage about his private life in tabloids.


The most important thing to know about how Michael would create is that he used to use a method that he called “Lock It In”; in order to mentally store dance moves and sounds into his long-term memory that he could retrieve from his mind at will at any future moment. 🪄

He also had subtle methods to “Lock It In” for his creative ideas, but repeating ideas one time before moving on to another task was his go-to.

If he didn't “Lock It In” when he had an idea, ultimately, he would quickly forget it and he might not be able to retrieve that idea again. 🤣

When creating dance moves, as soon as an idea for a move popped into his head or he saw any gesture that he liked and thought he could turn into dance moves, Michael would do the move one time wherever he was to never forget it. He would then recall the dance move ideas later whenever he needed them in order to practice.

When creating music, as soon as he heard any sound out in the world or wherever he was that he liked, he would repeat the sound out loud one time to store it. Then, he'd recall it whenever he needed to use it for any song that he wanted.

Many who know Michael have experienced him “randomly” doing a dance move around them one time and then stopping or repeating sounds out loud so he could remember them for later.

Michael Jackson called this method “Lock It In” and people who know him used to always find ourselves saying “Michael Never Forgets!” ☯️✨

His process was basically “Joy, Love, & Magic!”

OR (Jehovah - Link - Michael):

STEP 1: “J” or “Just Let God” ~ Get out of the way and wait on God to be blessed with an idea!

STEP 2: “L” or “Lock It In” ~ Do one thing to save the idea directly into the mind and never forget!

STEP 3: “M” or “Make It Real” ~ Take the idea right from the memory bank and bring it to life!

He also carried a tape recorder with him, too. 💝

He really was blessed to be The King Of Music!

Bambi was “The Hybrid Handler” and would take the best of what was new along with the best of what was old and SPLICE them together. He never stopped watching, learning, listening, reading, absorbing, experimenting, practicing. The more avenues of inspiration that he created allowed his mind to be the perfect cushion that brilliant ideas could land on so he studied! 📚💡

He also freed himself of limitations and allowed himself to be inspired by ALL that the planet had to offer. His toe stand and spin aren't as exceptional as they are for no reason. 🩰 He sincerely loved theatre and let it inspire him! 🎭

This is really where the “Joy, Love, & Magic!” parts of his process came into play. Whatever things psychologically created feelings of JOY in humans, then he would accept those ideas into his own creations. Whatever creative outlets there were that the women in his life enjoyed, then he incorporated those things into his work as dedications to LOVE. He would finally add in the MAGIC with all of the dance move ideas and recorded sounds that he mentally collected in his memory or on tape. 🕺🏾

His art was so great because he wasn't AFRAID.

He listened to his heart, he trusted his feelings, and he utilized the power of human emotion. 😌

Michael made music with lyrics that make the listeners THINK outside the box to find the meanings. He either wanted his music to provide a message to help humanity AND/OR tell a story that created strong emotions. His music had to have DEEPER MEANINGS, SOUND GOOD, and SEND OUT POSITIVE MESSAGES. 🌹

Michael said that he created DANCE music because THAT'S how you move the whole world. If the song didn't make him want to dance then it was too soft, it wasn't good enough, it didn't go hard enough, and the beat didn't BANG enough! So, that means it wasn't ready and there were more sounds to collect.

If you listen closely, EVERY SINGLE SONG that he's ever made has a “hard beat", even his slower songs. The beat is the dance mechanism! He already told the public in 1995 that he starts with the beat and builds all the sounds around that; so that's what this “hard beat” part means. Michael wasn't making any “soft" music, as he used to say. 😂 Study all the music that exists that makes you want to dance. After that, it's honestly out of your hands. You have to get in tune with your Spirit.

Thoughtful Lyrics + Dancing Music = Greatness!

Having Michael's toolbox and blueprints doesn't automatically mean you can build your houses the way he built his. Creativity is God-Given. ⚜️

The “secret(s)” to Bambi's greatness are the same as The Krabby Patty Secret Formula. Honestly, the real piece of paper that Mr. Krabs held the formula on probably just had SPONGEBOB’S NAME written on it because HE was “The Fry Cook” in the back! SpongeBob was truly WHY the burgers were so good and no one else in Bikini Bottom could EVER make a burger that smacked as hard as SpongeBob. 🤣

Plankton could've stolen the thing all he wanted but his burgers were always gonna SUCK. Why? Well, because Plankton can't cook and NOBODY loved making those patties as much as our boy, SpongeBob. He made each one with love! 💖

Michael made his art with LOVE directly in the middle so NOBODY'S work can compete with it.

In Short: Michael Jackson's Creative Process Was “Just Let God, Lock It In, And Make It Real!”

Jehovah - Link - Michael = Joy, Love, & Magic!

🌹 [ J.L.M. ] 🌹 by Michael Joe Jackson. 👑

- 𝓟𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓬𝓮𝓼𝓼 𝓐𝓷𝓰𝓲𝓮 𝓙.♡ | From: Wonder Quin 1. 🕊

IMPORTANT NOTE: avoid using this post to pretend that Michael told you about this because if you get asked “what was the original acronym used until J.L.M. was chosen?” to PROVE that YOU were there when this was put together, you're gonna be REAL EMBARRASSED if you don't know. 😂 That’s our security question that we created to stop people from being able to act like Michael told them about it.
QUESTION - Who inspired Michael Jackson with his dance moves?


He had his go-to list of people like James Brown, Jackie Wilson, Many Motown Performers, Gene Kelly, Bob Fosse, Fred Astaire, and the list basically goes on for days. Michael had to create some sort of list because people ALWAYS kept asking him this same question.

That little list of dancers that he always named were exactly that, a little list of dancers to say.

It was the same thing with the “how do you make music” question. These questions had much longer answers than Bambi could ever provide. 🥴 The truth is that Michael was inspired by EVERYTHING and EVERYONE! 🕺🏾

What was old inspired him, what was new inspired him, people who didn't dance at all inspired him, loved ones inspired him, artists of all other mediums inspired him, film actors inspired him, broadway stars inspired him, roller skaters inspired him, ballet dancers inspired, figure skaters inspired him, theatre performers inspired him, old dancers inspired him, new dancers inspired him, everything his senses ever experienced inspired him. He actively allowed creativity to flow through him and allowed God to put everything together inside his head. Then, he did his part of the job and made it all real exactly as his visions told him!

He was doing dance moves that NONE of the people in his list that he always had to name had ever done in their careers. Well, that's because that list was pretty much his standard “interview” answer. 🤭 People always needed an answer to it so he had to give them something.

Nature inspired Michael's dancing, too! Bambi could turn things that WEREN'T dance moves INTO dance moves, and he constantly did that.

This is why I used to call him “The Ultimate Innovator“ all the time. That was one of his greatest skills: INNOVATION. His favorite thing was taking things that had nothing to do with dance and making them a part of his dances.

That's where all the MAGIC is, as he used to say.

If anyone wants to dance like Michael, then they need to be CREATIVE like Michael and that takes effort. You have to put in the work and SEARCH for inspiration, you have to use the natural abilities that you have, tap into your higher power, and allow creativity to FLOW. 🤷🏾‍♀️

Also, Bambi would “save” as many ideas as he could. He could just send them straight to his long-term memory like a computer with legs. 😂

But everybody else most likely can't do that so they have to get creative to “save” their ideas for later use like Michael did. People can video record themselves as soon as they get an idea, or tape record their ideas verbally, or write them down anywhere somewhere that they can put in their pocket to not lose, etc. Michael did all these things, too, to be EXTRA secure that he didn't lose his good ideas. 🤣 The man had the memory of a SUPER COMPUTER but STILL didn't take any chances and recorded or wrote stuff down anyway. Influence is everywhere! 🌹

- 𝓟𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓬𝓮𝓼𝓼 𝓐𝓷𝓰𝓲𝓮 𝓙.♡
QUESTION - How did Michael Jackson choose his dance routines for each show?


This answer is sort of just a based on logic one.

Ultimately, if you're putting on a concert then the first step is to decide exactly which songs to do. Then, you have to order them. The order is more important than the songs you choose!

Example: Michael would start with “Jam” on the Dangerous Tour because it's high energy, it gets the crowd going, it's a hard song, it's a strong start, and it also got HIM warmed up for the set.

There would be “hard” songs in the beginning; then he'd put his “slow” songs in the middle to give himself something like a “break”; then back to “hard” songs; and finally end with a BANG or end with something emotionally strong to leave a lasting impression. For example, he'd start with a song like “Jam” (strong start); then put something like “Human Nature” in the middle (the break); then end with big emotions like “Man In The Mirror” (great impact); and then FLY HIS ASS OFF STAGE (the bang) in that order. 😂

The dance moves had to go along with the songs and be in the PERFECT order for Michael.

The guiding and leading factor for how he chose everything was his PERFECTIONISM. A person who isn't a perfectionist will never be able to sense or feel how to do things like him.

Perfectionism is both a learned trait and ability, most of us have to become one as children.

It's a blessing to be one and it's also a curse! 🥴

I know because I am a perfectionist, of course.

Whether or not an adult can “teach” themselves to “be” a perfectionist requires a bit of research.

But even if someone isn't a perfectionist, everyone can still follow his show order: High Energy Start; then Slower Song(s) For A Break; then High Energy Song(s) Again To Pull The Crowd Back In; then Song(s) With A Strong Or Impactful Message; then lastly, GRAND FINALE!

- 𝓟𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓬𝓮𝓼𝓼 𝓐𝓷𝓰𝓲𝓮 𝓙.♡
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I've seen a lot of Michael when he was alive and have heard many things from him in private conversations that the public wasn't told directly.
Really! That's so cool!! What was he like? Also what year(s) did you meet him?

tell me everything
QUESTION - How does Michael Jackson’s Music sound like it came out yesterday? Other artists music from the same era sound extremely dated, where Michael’s songs still sounds crazy modern to me. Is there a method he or his producers had to this?


I love this part. 🤭 This is where all the titles come in together like being The Mad Scientist Of Music, The Hybrid Handler, The Sound Machine, The Collector, and all these things.

Greatness requires THE BEST, so this is what Michael did. He made it his business to work with the best that entertainment had to offer.

Michael and The Team were like mad scientists in the lab doing extraterrestrial experiments! 😂

He would go into the studio and sneeze. No, not because he had a cold. He'd deliberately sneeze near his microphone so The Team could capture that sound and put it in his song! 🤣

There'd be ideas of not using drums, but using old tin garbage cans and wooden sticks to create the basslines. Insane stuff like that! 😂

He didn't do every single thing I physically described, but I'm framing things this way to give you an idea of how off the hinges he was.

Our plan has always been to do what had never been done before, do what stands out, be wild!

I understand why people who really know the ins and outs of music love Michael so much as an inspiration because he collected an array of sounds that was infinitely deep. He'd go get in the booth and blow his nose right quick. Then, you need to put that in the background ASAP!

People thought Michael was sort of kidding around whenever he talked about how crazy he was about his creations. He wasn't playing at all though. Michael was INSANE when it came to art and you can only find that kind of behavior in a genius. He's already been crowned as The Genius and it's well-deserved because it's true.

Michael Joe Jackson was The Master Of Music! He has so many titles because that's the only way to make his existence make sense to y'all.

Bambi and I believed that we should study our craft until we pass out, pretty much. 🤷🏾‍♀️ No, we weren't joking and it was NEVER a game. 🤣

I have to admit with all honesty that Michael and I are insane, like mad scientist level insane. We've always believed in being a mad scientist with your art, being very curious (I also use the word NOSY sometimes lol), asking lots of questions, having our questions answered by professionals who know more than us, and answering our own questions with research. ✨

He loved working with people on his teams that would give him the WILDEST and CRAZIEST ideas known to humanity, then everybody worked together as one to get it done. Michael never wanted to be the ONLY genius by himself because greatness requires a TEAM of genius.

The music sounds so modern because that was literally the goal since the beginning of his career in adulthood. You can't be great if you're doing things like everybody else. Most people would never decide to put a damn sneeze in their music. Who the hell would try that!? 😂

The Teams also always tried to avoid the music using the same sounds as the rest of the industry. For example, that classic 80s sound. We all know what that sound is, too. When the music sounds like Mario after the star jumps on him? You can hear it in your head right now! 🤣

His released songs that give that fire 80s feeling are songs like “Another Part Of Me” or “State Of Shock” because those songs slap just the way they are. I would've wanted to fight Michael if they changed them to sound different. Much of his music doesn't really sound like it was made in the decade that it was released because of the pure effort to purposely do the opposite as much as possible. There isn't any secret to that other than The Teams being creators and knowing that the only way to climb up is to stand out. A desire like that is simply natural.

Creating THE BEST was always the primary focus. Sometimes that did mean making the music sound like the industry standard if it was the best thing for the song. Other times making the best meant throwing a ball against the wall to make a beat and clapping hard as hell, too.

As an artist, musician, creator, etcetera; study the sounds in the music industry that are doing well. Study all of the current music that's out to see what patterns or repeating styles are being used. Then, avoid using any of that at all costs! 😂

The Teams didn't just use standard instruments to create the instrumentals, all kinds of stuff from everywhere was used. But, this is where talent comes in because you HAVE to know how to make that stuff sound good together in a song. If not, then the music is just going to sound like a bunch of noise instead of music.

Michael and I have always loved taking the best of what's old and the best of what's new and putting it together (a.k.a. hybrid handling). It's almost like SPLICING DNA and it's fun as hell.

You also HAVE to work with great people who have a high level of expertise. Be the kind of person that people like this would be interested in working with. You have to be dedicated, hardworking, creative, and enjoyable to work with. You can't really get much done if everybody hates you because you're an asshat.

Our perfectionism plays a part in this, as well. You have to be able to know where exactly things should go, in what order, how much to use, and all of that. Or, the effect you're trying to get just won't work right. I've always said that perfectionism is a blessing and a curse. Our deep need to arrange our creations the way we have is exactly what I meant by that. It's a useful tool but also forces us to do insane ideas for the sake of reaching perfection which can be bad.

Projects could always get delayed really badly because we HAVE to find the PERFECT piece and we NEED to put it all together PERFECTLY.

The things that made Michael and I the way we are came naturally. A plethora of personality traits given to us by God. We had no hand in it.

I can only hope that someday I meet somebody new who is as insane as me like Michael. 🌹🕊

Watch some interviews from lots of people who've worked with him to really get what I mean. There are plenty available on YouTube.

- 𝓟𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓬𝓮𝓼𝓼 𝓐𝓷𝓰𝓲𝓮 𝓙.♡
What an absolute load of nonsense! Can you stop with this meandering vomiting inducing fantasy PLEASE! You didn’t know Michael, you weren’t Michael’s co-creator, you didn’t share a bed with Michael, you weren’t his lover! And you weren’t his creative equal!
Stop positioning yourself as some sort of insider in order to lecture, patronise and speak down to fans from way on high as if you know things the rest of us don’t!
If you were ACTUALLY a confidante of Michael’s you wouldn’t be on a fan board waxing lyrical about how great he was.

I‘m sorry to be the one to have to call you out but it’s really beginning to grate and it’s insulting to Michael and his fans that you would behave like this.

You may have known Michael, you may have met Michael, you may have been to one of Michael’s concerts, but stop acting as though you were there as part of his creative process and journey.

It‘s cheap and incredibly insulting!
Mines gonna take days to write
Take as much time as you want or need, honestly. ✨ You can even post your letters in parts if you'd like. Basically anything goes for how you want to post kind letters, just write them as if Michael could read them. You can think back to 1979 and then write to him about Off The Wall, or tell him a fun story you have about Off The Wall from your own memories that you wish you could tell him. 🥳 Fun stuff like that is what this thread is for to have a way to keep it active when I can't make new posts in it. The choice is up to you! 💝
You may have known Michael, you may have met Michael, you may have been to one of Michael’s concerts, but stop acting as though you were there as part of his creative process and journey.
I may have known Michael, I may have met Michael, I may have been to one of Michael's concerts; but, I don't know his creative process and I don't know his journey? 🤔

But... 🤔 You also just said:
You didn’t know Michael, you weren’t Michael’s co-creator, you didn’t share a bed with Michael, you weren’t his lover!

You said I "may have known Michael" and also said that I "didn't know Michael" at the exact same time--

Which one is it? 🤔 Because you don't seem to be too sure of which one it is. 🤣 LMFAO! 💀

At the end of the day, helping people understand Michael is my primary focus. Now; if you know more than I do and can tell all of us everything that Michael wanted the world to know about him better than I can, definitely feel free to do that. The more people helping, the better. 💯 Additionally, definitely post all the things that you know about what Michael's creative process was like and what it entailed here in this thread, so we can "correct" all of the information that you think I've gotten wrong. 🤷🏾‍♀️ After all, this thread is "Understanding Michael" so that's what it was made for. 🥰

You know more than me about Michael's creative process? Then, go ahead and feel free! 🥳
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I may have known Michael, I may have met Michael, I may have been to one of Michael's concerts; but, I don't know his creative process and I don't know his journey? 🤔

But... 🤔 You also just said:

You said I "may have known Michael" and also said that I "didn't know Michael" at the exact same time--

Which one is it? 🤔 Because you don't seem to be too sure of which one it is. 🤣 LMFAO! 💀

At the end of the day, helping people understand Michael is my primary focus. Now; if you know more than I do and can tell all of us everything that Michael wanted the world to know about him better than I can, definitely feel free to do that. The more people helping, the better. 💯 Additionally, definitely post all the things that you know about what Michael's creative process was like and what it entailed here in this thread, so we can "correct" all of the information that you think I've gotten wrong. 🤷🏾‍♀️ After all, this thread is "Understanding Michael" so that's what it was made for. 🥰

You know more than me about Michael's creative process? Then, go ahead and feel free! 🥳
I would imagine you didn’t know him it all. But, I also give you the benefit of the doubt. Also, in this instance, both truths can be held at the same time; you know Michael Jackson but you don’t KNOW Michael.

And I would never attempt to lecture other fans in the manner you have; the self aggrandising pontificating pompous way in which you have is just cringey.

And I never said I knew more than you, or any other fan for that matter, although I certainly know as much as you as you haven’t actually shared anything that almost any hardcore fan wouldn’t already know.

Anyway, continue along with your charade, but I’m simply not willing to play along with you at the cost of pretending to be stupid in order to make you feel better about yourself or self important.

By all means, continue educating all of the other mere mortals in what it’s like for genius, perfectionist, creative once-in-a-lifetime individuals such as yourself and Michael Jackson.

I mean, to even put yourself in the same league……Delusional.

I gave you a pass with “Bambi” as a pet name, despite my feelings of it reducing Michael to a mere caricature or cartoon character. But I will not and cannot stand for this!
Despite all of this I do not think you are a bad person but I do question your intentions and what you are hoping to gain from all of this? Don’t answer me. Reflect on it and answer yourself, honestly.

Anyways, despite my exasperation my intention isn’t to personally offend you, but I cannot take part in this type of game because I think your intentions are misguided and incredibly narcissistic.

No need to reply as I’m done here.
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I would imagine you didn’t know him it all. But, I also give you the benefit of the doubt. Also, in this instance, both truths can be held at the same time; you know Michael Jackson but you don’t KNOW Michael.
And both truths can be held at the same time that I know and also KNOW.

If you believe that the things I say are the things that fans already know, then everybody should probably stop asking all the questions about Michael that they do. But, yet, the questions were being asked when Michael was alive, they were being asked when he died, and they're still being asked now. The details of Michael's creative process is only the beginning.

More fans being hardcore like you and knowing everything already is perfect because that means Michael isn't as terribly misunderstood as he always said he was when he was alive. It's just a shame then; that there are many who aren't like you and have always wanted to know more about him, but haven't had the opportunity to become hardcore like you have. 🤷🏾‍♀️ But, like I said, helping people understand Michael is my focus. So; if you're a hardcore fan then that's a good thing. That means that you know a lot about him just like I do; and you can also help other fans that are new fans or who are unaware of things about Michael like how his G.C.S. caused him to become a perfectionist and things like that.

By all means, continue educating all of the other mere mortals in what it’s like for genius, perfectionist, creative once-in-a-lifetime individuals such as yourself and Michael Jackson.

Michael was also a mortal and so am I. 😂 Just two Black kids who grew up in lower-income neighborhoods around Gary/Chicago in the Midwest. The thing that was so great about Michael was exactly that, just how regular he was. ✨ Being regular doesn't equate to being insignificant though, and the same goes for Michael's community of fans, so using the word "mere" isn't accurate.

Also: Michael was the musical genius and creative once-in-a-lifetime individual because I don't know a damn thing about music or how to make it. 😂 That was his job, not mine. On the music side, I just wrote down what he said and added in the things I saw him do. 🤣 Both of us having G.C.S. when we were kids is why our creative methods of doing things are the exact same. That's why Michael was a perfectionist, a workaholic, had high determination, didn't like taking breaks, rarely took vacations, took years at a time to complete his albums, etc. However, you did get the perfectionism part correct on your own. 💖

If you know a lot about Michael and can also help in answering people's questions so they can understand him better, then that would be great since doing so will help to correct all of the misunderstandings about him that he wanted to have corrected. Your assistance will definitely be appreciated since one of the things that caused him the most pain was being misunderstood by people. 🤷🏾‍♀️ Again, fixing all that is what Michael wanted. 💯

Other hardcore fans like you coming together to also explain things about Michael would actually help him a lot. Then, all of the questions can be answered and I won't have to do all this work anymore so I can retire like I originally planned. 😂

No need to reply as I’m done here.

I agree with you here so let's both just stop replying. I hope you have a lovely rest of your day. 🌹
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I just came across this thread. Just very curious about you @PRINCESS MJ I am one of the fans who has been part of the fan communities both in real life and online since 1998. I was a member of MJNI fanclub, their messageboard, MJIFC, ezboards , MSN chats, the chatroom on mj.com and many other fan communities in the early 2000's, and then when social media, was invented. As the years went by, I joined so many fan communities Ive lost count, from KOP Board, to King of Pop Fanatics and all the amazing messageboards who are long gone now. As you can see by my profile and signature, my join date on here is 2003, as I am an original MJJF member.

I used to be one of the fans who would travel to see Michael at events and concerts in Europe and America. Over the years I have met and talked to many of Michaels staff, bodyguards, entourage etc. In 2021 I helped my friend Talitha write her book A real-life fairy tale: Michael Jackson and me

Im just wondering maybe we have met somewhere over the years or maybe we have mutual friends. I would love to know more of your story, as now a days there are so few of us active in the fan communities. I still keep in contact with many of the follower fans, everyone is still connected, all the friend groups, so Im sure someone would remember you.
QUESTION - Why was Michael Jackson obsessed with Peter Pan? Why is "Neverland" named after it?

✨️ 1 ✨️ | “Why Was Michael Jackson Obsessed With Peter Pan?”

Bambi being “obsessed” with Peter Pan is an oversimplification of his connection to that character. His connection to enjoying Peter Pan is in the same field as his admiration for live performances on stage, dancing, and making music. The idea of Peter Pan was an easy way for him to explain his Existence to the World. 🪄

One thing that a lot of people don't understand about Michael is that he was TERRIBLE at explaining himself. He really did have quite a hard time expressing his thoughts to people, especially in a way that they truly understood. This is exactly why he seemed like such a “mystery” to so many; and a lot of things he did, or used to say, sometimes made people feel like they were embarking on an adventure with Scooby-Doo and The Mystery Gang (lmfao)! 🤣

When Michael used to talk about how he related to “Peter Pan”, he really just meant having The Spirit of “Puer aeternus” because he did. He often felt misunderstood because sometimes people struggle with understanding complex concepts like that; causing many to just equate Peter Pan and Puer aeternus. Or, they simply use Peter to represent the ideology of Puer; but, this isn't actually a true equivalent. Puer aeternus is a much larger idea than James Matthew Barrie's “Peter Pan” can explain. 🌹

Michael was simply an Old Soul with a Youthful Spirit. While our Soul is Who We Are, our Spirit is basically our “connection” to our Higher Power; or to God; or to The Universe; etc. Bambi was just an Old Soul, but his Spirit was Young and able to use abilities that are associated with Puer aeternus. He used to always say that, in his heart, "our spiritual connection with God makes us to be just as children are." We are curious, we love, we are full of wonder, we like to seek Divinity for parental guidance in life, and our Spirits desire to roam free in the world like we're in a Disney movie.

His 2 greatest desires were To Be Understood By This World and To Live In Peace With The “Other Half” Of His Soul Without The Pressures Of His Fame Causing Distress. Back then, we all only knew the word "Soulmate" to describe those "other half" feelings. However; now it's clear that what he was actually talking about all the time was being a Twin Flame, not a Soulmate. Michael often loved women that were almost like “Female Versions” of himself and always nurtured these kinds of connections or relationships. This is because he was a Twin Flame. Many of the women that he kept in his life the longest shared qualities with him such as being caring, business savvy, kind, strong-willed, humanitarian, playful, creative, bright-eyed, compassionate, hardworking, confident, understanding, and more.

Being a Twin Flame is also why he always felt so LONELY even though he was constantly around 1000s of people every single day of his life. He knew 100s of celebrities, entire non-famous families, people that he'd never met but only talked to on the phone, fans that he met while traveling, and folks that the ones he knew didn't even know that he knew! 💀 There was literally people everywhere... but he still always said that he felt quite lonely. He often talked about this in private and in public and he never stopped searching for any information he could find about why he felt that way. All people who are Twin Flames feel this way in life. He could only connect to a small amount of people that he knew, even though he knew 100s of people. A small group of close connections is fine for some, but Michael was a social butterfly at heart. Only having a small group of people who he truly felt super close to was saddening. The times when he couldn't talk to his close connections or be with them is what made things feel so lonely for him. This was the worst for him while he was on tours; but he also felt this way sometimes at parties, celebrity events, and others.

✨️ 2 ✨️ | “Why Is ‘Neverland’ Named After It?”

He called the world he built “Neverland” because it was simply the word that he felt the best to call it in his heart at the time. Michael moved in any way that "The Force" led him to, as he used to say. He loved fantasy, he was forever young, and he loved Disney. This is also why he got Hayvenhurst from Joe back in the early 80s and then turned the house into a castle for his Mama. 😂 Michael would've called it anything that was related to Fantasy or Magic or Whimsy because that's just how he was, of course.

While alive, the Fantasy World that allowed him to feel close to the sense of escapism that his heart needed was Neverland, so it makes sense that he went ahead to call the ranch “Neverland” then. It was essentially his greatest inspiration for the way he designed everything so, as the perfectionist he was, he needed a perfect name.

- 𝓟𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓬𝓮𝓼𝓼 𝓐𝓷𝓰𝓲𝓮 𝓙.♡
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I just came across this thread. Just very curious about you @PRINCESS MJ I am one of the fans who has been part of the fan communities both in real life and online since 1998. I was a member of MJNI fanclub, their messageboard, MJIFC, ezboards , MSN chats, the chatroom on mj.com and many other fan communities in the early 2000's, and then when social media, was invented. As the years went by, I joined so many fan communities Ive lost count, from KOP Board, to King of Pop Fanatics and all the amazing messageboards who are long gone now. As you can see by my profile and signature, my join date on here is 2003, as I am an original MJJF member.

I used to be one of the fans who would travel to see Michael at events and concerts in Europe and America. Over the years I have met and talked to many of Michaels staff, bodyguards, entourage etc. In 2021 I helped my friend Talitha write her book A real-life fairy tale: Michael Jackson and me

Im just wondering maybe we have met somewhere over the years or maybe we have mutual friends. I would love to know more of your story, as now a days there are so few of us active in the fan communities. I still keep in contact with many of the follower fans, everyone is still connected, all the friend groups, so Im sure someone would remember you.
Hi there and thank you for your kind message! 🥰 I'm from chicago. ✨ I've lived outside of the city, too, but only on the westside; eastside; and southside. I've never lived on the northside though. Do you know any people from my city? I haven't even been able to find a lot of other people from Gary, Indiana online now either. 🥴 Like you said, a lot of the accounts from back in the day have disappeared or gone totally inactive. 💔

It's really sad because, first, the community lost Michael and, then, the community lost many of the active people from the happier days, too. 🥀

Also, I actually saw that book by your friend Talitha a while ago! I think on Amazon or one of the other online bookstores, I can't remember. I saw the cover and it was so cute. I haven't been able to read it though. I try not to read any of the books people have written on Michael because they honestly make me sad as hell and I can't handle it lol. Many of them have so many beautiful memories of him from people and all the things he used to do all the time. It's heartbreaking to read people's memories sometimes and think about how much they miss him, too. It was hard enough when I tried re-reading Moonwalk and Dancing The Dream again. I thought they'd give me a smile but, I didn't even get to finish reading them. 🤦🏾‍♀️
Hi there and thank you for your kind message! 🥰 I'm from chicago. ✨ I've lived outside of the city, too, but only on the westside; eastside; and southside. I've never lived on the northside though. Do you know any people from my city? I haven't even been able to find a lot of other people from Gary, Indiana online now either. 🥴 Like you said, a lot of the accounts from back in the day have disappeared or gone totally inactive. 💔

It's really sad because, first, the community lost Michael and, then, the community lost many of the active people from the happier days, too. 🥀

Also, I actually saw that book by your friend Talitha a while ago! I think on Amazon or one of the other online bookstores, I can't remember. I saw the cover and it was so cute. I haven't been able to read it though. I try not to read any of the books people have written on Michael because they honestly make me sad as hell and I can't handle it lol. Many of them have so many beautiful memories of him from people and all the things he used to do all the time. It's heartbreaking to read people's memories sometimes and think about how much they miss him, too.

So were you part of the fan community when Michael was alive? Were you on the forums, message boards and chat rooms? Did you see Michael in real life? What is your connection to him?
So were you part of the fan community when Michael was alive? Were you on the forums, message boards and chat rooms? Did you see Michael in real life?
I was never a member of any of the fan clubs or fan communities but I've known that they existed. And see Michael in person? Absolutely not. 😂 Plus, you've probably learned from other non-famous people or his bodyguards how annoying that was. 💀 All that sneaking away he used to do, nosy folks asking too many questions, being surrounded by all those terrible industry people, having to wear disguises, trying to avoid the press, getting ambushed, having to literally escape his own homes just to try and be in peace, etc. 💀 All I'd do is talk to that man on the phone. 🤣

Since he's been gone, I just continue his work to be understood. After he was finally independent, he wanted to do some type of big project after This Is It where he would just try to tell the whole world about himself and set everything right that had ever been said about him. He basically wanted to make his own film where he could say all the things he'd never been able to say before he left Sony. But they killed him, of course, so he never got that chance. That's what my job is now.

Were you able to meet Michael himself and talk with him, too? I think the people who followed him all around the world are probably the coolest fans he had. You were all so dedicated and supportive and all that traveling had to be exhausting. 😂 Did you used to always try to get the VIP tickets and backstage passes for the concerts; or, did you travel to Neverland a whole lot like many people used to do all the time?
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I was never a member of any of the fan clubs or fan communities but I've known that they existed. And see Michael in person? Absolutely not. 😂 Plus, you've probably learned from other non-famous people or his bodyguards how annoying that was. 💀 All that sneaking away he used to do, nosy folks asking too many questions, being surrounded by all those terrible industry people, having to wear disguises, trying to avoid the press, getting ambushed, having to literally escape his own homes just to try and be in peace, etc. 💀 All I'd do is talk to that man on the phone. 🤣

Since he's been gone, I just continue his work to be understood. After he was finally independent, he wanted to do some type of big project after This Is It where he would just try to tell the whole world about himself and set everything right that had ever been said about him. He basically wanted to make his own film where he could say all the things he'd never been able to say before he left Sony. But they killed him, of course, so he never got that chance. That's what my job is now.

Were you able to meet Michael himself and talk with him, too? I think the people who followed him all around the world are probably the coolest fans he had. You were all so dedicated and supportive and all that traveling had to be exhausting. 😂 Did you used to always try to get the VIP tickets and backstage passes for the concerts or travel to Neverland a whole lot like many people used to do all the time?
Oh right, so basically you "think" you talked to Michael on the phone, had no real life contact with him or anyone connected to him. So how did this communication start, how did he get your phone number? One of my favourite things to do on the chatrooms was expose all the fakes and people pretending to be Michael. A lot of people pretended to be Michael , sometimes for years, and they never expected people like me to catch them out.

Yes I did meet and speak to Michael in multiple countries over multiple years. Yes I was in Neverland. Yes I am still in contact with people who worked for Michael. There are photos of me on Getty Images, and you can see me in the front row of 2006 World Music Awards in London.
Oh right, so basically you "think" you talked to Michael on the phone, had no real life contact with him or anyone connected to him. So how did this communication start, how did he get your phone number? One of my favourite things to do on the chatrooms was expose all the fakes and people pretending to be Michael. A lot of people pretended to be Michael , sometimes for years, and they never expected people like me to catch them out.

Yes I did meet and speak to Michael in multiple countries over multiple years. Yes I was in Neverland. Yes I am still in contact with people who worked for Michael. There are photos of me on Getty Images, and you can see me in the front row of 2006 World Music Awards in London.
Exactly, I've never met him or saw him in person after 1998 like you have. 🤷🏾‍♀️ And, I've never worked for him in the past either like you have. 😂 You can ask all of the people who worked for him on his teams, and they can't tell you who I am at all or any of my family members. You won't find me on Getty or in the backgrounds of any photos like you are. He's never sent me expensive jewelry like he used to do with the many women that he liked and all that. He's never had me sign an NDA either. I've purposely never traveled to see him at any point in my life. My family and I didn't even go see him when he came back to Gary. 🤣 Never getting too physically close is what's supposed to happen when you're a person in a non-famous family from Chicago and would like to live as normally as possible for as long as you can. That's what you're supposed to do. 💯

My grandfather was an old blues singer and guitarist from the Westside who was in the music scene very close to Gary from the 1950s until he died which is my connection. Many of my family members used to be in the clubs in the holes in the wall like the exact clubs that the band used to visit. Michael isn't the only person in existence with connections to the entertainment industry and a lot of people seem to forget that Michael's life originally started with normal families back in the 60s, 70s, and 80s right here in the Midwest. I have older family members working in the acting business that moved to California back in the day, but I've never been there to California either because I've never had an interest in going. I keep them in touch though. Additionally; I also only talk to them on the phone and often post updates on my life for them on Facebook, too. Don Cornelius literally started Soul Train RIGHT HERE and then started filming it in California, but lots of my family members loved being there when it was Chicago first. There are so many Black families that Michael knew, kept in touch with, was connected to, and even stayed at the houses sometimes. He even did this with a lot of non-famous families that weren't Black. 😂 I just recently saw one picture about one of the Asian families he stayed with before for the first time, and I'd never seen that family a day in my life. I had no clue who those people were. 💀

Michael's life didn't start when he became The King Of Music and it didn't start when Liz called him the king of pop in 1989 either, of course. Michael didn't even used to be shy like most people know him to be until about 1986 or so. He was almost like a completely different person back in the day. Not knowing how accessible Michael actually was is pretty common because he no longer was after 1987. I've never been over at Encino; but it was also easy as hell for people to just go to Hayvenhurst, wait for Michael to drive out of the gate, and hand him whatever they wanted through the car windows. There always used to be shows with full Black audiences and we could just give Michael notes directly while he was on stage and it was exactly that easy. Other people did that, too, and I bet you don't know who all of them were because I don't know all of them. Anybody could just stick a paper out and do that and swipe hands with Michael because he loved putting his damn hands in the crowds and getting grabbed. 😂 This was before he started performing on stages that couldn't get too close and people used to see him on Soul Train and visiting smaller concert spaces. He was ridiculously easy to access if you went, had family members, made friends, or knew anybody who could've been at any of those old shows in the 70s and 80s. If you've met any people who've done it before, then you already know about how he used to do that. If you aren't from Chicago or don't know anybody from here or don't have connections in this area, then it's understandable that you don't know how all that stuff used to go. I actually want you to ask every single one of those people that you know about who I am so they can tell you that they don't have any clue, just like how I didn't know who that Asian family was. 🤣 I have no idea who you are either, but I'm aware that Michael knew 1000s of people from all over the place so I'm never surprised when I come into contact with people who have connections to him who are strangers to me. I met a few of them on Quora and never heard of them until I had to start making my writing pieces for Michael; but, they could also tell me things about what he used to be like before his Vitiligo and Discoid Lupus flared up, which is how I could tell that they knew him. Back when he had a giant Afro and was just that skinny kid from Indiana who was getting in trouble all the time because he used to be acting bad. 😂 LMFAO!

I've never worked for Michael when he was alive and he didn't need that back then anyway, even if I had been able to do all of the things that you were able to do and use a lot of time traveling to actively follow him everywhere in the world. He wasn't dead; so, he was alive and minding his business and was working on getting people to understand him by himself. Now, what I'm supposed to do for him is work on helping people understand him by answering the world's questions about some of the most important things that he went through that he wanted the public to know; and to make it all easy for all people in the world to access just like he planned for. That's what he wanted, so that's what I'm doing. And I'd love to get back to doing that while also keeping this thread on topic with the series and the kind letters to Michael that people can write. 🌹

I have more work to do and then I have to get some sleep so, depending on the time in your country, I hope you have a great rest of your day/night. 💝 I'm putting the thread back on topic now, but thank you for telling me a bit about your connection to Michael. Au revoir! ✨

- 𝓟𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓬𝓮𝓼𝓼 𝓐𝓷𝓰𝓲𝓮 𝓙.♡
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Right , so you are someone pretending to be an insider, writing elaborate and long winded fluff pieces, to get all the new young fans here to think you are someone of importance who knows what they are talking about.

When in fact you are just another wannabe, who knows nothing and is living in this fantasy world. Nothing you write makes sense, and now you are mad you have been called out.

You have no first hand experience, you have no first hand knowledge, you are a big fake and liar.
QUESTION - If Michael Jackson wore any other type of footwear instead of loafers, wouldn't he still have been the amazing dancer he was? With his level of talent, couldn't he have worn any other shoes he wanted to as long as they were comfortable and stylish?

Michael did dance in his other shoes like his gym shoes and boots. He honestly wore boots more than he ever wore gym shoes. He didn't really like not wearing his loafers though to do real serious dancing. 😂

If Michael at any point decided he wanted to wear a different style of shoe then, yes, he would've just trained himself to dance in them. BUT, those little slip-on shoes were not just about comfort but about ✨PRESENTATION✨.

However, a lot of dancers actually just have their choice of shoe type that they have to be wearing to dance and refuse to dance in anything else. It's an artist thing. I feel like every creative has their thing(s) that they have to do whenever they create or perform.

Back to Michael's penny loafers though, he required them for consistency because consistency creates that feeling of ownership in an audience. Due to the fact that he ALWAYS wore them like they were glued to his feet, the world started to view them as a “Michael Jackson Thing” and often connects them to him psychologically on anyone who wears them (especially if that person has their socks out). 🤣 LMFAOOO!!

But also; his perfectionism wasn't going to ever let him do any of his dances seriously without those shoes, and if he did then he'd feel bad. 😂 That's just how perfectionism can be and it makes you feel terrible inside when you don't do something the way that your perfectionism tells you it should be done. It's hella stressful. 💀

His penny loafer shoes were one of his most genius marketing tools.

He also did this with his hair, shirts, pants, outerwear, and his accessories. Having as many signatures as he did was a part of how he became so huge and he planned much of that back in the 1970s. He cared a lot about those aspects a whole lot since he knew they were the most important parts of business, so that became his main interest back then. He'd force himself to do interviews, go to events, attend parties, and make trips in the industry even if he didn't feel like going because he took his networking opportunities extra seriously. Doing that also got in the way of some of his relationships because Michael would often hyperfocus and he would sometimes end up holding people at arm's length when he did that.

This was one of his marketing tips that he wanted people to know if they needed promotional ideas to add to their persona. Choose a few pieces or accessories and wear them consistently, including different variations if you want. And then, people's minds will attach them to you forever.

- 𝓟𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓬𝓮𝓼𝓼 𝓐𝓷𝓰𝓲𝓮 𝓙.♡
Mucho texto I ain't reading all that
Lmao I know right! 💀 I love to write, but I do get annoyed by how long each piece has to get. 😂 This thread is specifically for those who enjoy reading and writing like Michael did. The other threads have much shorter things. There's a thread called "From Michael: "I Love You" and one called "Yay! The Estate Did A Good Thing!" ✨ Feel free to check those smaller threads out if you'd like. 💝