[NEW] Understanding Michael / Kind Letters To MJ <3

Idk what to think now, who’s right and whose wrong?
I have been a fan of Michael's for over 35 years. I've traveled around the world to watch him perform, stood outside of hotel rooms for days at a time, travelled to SM for the trial and spent 3 months there and I was in Staples for the memorial.I even met him on three occasions.

I just came here to say that I can't stand the nickname 'Bambi'. Wth is that? And I can not take any fan seriously that calls themselves a "Soldier of love". Good luck to you though 😉
Idk what to think now, who’s right and whose wrong?
I don’t think it’s necessarily a question of “who’s right and who’s wrong?” PRINCESS MJ arrived here in a self imposed position of authority, alluding to the idea that she was personally and creatively connected to Michael Jackson, and I (and perhaps others) take issue with that, because it’s a manipulation of sorts.

It’s absolutely MIND BLOWING to me that a person who never once met MJ would self anoint themselves as a person who shared their bed with him, was a creative equal (alluding to the idea that they worked with him) and had inside information and knowledge that the rest of us are ignorant to.

It‘s morally corrupt and it’s a power play in order to gain traction and take advantage of younger, less experienced, naive fans. And they had a brass neck assuming that it wouldn’t be called out.

I’m a fan of 40 plus years and there are other lifelong hardcores on here, and even a few (definitely one; Moonstreet) who actually met Michael Jackson, spent time with him, spent time as a guest in his home, and would never assume a mantle of this hight in order to write such lengthy self righteous nonsense; someone who believes their own actions, thoughts and ideas are superior to the rest of the fan community.

That behaviour should always be called out and nipped in the bud.
And see Michael in person? Absolutely not. 😂
I thought you said you did see Mike
and have heard many things from him in private conversations that the public wasn't told directly.
In this conversation it seems like you meet Michael and had private talks with him..
I'm not trying to sound rude or obnoxious just wondering if you meet Michael in real life or not :)
This thread is nuts and should be moved to fan fiction immediately.

Whoever calls MJ by the name of Bambi instantly raises alarm bells for me. Like, seriously? No offence but the OP sounds mentally unwell.

This feels like a fantasy and we're now unintentionally involved in it.
QUESTION - What did Michael Jackson do in his free time and what were his hobbies?

How much time do you have exactly? LMAO! 🤣 Because there is technically a lot to list out. 🥴

Michael was able to do all kinds of cool stuff, it was wild. 😭 And when Michael actually GAVE himself free time, he enjoyed doing a lot of fun things. ✨

He was always a super workaholic so that meant that free time was like dessert; and he was on a diet that didn't include dessert because he would always make himself work, even on his days off and his weekends. 💀

Other times, he simply didn't have free time because being him meant being busy.

But when it was free time, it was fun time.

People were always so confused by his youthfulness and child-like nature, but they didn't understand that he needed that in order to stay SANE because the truth is: people that are workaholics will work ourselves until we're sick. 🤷🏾‍♀️

Just like perfectionism, workaholism is a blessing and a curse. 🙃 It helps you zone in, hyperfocus, practice, and create. However; you can sometimes get a bit carried away, too. I honestly realized that having a youthful spirit is like glue. That part holds you together, keeps you healthy, helps you stay happy within all of the stessful work you have to do, and it's necessary.

Michael often wouldn't take vacations or breaks because relaxing would actually make him feel lame. 💀 He used to say that relaxing too much made him "feel like a bum" and like he was "wasting his life away" if he wasn’t doing stuff. LMFAO! 🤣

Yes, perfectionism and workaholism will put you to WORK forever. It's not even a game at all. 🥴

For everything he knew how to do; there's honestly a lot, so brace yourself lol.

⚜️ The Grand List Of Michael Jackson's Hobbies, Skills, Interests, And Abilities:

He loved riding around the ranch in carts, cooking, acting, drawing, reading, musicals, plays, watching cartoons, singing, going to live shows/concerts, watching movies, playing games, being outside in nature, climbing trees, riding on amusement park rides, dancing, art, broadway, having water fights, studying to better his craft, swinging on swings, swimming, playing a little basketball, theatre, shopping, writing stories, creating poetry, taking photos, recording videos, learning new things about basically anything. 😂

Also, he loved talking to people all night like folks didn't have anywhere to be the next day. He was a night owl and could talk all night in person or on the phone with people until 2-3 in the morning, or later. 💀 Michael LOVED to talk a lot and enjoyed having conversations with other people who could do the same. He was able to talk to anyone about anything and it didn't matter who you were or where you were from, as long as you were a kind person and he was able to be comfortable with you. Just like on stage, he wasn't shy anymore if you could get him talking.

He loved playing videos games, reading comics, magic tricks, playing pranks, voice impressions, giving gifts, donating to people directly, jokes, donating to charities, making songs, dreaming, taking walks, and everything fantasy. 🌹🕊

He wrote letters, cloud/stargazed, hosted fun get-togethers, and liked to listen to music MAD loud (ridiculously loud).

He loved cars, boats, and motorcycles.

He rode bikes and skates and scooters and skateboards!

He collected antiques and rare collectibles. 🏆

He also enjoyed making designs and plans. For example: he made designs (or blueprints) for renovations and wrote scripts for shows/films!

And just think, this isn't even everything. 💀 This is simply a summary of his hobbies and it's pretty damn long. He was extremely vibrant and hilarious and fun, for real. We truly lost a real one out here and life just hasn't been the same ever since. 💖

Do you see any of your own hobbies or interests in the list? 👀 I feel like there's so many that everybody can definitely find at least ONE inside there somewhere. 😂

Thank You For Reading And Au Revoir! 🥳

👑 Long Live The King Of Music Forever 👑

- 𝓟𝓻𝓲𝓷𝓬𝓮𝓼𝓼 𝓐𝓷𝓰𝓲𝓮 𝓙.♡
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The Thread Is Now Primarily Open For "Kind Letters To MJ" So Feel Free! 🌺

You Can Also Do Stories, Poetry, Or Creative Writing Here If You Want Because That Just Sounds Fun So I'm Adding It In. 🤷🏾‍♀️ Have Fun. 🤣💯
This thread is nuts and should be moved to fan fiction immediately.

Whoever calls MJ by the name of Bambi instantly raises alarm bells for me. Like, seriously? No offence but the OP sounds mentally unwell.

This feels like a fantasy and we're now unintentionally involved in it.
I second this.


For those reading and confused.

This person is a liar and a fake. They have never met Michael in real life and all they write is utter nonsense. They have no real life connection to Michael and they are playing a dangerous game, prying on the young genuine fans.