NEW Products : 2 Badge Packs !


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011

BP80305-511x768.jpg and announce for November 10th in the USA, 2 packs of 4 MJ's badges.

Sources: / MJLegend
They look great!

If the are official then I'll buy them!
awesome!!! im sooo wearin the i love MJ one!! i think virgin megastores sell pyramid posters stuff, like they have those huge badge stands so theyl probaly be there. xx whoooooo!!!!!!!!
ohhhh it says available in usa, :( does that mean onli in the usa, what about england!!!! :(
Those are cool. Alot better than that horrible mug shot badge
kinda sad that this is a "new" product.sums things up at the mo
I think it's kind of dumb that we keep getting promotional stuff at a time where the album is not out or set for release yet..

SONY and various companies are finally doing promotion, but it's spread out so thoughtlessly.. These pins, and t-shirts, posters, and much promotional tools should be released from the time the album is announced, to durring the albums release time...

Not now!!
Coolies. Thanks for posting. :flowers:

I think it's kind of dumb that we keep getting promotional stuff at a time where the album is not out or set for release yet..

SONY and various companies are finally doing promotion, but it's spread out so thoughtlessly.. These pins, and t-shirts, posters, and much promotional tools should be released from the time the album is announced, to durring the albums release time...

Not now!!

Hmmm... I dunno. I think it's nice to have MJ merchandise available even if he doesn't have anything to promote. Other musical acts have things available all the time. Why not him? For a while there it was kinda tough for fans to purchase MJ merchandise other than buying it from other fans thru ebay and iffy websites. If it's official merchandise then it's not a bad idea if MJ is benefiting from it somehow rather than unofficial outlets. It's his name and image on the product at the end of the day and I know I'd feel much better knowing he was benefiting from it and not some scam artist.

Little by little more and more official merchandise is coming out and I suspect these items are tied to the T25 and MJ50 campaigns which are still going quite strong. These projects have more than likely generated new fans and rejuvenated a lot of interest in MJ and MJ-related merchandise. New fans now have official items they can buy to show support and/or start a collection. And current/older fans have new things to add to already-started/neglected collections. Of course, when new music comes out, these things will probably sell even more...along with any merchandise related to the new product (if any). But I don't think it hurts to have these items out now. Tis a bit quiet, BUT there's still an undercurrent of activity with the T25 and MJ50 CDs out there. Translation: It's not completely crickets in MJ-land. lol
I'm guessing they have to be official, since the company would have to ask permission to sell anything w/ MJ's name, picture, and other related things on it. Things can be official even if they don't have any kind of Sony, MJJ stamp of approval or label on them.
I would definitely sport that Dangerous and Number Ones badges. I could see something like this showing up at Hot Topic just because they always have badges and stuff like this so I hope thats the case with these.

And that poster would be perfect for my wall that is lacking a MJ poster. And at least this one is one a guy can hang without friends looking at him funny lol.
30 years? Someone forgot that OTW wasn't MJ's first album >_>
yeah, they are OFFICIAL

With all respect, how do you know that they are official?? If they are indeed official I am definitely quite interested in purchasing them. But how do we know that they are? I don't see any indication..