NEW PICS+Video June 16... More curls!

Did anyone else notice the gray hairs in MJ's sideburns.. Wow, I know he is 50yrs old but to be honest I still look at him the same way I did when I was 4,5,6,7yrs old. So to see him with the gray hairs makes it a reality that we are both getting old. lol.. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MJ I need you to dye your hair I'm not ready to age that much yet.. (Just kidding)....

Mike I am still unsure how I feel about him in those pants.. Jury is still out..:timer:

no..i don't notice any gray hairs. i guess it's just like the other 'microscopic' things some people say they notice while others say they don't notice.

one th8ng we can all agree on is the bigger the star, the bigger the scrutiny..or..the bigger the and, eye of the beholder.

Wow..i wonder how mJ takes all
only reason i saw them is because the picture came up on my screen super big. when they went down to a normal size i couldn't see them. if you make the pic big you WILL see them as well. yes he is under bigger scrutiny than most stars but a fan noticing a few grey hairs won't send anyone into a big frenzy.. well i hope not.. like i said b4 the man is 50yrs old, hard to believe but it's true..
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only reason i saw them is because the picture came up on my screen super big. when they went down to a normal size i couldn't see them. if you make the pic big you WILL see them as well. yes he is under bigger scrutiny than most stars but a fan noticing a few grey hairs won't send anyone into a big frenzy.. well i hope not.. like i said b4 the man is 50yrs old, hard to believe but it's true..

actually i did see the big pic you were talking about. first it was small, then, after i answered your post, and went back to see my post, the pic became real big. still no change to what i saw. no grey hairs.

on another vids are hard to watch. the people are really intense. lawsuits seeming to wait to happen. people putting their feet under the suv, just asking the wheels to run over them. it's like they dare MJ to move, so they can chase him down. and as the suv turned, the cars coming at the intersection, sped to their green light hoping to chase him's crazy... his drivers have to be extra special, cus the people are a real test for them.

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if i had the software on my laptop to put an arrow to were they are sprouting then you will see them. lol..

LOL..naaa..i got good eyesight for pics that big. i'm right on my screen..u don't need to do that for me..but i'm sure u

but like i said..not everybody sees the same thing, anyway...that's just's where the term 'eye of the beholder' came from..
:hysterical:LMAO@IVAN, thanks.. yes he has quite a few ghost on top of his head.

I am glad I wasn't the only one to see them. VNC had me thinking I was seeing thing.. just joking...

I am glad you were able to magnify that area, because I had no idea of where to begin.. Not that snazzy with the photocropping/shopping/ and other graphic stuff.
Of course he has some gray hair. He's 50! :cheeky: Though I didn't notice it on the new photos until it was pointed out. Ok...I think we're looking too much at the photos. First nails and now the gray hair. What next? An ingrown hair? :hysterical:
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Wich panther had to be sacrificed for those pants!!!

I think the cloting is horrible, HAHAHAHA.......
When he is putting his close on it,s normal to be in FRONT of the mirror and not at the BACk of the mirror....
The person who adviced him with these clothes should be sued....

Sorry mike........i don,t think this shows you from the most beautifill side.....But when you,re happy, i,m happy...HAHA


Horrible clothing style yes...but i don't think it's animal skin he's wearing. He's always been against fur and things like that. Correct me if i'm wrong but that pants look like it's not from animal skin.:)
Of course he has some gray hair. He's 50! :cheeky: Though I didn't notice it on the new photos until it was pointed out. Ok...I think we're looking too much at the photos. First nails and now the gray hair. What next? An ingrown hair? :hysterical:

lol, I am sure we could find many "common" things if we look hard enough. You know since the media and others treat him as superhuman, he is not suppose to have grey hairs, underwear showing, messy hair, long fingernails, go shopping, eat, scratch his butt, "poot" or pass gas (whichever you prefer), or have a family. MJ is suppose to be perfect and is only here on earth to entertain us like some kind of circus act.. lol.. :cheeky:
Here is the pic.I sharpened it with photoshop and they are really some white hair.

photoshop? lol....time on hands? lol. i can't get any truth from photoshop. plus i've seen him live, recently, and it's nothing like pics. and i ain't seen grey hair.

i ain't thinkin him superhuman, but i know planet earth aint in a box either.

i mean..not every average joe has MJ's magical aura either, but i still don't think he's superhuman..

and #1MJStan, lol, the media don't treat him like he's superhuman. they treat him like a dog.
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Forget the clothes and look at that BODY!!!!!!!!!!!! :woohoo: :woohoo: :woohoo: :girl_blush: :girl_blush: :girl_blush: :girl_blush: I can't concentrate on what he is wearing when I have those legs in front of me! :wild: :wild::wild: :stretcher :stretcher :stretcher :lol: That body is HOT!!! OMG!!! :girl_blush: :girl_blush: :girl_blush: "Can'" :stretcher :stretcher NIIIIIIICE! :yes::wub::wub::wub::wub::wub:

YeP!! JENNY look at this picture!! Do you see frail? I don't!!
hmm if you think he is frail i think your going to get your knickers blown of in a few short days. 24 to be exact.
Sorry, my englisch isn,t that good, that i iunderstand this post, sorry....

I only think mike looks the history tour he didn,t.....he had more flesh....
I like him anyway but i thinks it,s pretier when he is a little bit "fatter"
Jenny, I can't convince you of your subjective opinion. Mine and yours vary. I think he looks good, you think he looks frail. I think that he's gonna be just fine. Trust me.
those vids are hard to watch. the people are really intense. lawsuits seeming to wait to happen. people putting their feet under the suv, just asking the wheels to run over them. it's like they dare MJ to move, so they can chase him down. and as the suv turned, the cars coming at the intersection, sped to their green light hoping to chase him's crazy... his drivers have to be extra special, cus the people are a real test for them.


yeppers, i agree vince .:angel:
actually i did see the big pic you were talking about. first it was small, then, after i answered your post, and went back to see my post, the pic became real big. still no change to what i saw. no grey hairs.

on another vids are hard to watch. the people are really intense. lawsuits seeming to wait to happen. people putting their feet under the suv, just asking the wheels to run over them. it's like they dare MJ to move, so they can chase him down. and as the suv turned, the cars coming at the intersection, sped to their green light hoping to chase him's crazy... his drivers have to be extra special, cus the people are a real test for them.


I know Vince!! Good points! Especially about the SUV. My God, they have to be very good drivers to have to make their way through those people. I'm just glad I aint driving - cause I'd just plow right through everyone.... No wonder that ambulance thing happened - it's like they can't get through a crowd without someone getting hurt. Come on people. Back off. Give the man some room for crying out loud. And did you hear all of those cameras going off? Good God!! It was like a free-for-all in the camera hunting range!!
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Linda, i also think he will be fine, i also trust on that!
Being fragile is not the ame as looking unhealthy, i,m not saying he looks no....i think he looks health and a little bit fragile.. but that,s not a bad thing.
i knwo many fragile people who are more healthier then fatter people....
Linda, i also think he will be fine, i also trust on that!
Being fragile is not the ame as looking unhealthy, i,m not saying he looks no....i think he looks health and a little bit fragile.. but that,s not a bad thing.
i knwo many fragile people who are more healthier then fatter people....

Jenny, you are cracking me up. :lol: It's just your genuine innocence and your use of language. You're cute.. Sorry...I agree with you. I think he looks thin and fit. I couldn't imagine him any other way!
Jenny, you are cracking me up. :lol: It's just your genuine innocence and your use of language. You're cute.. Sorry...I agree with you. I think he looks thin and fit. I couldn't imagine him any other way!

Now we agree, HAHAHA....
Michael looks thin and healthy....yep!
Sorry for my bad englisch....makes the understanding a little bit confusing.
I speak dutch and german very good, but englisch?
Nehh..I understand and also speak "good" englisch.... but writing will always be a problem..oops..
It,s good i live in holland and not in the usa of england, hahaha......
Now we agree, HAHAHA....
Michael looks thin and healthy....yep!
Sorry for my bad englisch....makes the understanding a little bit confusing.
I speak dutch and german very good, but englisch?
Nehh..I understand and also speak "good" englisch.... but writing will always be a problem..oops..
It,s good i live in holland and not in the usa of england, hahaha......

Oh don't worry Jenny!! You're doing great!! :lol: You are just so cute!! I love your use of are getting your point across!!

Keep Michaeling!

Wow! The paparazzi are frightening. :( I saw a few fans there.

Hey, I read some posts soon... The clothing of Michael, the pants he was wearing, the nails... to me nothing matters and everything is great foolishness. The only thing that interests me is that Michael feels good and happy and no matter how. I just want to see him happy. So it is that we are seeing in these photos: a man who is good, strong and very confident. Michael fragile? Where? Some people think that Michael is fragile. What I see is a man with great inner strength given by God, I can not see a weak person. I noticed that when Michael is on the stage, the force that is hidden inside leaves out an incredible way. It may seem sad at times because of the people, what they say and think about it, but it is not fragile and that is too strong a word to me. Michael managed to survive and overcome so many things in your life and today is completely fresh, yet strong, happy and with a force even greater, that is to be fragile??????

And God bless you more Michael, He is always beside him, He gives more power to Michael when a challenge arises in the middle of the road and cover his life and all the blessings of his family. :angel:
The gray hair is all because of the light!
I think in Beverly Hills is really hot now and maybe his hair was wet and sparkling.I think thats the answer.Michael will not go out with gray hair.