New pic of MJ outside LA dance studio!

Sorry....but I just have to tell you about my idea for a joke to get the paparazzi confused: the ...uhmm disguise (?;D) Michael has a tendency to use: what if all of a sudden there was a bunch of people wearing the same stuff, at completely random places....Like a hundred people all over town.... going different places.
Ray Bans, Fedora, mask, black coat.....

Ok.. maybe not so funny..
Sorry... I am over- tired, and my brain goes all:tease:
Will go to bed now....
I can just picture all the paps being totally confused about who to follow.
Thank you. This is so exciting :D

Wouldn't it be great to see a vid of him rehearsing?! I'll just be like :swoon: :stretcher It would be pure awesomeness :yes:
Sorry....what if all of a sudden there was a bunch of people wearing the same stuff, at completely random places....Like a hundred people all over town.... going different places.
Ray Bans, Fedora, mask, black coat.....

Hey maybe us fans can dress up like mike and confuse the press!!!!
lol You think this might be a decoy with an MJ impersonator while the real MJ is escaping from a back door or something?? :lol: That'd be funny!
NOOOOOOO! and YAY! I'm glad michael is gettin' it gettin' it. BUT I pray to GOD anything isn't leak. I HATE SPOILED surprises. Oo I hate leaks. I don't want to see any dance footage or hear the new songs until im in the build at the o2 come the 8th. Please God noooooo!:bugeyed:bugeyed

You go mikey, keep that mask on lol:clapping:! Don't give away anything. The only thing is when folks get around mike they don't know how to keep their mouth closed.:smilerolleyes::doh:

anyways... go michael go michael:punk:
NOOOOOOO! and YAY! I'm glad michael is gettin' it gettin' it. BUT I pray to GOD anything isn't leak. I HATE SPOILED surprises. Oo I hate leaks. I don't want to see any dance footage or hear the new songs until im in the build at the o2 come the 8th. Please God noooooo!:bugeyed:bugeyed
Yeah hopefully the only leaks which might surface will be officially endorsed as part of the hype and promotion leading to the concerts. Otherwise that won't be very cool, MJ don't like leaks as past projects have confirmed.
Thanks Sunnyday for the pic!
Wow, I would love to be a fly on the wall in those dance rehearsals. I betcha the peeps that are practicing with him are so damn hyped up, they can't even think straight!
Count me in! I'd love to be another happy fly. I always say if I was a dancer and working with him, long practice and rehearsals wouldn't make me tired. I can imagine working with him as a dancer would bring them inspiration and bliss.
One of Michael's former dancers who worked with him on both "Captain EO" and "Smooth Criminal" said Michael is the type of dancer who, even if you can't dance a lick, when you watch him move makes you feel like you can dance. And that's true. He makes it look so easy and natural that it looks as simple as breathing. I mean, I've never seen anyone outside of Fred Astaire able to move with that kind of speed and accuracy and ease. He just looks like some outside force is doing all the work for him and he isn't even exerting himself. Man, it'll be something else to see him do that again.
One of Michael's former dancers who worked with him on both "Captain EO" and "Smooth Criminal" said Michael is the type of dancer who, even if you can't dance a lick, when you watch him move makes you feel like you can dance. And that's true. He makes it look so easy and natural that it looks as simple as breathing. I mean, I've never seen anyone outside of Fred Astaire able to move with that kind of speed and accuracy and ease. He just looks like some outside force is doing all the work for him and he isn't even exerting himself. Man, it'll be something else to see him do that again.
I remember reading him saying that. He said something like, "He speaks to a dancer within everybody even if they are not dancers". I wholeheartedly agree:yes:

Tru dat, he moves with such ease and makes me think about water flowing. A truly natural dancer in every sense of the word. I also like the quote that describes him as "a dancer in his soul"
Well that's the remarkable thing about Michael as a dancer, is the fact that he has no real training, he's never even learned the basic foundations of dance, in any genre of it, yet he's able to pick up steps and even another dancer's style and imitate it right off the bat. He picks it up from the rhythm and he understands the movement of dance so innately that he can really make his body adapt to any form of it he wants. I always say that Michael is the most naturally gifted dancer I've ever seen. I mean, watch him in the opening steps of "Billie Jean" on Motwon 25 or in the panther sequence from "Black or White" and there are very, very few dancers who can move with that kind of precisian and fluidity, not even trained professionals.
Wow! :wild:
Though I think his being rehearsing for quite a long time now..
Thank you for the pictures, its always wonderful seing Michael, even though we can't really see him, lol.
Who Knows, that 5 seconds leak could be a teeny slice of a 30 seconds O2 Concert commercial :lol:
Im soo happy that Rich and Tone are back working with Michael. I met them in 2003 in London and they had such admiration and respect for Michael. When they talked about working with him, you could tell from their faces and words that it was such an honour for them to to work with him and they learned soo much from him. Me and a friend asked them about certain bits of choreography and they just went "do you mean this bit" and started doing bits of Ghosts! They are such sweet guys and I cant wait to meet them again this summer
I have a feeling that over the next 2-3 months we will be seeing a few pics of Mike coming out of dance and recording studios. Maybe even with a few other celebrities! If we are lucky, Mike might release a small 30 second teaser of him in the dance studio just to get the enthusiasm that much more pumped up. It wouldn't surprise me.
Thanks for sharing.

A leak of the rehearsal would be great - especially if it's "official" from MJ's team.
or hes all hot and sweaty and the makeup has run off his face......... (note to self, get mind out of gutter:lol:)

yes moonstreet ...keep ur mind out of the guttter..dont wanna get too naughty now do we... :lol:
Here some new ones :)


