New Pic of Michael Jackson (23. March)

ahh Siucky Siucky now:wild:. Michael looking scumptous. I'll put him on a plate and sop him up with a biscuit.:wub:

You betta work it michael! WORK! HE's straight up WEARING that jacket.;D
LMAOOO, you took the words right out of my mouth!!!!! MJ you huRtin' 'em, that smile will make a girl do He looks as if he is ready to take over the world again for the umpteenth time... Show 'em what you are made of Michael. LUVS IT:D:D
He is getting more handsome as time goes by ....when July comes:wild: we will all faint for sure!!! :yes::wub:
He is sooooo sexy. Man, he really does look amazing! It's so sexy how he puts his glasses on his top like that. :blush: And he's so cute how he gets shy! Aww I just love him. :wub:
The first thing I had in mind when I saw the pic was WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :wub::wild: He looks wonderful and beautiful!!!!!
Just so sexy... wow to think he is 29 years older than me damm i don't care id ** him! :wub:
He is getting more handsome as time goes by ....when July comes:wild: we will all faint for sure!!! :yes::wub:
Too right! I swear he's been making more of an effort to look good lately, well during the past couple of months anyway, ever since the 02 conference through his choice in clothing and stuff because he's probably perfectly clear of the fact that us fans will melt when we see him July :$

Excited xD
He can just hand me over that jacket right now. I betcha it even smells goooooooood! Ya' can't look that damn delicious without smelling like a peace of heaven, lol.
Nice fotos. That´s the jacket he wore in London I guess. It´s also cool that he´s wearing the fedora more often.
I don't usually comment on pictures, but that is one of the coolest ever of Mike. That's a sharp outfit :D

Great pics. :) I especially liked this one, it's now my avatar.
Michael is lookin great these days - Im excited to see him transform over the next couple of months, getting back into his fighting shape - and thank God the smile is back to stay! YAY - Michael - YOU CAN DO THIS!
I think Michael put on one of his old jeri curl caps on Blankets head. If he drew eyes and a smile on that blue cap it would be very Leigh Bowery fashion forward....LOL
blanket has michaels hair net on his face ha ha hope it doesnt smell too bad coz mj has been living in his hairnet the last month or sure he has hundreds of them though before u all call me stupid ha ha

looking good though mike!!
Yup, now that it's pointed out, it does vaguely look like Blanket has aviators on, gotta love it.
After not having the use of my PC for almost all of this month, its nice to be able to come back online and be surprised by new pics!

Michael and Blanket is rockin' the darn thing in these pics. nice to see MJ looking so happy!