New Negativity to MJ: I am sorry to read...

i would have been happy just be able to see him on stage,this is my opinion,people always have something to complain about when it comes to michael,there were fans here who were distraught who couldn,t get tickets,and people selling them for extortionate prices on ebay,then there were people here complaining about every little thing about the show,
i had tickets so i was lucky,michael could have sat on a chair and mimed for all i cared,
when i look back now and think about how people were always complaining and expecting everything the way they wanted it,it makes me angry,
especially with the situation we are in now,if you get what i mean,
michael always tried to please everyone,

Things have changed now obviously but at the time fans didn't know what was going to happen and i believe Michael Jackson fans like any fans have a right when paying 100euro a ticket to expect live singing, i don't think this is negative i just think it's a given that fans would expect that, i wasn't on here complaining about that because i just assume it would have been live but i have no problems with other fans giving their opinions, as for the TII forum i have been posting in there a lot and i haven't noticed anything over the top or out of order, there has been discussions on the 50 shows and the worst i have read is that Michael may have signed up for 50 then regretted it and expressed these feeling to the fans, i can understand why some people have this believe and i can also understand why at the time this annoyed people. Fans who bought tickets for anywhere from the 11 night to the 50th where supposedly being told Michael said he didn't want to do these nights, this is obviously going to upset fans who waited so long to see their idol.
I'm really sad, becasue there is absolutely no hype over footage or material.
There were times when hundreds of fans were here and we were enjoying just 1 PIC with Michael, wearing mask and fedora.
But now. :(
Everything seems so dead.People are not interested like they were.
Some of the greats of this forum left us... can't comment.I understand them very much, but it makes me sad.
Well, there is the whole TII forum here. But I also think maybe everyone's just feeling sad. I haven't talked much about the extras and such when we finally got the DVD last week here in Germany. I've watched them all and I'm just... I don't know... it was exciting and then... just sad :boohoo: I don't have anything to criticize though, so not sure what is meant by that. I just love him, love him, love him, love him. He could've come on stage and just sat there and read us nursery rhymes and I'd have been in utter awe :(

This is it was incredible I don’t care what people think about the movie when I saw it I had got a new found respect for Michael Joseph Jackson yes this movie was painful and emotional for me but I was glad to see it and his amazing and outstanding perfection for his fans and music. Rest in peace to the greatest of all time may your soul rest and your fans to be bless with your spirit of l.o.v.e
Things have changed now obviously but at the time fans didn't know what was going to happen and i believe Michael Jackson fans like any fans have a right when paying 100euro a ticket to expect live singing, i don't think this is negative i just think it's a given that fans would expect that, i wasn't on here complaining about that because i just assume it would have been live but i have no problems with other fans giving their opinions, as for the TII forum i have been posting in there a lot and i haven't noticed anything over the top or out of order, there has been discussions on the 50 shows and the worst i have read is that Michael may have signed up for 50 then regretted it and expressed these feeling to the fans, i can understand why some people have this believe and i can also understand why at the time this annoyed people. Fans who bought tickets for anywhere from the 11 night to the 50th where supposedly being told Michael said he didn't want to do these nights, this is obviously going to upset fans who waited so long to see their idol.
i have no problem with your opinions at all,i just remember feeling angry at the time and wished people could give him a break,and it still hurts so much,i,ve had a really bad week this week,when i see the words critism and michael in the same sentence it just gets to me,why couldn,t people just appreciate him,i,ve been to 3 of his concerts, he may of mimed sometimes but not on every song,
Things have changed now obviously but at the time fans didn't know what was going to happen and i believe Michael Jackson fans like any fans have a right when paying 100euro a ticket to expect live singing, i don't think this is negative i just think it's a given that fans would expect that, i wasn't on here complaining about that because i just assume it would have been live but i have no problems with other fans giving their opinions, as for the TII forum i have been posting in there a lot and i haven't noticed anything over the top or out of order, there has been discussions on the 50 shows and the worst i have read is that Michael may have signed up for 50 then regretted it and expressed these feeling to the fans, i can understand why some people have this believe and i can also understand why at the time this annoyed people. Fans who bought tickets for anywhere from the 11 night to the 50th where supposedly being told Michael said he didn't want to do these nights, this is obviously going to upset fans who waited so long to see their idol.

I think the point was nobody even knew what he was gonna do on the tour and they were doggin him already, throwing round all kinds of shit if he dared to mime. People are never happy, simple as.
i have no problem with your opinions at all,i just remember feeling angry at the time and wished people could give him a break,and it still hurts so much,i,ve had a really bad week this week,when i see the words critism and michael in the same sentence it just gets to me,why couldn,t people just appreciate him,i,ve been to 3 of his concerts,and while he may mime,it,s not always on every song,

I have only been to History and it was the best concert i was ever at but i can't argue with fans who complain that he mimed, i didn't notice at the time but when people pointed it out to me it's hard to say they are wrong for complaining. Anyway this is off the topic i don't think there was going to be any miming in TII.
I think the point was nobody even knew what he was gonna do on the tour and they were doggin him already, throwing round all kinds of shit if he dared to mime. People are never happy, simple as.

Actually this has not been the discussion on the TII forum, well if it has been discussed i haven't seen it, i think some people are just annoyed at the honest discussion some of us have been having regarding the TII the 50 nights and the preparations. There is nothing wrong with us discussing these thing sand if a fellow fan believes maybe Michael should have done things different then i don't mind hearing this opinion, if some fans want a discussion where Michael is god and never made a mistake in his life then maybe they should avoid these threads.
Actually this has not been the discussion on the TII forum, well if it has been discussed i haven't seen it, i think some people are just annoyed at the honest discussion some of us have been having regarding the TII the 50 nights and the preparations. There is nothing wrong with us discussing these thing sand if a fellow fan believes maybe Michael should have done things different then i don't mind hearing this opinion, if some fans want a discussion where Michael is god and never made a mistake in his life then maybe they should avoid these threads.
first off i have never ever seen michael as a god,and no he wasn,t perfect because nobody is,people just never gave him a break,just like stacy said,it wasn,t a matter of i hope he doesn,t mime,it was like he better not ,like michael owes us something,if he sang live all the way through the whole concert,they still would have found something to critisize the man for,
thats my opinion,and i,m not saying anymore on the matter,because i will not be part of an argument,
first off i have never ever seen michael as a god,and no he wasn,t perfect because nobody is,people just never gave him a break,just like stacy said,it wasn,t a matter of i hope he doesn,t mime,it was like he better not ,like michael owes us something,if he sang live all the way through the whole concert,they still would have found something to critisize the man for,
thats my opinion,and i,m not saying anymore on the matter,because i will not be part of an argument,

Okay i have never complained about Michael miming but if people pay for tickets to see him live then he does owe them something, a live performance like they payed for, again i will say i have never wrote a post complaining about this but i can completely understand why other would. Also because Michael isn't here with us i do realize this might sound cold hearted so i'll repeat what i said earlier, i don't think there would have been any miming in TII.
I think This Is It is brilliant, however i dont go to that section on the forum because i dont need to.
I only need to see Michael's artistry...thats it

Wonder if the ones criticizing can do what Michael did, Michael was a CHILD PRODIGY, many here are more than 11 years old, thats when Michael got the first real record contract with his brothers (he had other before but where not serious), Michael started in music when he was 5 years old.... child prodigy, how many REAL child prodigies there are here criticizing.... just asking a bit... for curiousity.

Michael was genius... even haters recognize that...

no doubt. the bolded of yours explains it thourougly. child prodigy. if people are going to try to discount him, they might as well discount the idea of child prodigy. but they can't. they're just envious.
Things have changed now obviously but at the time fans didn't know what was going to happen and i believe Michael Jackson fans like any fans have a right when paying 100euro a ticket to expect live singing, i don't think this is negative i just think it's a given that fans would expect that, i wasn't on here complaining about that because i just assume it would have been live but i have no problems with other fans giving their opinions, as for the TII forum i have been posting in there a lot and i haven't noticed anything over the top or out of order, there has been discussions on the 50 shows and the worst i have read is that Michael may have signed up for 50 then regretted it and expressed these feeling to the fans, i can understand why some people have this believe and i can also understand why at the time this annoyed people. Fans who bought tickets for anywhere from the 11 night to the 50th where supposedly being told Michael said he didn't want to do these nights, this is obviously going to upset fans who waited so long to see their idol.

at the same time, you have to be naive if you buy tickets and think everything is guaranteed. there are no guarantees in life. and when you buy tickets, you buy them because you want to, not because somebody held a gun to your head. and then there is the truth, that fans were always screaming at MJ concerts through all the, they had the ideal perfect concert anybody from any of those concerts ended up complaining, what was seen at those concerts betrays them.

let's just put it this are free to express your opinions, but remember, you will get a free response. you have to be willing to take, if you're willing to give.
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Oh guys.. :huggy: there is no real point to negativity.. but I understand what's underneath it because everyone is hurting and nothing can take that away. A lot of people can't be here because of that. But we can always continue and must try to love and appreciate more than anything else.

:heart: for Michael and TII..
All Michael's fans are frustrated and upset...and people are just dealing with it differently. TII the film wasn't TII the show, it was rehearsal footage. Michael is no longer here, and it's tough :cry:
This is it was so beautiful. It was almost like a spirtual experience when i first saw it. And everytime i see it i feel like a better person. It is so sad yet so inspirational at the same time.
As somebody who have never seen his concert and now never will, I think This Is It was also beautiful. It's sad but I am glad that we have This is It.
I do not know what negativity you talking about. But I know I love, love, love TII I play it all the time on my computer all the time while i work from home. This is it was brilliant simply cause it shows us how sweet of a man MJ was and of course the great entertainer he is..

When I reflect on MJ's death and the timing of it I truly believe that, god allowed it to let us miss him a lot more. So we can see just how much we haved losted out on.
Okay i have never complained about Michael miming but if people pay for tickets to see him live then he does owe them something, a live performance like they payed for, again i will say i have never wrote a post complaining about this but i can completely understand why other would. Also because Michael isn't here with us i do realize this might sound cold hearted so i'll repeat what i said earlier, i don't think there would have been any miming in TII.

He wouldn't have mimed in TII concerts unless he lost his voice due to illness.

I would like to put this out there for people who complained about the miming in the History tour. Michael never mimed on tour unless he had no other choice. He had major problems with his voice on the History tour. Would you rather he mimed or cancelled the concert and refunded the money? Because those would have been the only 2 choices. Miming or no concert. Something to think about.
i would have been happy just be able to see him on stage,this is my opinion,people always have something to complain about when it comes to michael,there were fans here who were distraught who couldn,t get tickets,and people selling them for extortionate prices on ebay,then there were people here complaining about every little thing about the show,
i had tickets so i was lucky,michael could have sat on a chair and mimed for all i cared,
thanks ... yes this is it.
I never understood those fans. They made long long posts like the everglades only to find the faults Michael has made, on CD, on Video, on concerts and so on.

Always I was insomuch downcast by their words, I didn't understand why they weren't able to enjoy the man only himself, his unique moves, his unique tender voice, and so on.
After he passed I thought for a while this would have stopped, but now it is the same again. This makes me again very very sad.

I have to be honest, in my opinion such overbearing manner has Michael brought to make it again ... he himself wasn't never satisfied and those kind of people did add fuel into the flames.

Please don't crucify me for that, but those ones who don't stop to criticize Michael should stop when they start to think about that.
The ones that left they just left Michael aside...SOME OF US WILL NEVER ABANDON HIM whatever happens even if we remain 20 people in here!
Michael will always be with us if we truly love him!
I'm part of a Brazilian forum dedicated to Michael and, once - only once - a guy posted some bad stuff I wouldn't like to repeat about Michael during the TII rehearsals. He was so rude, you know... and of course I gave him my opinion about his thoughts... I found that very very sad, 'cause I don't think Michael needs this kind of criticism coming out from his fans mouths.
I've read an article (in Portuguese) called When the idol bothers the "fans"... It's exactly about it. About how many people that call themselves "fans" are more worried about their "status" as an "MJ fan" than with Michael himself. That's very sad and I call it SELFISHNESS.
This Is It is so beautiful! Seeing Michael there, working so perfectly is magic! I only wish we could have seen him during the tour... here with us...
I'm part of a Brazilian forum dedicated to Michael and, once - only once - a guy posted some bad stuff I wouldn't like to repeat about Michael during the TII rehearsals. He was so rude, you know... and of course I gave him my opinion about his thoughts... I found that very very sad, 'cause I don't think Michael needs this kind of criticism coming out from his fans mouths.
I've read an article (in Portuguese) called When the idol bothers the "fans"... It's exactly about it. About how many people that call themselves "fans" are more worried about their "status" as an "MJ fan" than with Michael himself. That's very sad and I call it SELFISHNESS.
This Is It is so beautiful! Seeing Michael there, working so perfectly is magic! I only wish we could have seen him during the tour... here with us...

Hi Lyn and welcome:)
I dont know how anyone can critisize TII:no:
We were never meant to see the rehearsals as these were meant for MJ's library.:doh:
Let's focus on the positive as that is where our time is best spent!:yes:
Michael was SO in command of TII he knew how he wanted it!
quote TWUMMF intro.......... ''I want it how I wrote it''!!:yes:
Smooth criminal.........''No I want to turn first''..........Kenny says how will you know when it turns from the city to the market?........
''I gotta feel that''.................:)
MJ was so in control.
Think of the good..............anything no good isnt worth your time or worry.
Enjoy TII as it is all we have now:(
Let's ne thankful for it. ETERNALLY:clapping:
Michael's magic is such that, even if people tried to meddle with it, it would still come out, in parts..

and This Is It, is proof of that. still, with corporate people saying that Michael didn't know the definition of a budget, and some of the musicians wanting to improve upon the perfection of a song that already went to number 1, as is, in this age of greed, there's too much of the human nature, out there, whereas the bigger Michael got, the more he was scrutinized. i mean, if there are quite a number of people who can scream at his concerts, and then some of them come out, and complain, later about possible lip synching, which couldn't totally be proven(and rare is the person associated with MJ that couldn't just appreciate working for the biggest artist, ever, like Jennifer Batten could appreciate it)..then, this, the biggest production, ever, by the biggest artist ever, would tend to evoke more of that human nature. unfortunately, the bigger the artist, the more, those around him would want to see what's in it for them, as opposed to basking in the priviledge of working with the King of Pop. it's just too much of that human nature, out there. and while Michael was a sweet soul without that human nature, ironically...despite how well he sang the song of the same title...when you get to the point where you're working with the King...on This level..there never should be a question asked, that says: 'Michael, do you know the meaning of a budget?' or...there never should be a statement, where a musician would say 'add a little more booty' to a number 1 song, that was perfect, as is. you should be so in awe of this priveledge, that, the best you should do, is add what you know from your field, but don't use it, to mess with what is in Michael's field. but there was too big a microcosm of that messing with what's in Michael's field. it didn't seem to matter that some were working with The King. it just seemed that Michael was more humble than some of the people that were working with him, rather than humility being on an equal level, with MJ being in the lead. couple that with all the lawsuits that were breathing down his neck, from unscrupulous people, and the addition of forty concerts due to greed from people surrounding MJ, AFTER he made his announcement, following there just being 10 just reminds me of Elvis, a little...

as soon as Elvis got his biggest, in stardom, the handlers decided to 'improve upon what he was doing'. as if his past wasn't proof enough that that wasn't needed.

and i have the feeling that the concerts would have blown up in MJ's face, because the extra concerts behind his back, the lawsuits, which made him worry about his children, i'm pretty sure, and, the 'me' time that others wanted, in a big moment that was supposed to belong to The King of Pop...

perhaps, not all those surrounding him were like that, but enough of the people in the most important places, came across like that. and enough is too many.

when the Bad tours came, MJ was BIG. and it was a first experience for everybody. but then Dangerous..MJ was bigger, and that's when the complaints started coming from other people who wanted their 'me' time. and Jennifer Batten recalls MJ being fatigued. and more people wanted more from him, but wanted to spend less money on him, and they were less patient with him, and he had to do the Bad concert for the Dangerous tour, then, HIStory, he's even bigger. and so on..
the human nature is..the bigger the money, the more selfish, the surrounding people get...and now, we have This Is It...too big, for some people surrounding MJ, to handle correctly, selflessness-wise. i mean, with the album Invincible..many writers wanted in, with MJ, and their egos got in the way of many of the songs being released as singles. the magic of the songs survived, but you would think that all the fellow writers, and their lawyers, would be glad that they had the priveledge of writing with the King of Pop. as many have said..the only one truly and totally without the ego, was the King of Pop, himself.

however...This Is It, the movie, turned out great, though it wasn't meant to be seen. surely, this is proof, that MJ's magic covered a lot of the selfishness that surrounded him, but, eventually, when other selfish people surrounding Michael's unselfish soul, try too hard to interfere, things, and legacies, can get messed up.
i, therefore, shudder to think, that perhaps, the only way that MJ's legacy could remain secure, would be for God to take him away from all this mess, and leave us only with this magnificent movie.

but this is the age of greed...and, perhaps..a greedless soul, such as Michael, had to be taken away from all that greed. no, his soul wouldn't be corrupted by it, but, the pain that those greedy, that were around him, caused him, may have been too much..
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vncwilliam, :flowers:
I'm part of a Brazilian forum dedicated to Michael and, once - only once - a guy posted some bad stuff I wouldn't like to repeat about Michael during the TII rehearsals. He was so rude, you know... and of course I gave him my opinion about his thoughts... I found that very very sad, 'cause I don't think Michael needs this kind of criticism coming out from his fans mouths.
I've read an article (in Portuguese) called When the idol bothers the "fans"... It's exactly about it. About how many people that call themselves "fans" are more worried about their "status" as an "MJ fan" than with Michael himself. That's very sad and I call it SELFISHNESS.
This Is It is so beautiful! Seeing Michael there, working so perfectly is magic! I only wish we could have seen him during the tour... here with us...

Hey Lyn that article sounds very interesting and i think many of us might have at times been guilty of this even subconsciously. Is there any way you could translate it to English and post it here.
Love os based on trust and Honesty, If we truly love Michael then we should not be afraid to speak the Truth. If we can not then we are no better than the opporturnists who surrounded him towards the end of his Life.

No matter how Brilliant or Fantastic TII is, it cost Michael his Life!!!. I do not idolize Michael I simply love him, he is priceless. I would sooner have no TII and have Michael with his precious Children.

I tell you when I watched TII I cried, I WAS WATCHING THE LAST DANCE OF A DYING MAN!!!. How can you stomach this. I will never watch it again in my Life. Karen Faye said that he was so ill when it was being made. I just wish to God that he had said NO.

I hate the way he died and TII is a testament to his continued exploitation. Even the Programs at his Funeral had Sony Music written on the back. Everything is SONY!!!

Yes from TII you can see that he has not lost his Gift... It was not Michael's time to die and I hate with a passion the way he died.

Every one wants a piece of Michael Jackson but no one aside from his close Family is interested in his wellbeing.
Love os based on trust and Honesty, If we truly love Michael then we should not be afraid to speak the Truth. If we can not then we are no better than the opporturnists who surrounded him towards the end of his Life.

No matter how Brilliant or Fantastic TII is, it cost Michael his Life!!!. I do not idolize Michael I simply love him, he is priceless. I would sooner have no TII and have Michael with his precious Children.

I tell you when I watched TII I cried, I WAS WATCHING THE LAST DANCE OF A DYING MAN!!!. How can you stomach this. I will never watch it again in my Life. Karen Faye said that he was so ill when it was being made. I just wish to God that he had said NO.

I hate the way he died and TII is a testament to his continued exploitation. Even the Programs at his Funeral had Sony Music written on the back. Everything is SONY!!!

Yes from TII you can see that he has not lost his Gift... It was not Michael's time to die and I hate with a passion the way he died.

Every one wants a piece of Michael Jackson but no one aside from his close Family is interested in his wellbeing.

I was.
For Not-to-be-viewed footage I think TII is fantastic! No other rehearsals have been seen to the extent of TII for obvious reasons. I for one only want to concentrate on the now's and not the what if's. We can't bring him back but having reached my plataeu of growing grief (Not that its gone down yet though) I feel that I can watch anything with him in it and learn to enjoy it again.

Mumbling sorry :(