Thanks Paris78, La74, and wednesday for doing such a good job at posting the most recent videos.
The last one they have done, M.I.B. International (I'm counting on you guys to post that soon), I really like how Prince is being more of a facilitator. He made a point of seeking first Bigi's opinion and then after allowing Bigi to speak for a reasonable amount of time, he turned to Taj and asked for his thoughts. I am used to that as being the typical format, for I have viewed many movie reviews on Youtube channels over several years now.
Let's see, what else do I have to say? I have made one definite observation and that is this: their temptation to mention Justice League at least once in almost every video so far is just too hard for them to resist...apparently! lol. Ooh, yes, yes, I suppose it is a flawed film. There have been too many of their videos for me to speak on each one, and most have been about films I never intended to go to the theater and pay money to watch. So it is hard to comment on films one has never seen, true? I have seen Justice League... but only once years ago. And what is the one thing I remember most?
This brings me to Bigi's and I think Taj as well, saying, when referring to the recent Godzilla film and GOT, that if the makers of a film/series are content to rush things and do a halfway job, be it a film, a part of the film, an episode, the last season, whichever the case, they are doing the fans of that franchise a disservice. My question is are the directors not able to be objective and truly do think some of their poor choices are really actually fine, or do they say to themselves, because whatever the reason, "It's good enough." If that is what it is, I resent that. As a Star Wars fan and a DC fan.
Why as a Star Wars fan? I really liked the premise of Rogue One and I was looking forward to seeing that movie. I think it ended up being a good movie, actually pretty much, all the way through to the ...near...end. Well, actually at the near end we have that scene with Darth Vader which definitely delivers. But then the final shot of the film I can only assume Gareth Edwards (who seems like a sweetheart of a guy) must have said, 'I think that CG job of Princess Leah is good enough". Well, no, no, no, no... because, man, did that last shot of her saying "Hope" take me right out of the movie. Isn't that sad to be taken out of the movie the last few seconds of it? What a shame. Made me not wish to watch it again, ever. Now Tarkin's CG job was fine to me, but Princess Leia wasn't even close, and to have Princess Leia not be close is a big deal! You see, when a CG job isn't close it looks odd, off, weird. And that takes one out of the movie.
Now back to Justice League. I had known nothing about the back story on this scene before seeing the film in the theater, but I'm sitting there in my seat excited for this movie and there up on the screen I see this bazaar scene of children surrounding Superman. It felt so out of context...or was it trying to be artsy or philosophical...I dunno, it seemed... unnecessary? But I didn't ponder on that too long because I was so distracted by Superman's face! I was like, what's wrong with his face?! ....yep, it looked odd, off, weird. So the director, then... thought this scene so imperative that they were willing to shoot this scene with Henry Cavill(it was a call back shoot), who had a mustache he could not shave off due to obligations to the film, Man from Uncle (if I am remembering right). So they CG'd it off of him. Horribly. Snyder said..."That's good enough"? Really...that scene was that important a good CG job could be sacrificed and a poor one left in rather then not have that "artsy" scene included?
Oh well. I have been wanting to watch again Justice League but I can't get my hands on a copy of it. So I am limited only to bring up at the moment what I could remember and it is basically that scene ...or maybe the one where Lois Lane is used to "calm" bad superman down.
Taj, Prince and Bigi have such intelligent things to say about the films they watch. I'm glad they are sharing their thoughts and ideas with us all.