New MJ Movie to be in theaters on 6/25/2010

I really hope that people understand this movie was NOT made to honour michael, but to honour the money that will made from it. There are no good intentions involved in this movie.
I really hope that people understand this movie was NOT made to honour michael, but to honour the money that will made from it. There are no good intentions involved in this movie.

I really hope that people understand this movie was NOT made to honour michael, but to honour the money that will made from it. There are no good intentions involved in this movie.

Sadly I think you're right here. MJ is the 'in thing', we would have never had a movie like this a few years ago.
There is sorry of garbage Movie that is suppose to drop this year by the dude who wrote the MJ unmasked book he claims he will shows all 8 male lovers and so

Oh really, Halperin is gonna do that? OK, I kind of suspected that he is high on the "let's portray MJ as a gay man" agenda since Halperin himself is gay (and every time he writes about a celebrity he portrays them gay), but I kind of hoped he will have more brain at least in his docu than what he had in his book. Anybody can hire actors to tell anything about a dead man. It's so sad that nowadays a tabloid journalist like Halperin can do that and nobody can do anything against it. In the name of "freedom of speech" they can lie whatever they want and all those folks watching it will believe it, after all "it was on TV and we saw his lovers". Disgusting. :(

So does he want to keep harping on MJ's sexuality and private life (and the lies he makes up on that) and he has the nerve to say it's gonna be a docu his fans deserve? Where is the puke smiley when you need it? And when will these leeches let the man rest in peace? :(
Trust me guys once ppl hear he will be doing that crap , no one will be watching it.
you all know damn well that people will watch this and believe every word. They wont care about truth as long as they hear what they want to hear.

I aint watchin this slanderous shit. i wont waste my time on it.
How many people in Japan are aware of who Marc Schaffel is?

People will probably hear ' Michael Jackson movie' and go.

but guys i know mj fans can stop this ian halperin movie by simply not going and bewaring other fans of this and by boycotting you that child abuse campaign mj fans been emailing them left and right and they took it down
but guys i know mj fans can stop this ian halperin movie by simply not going and bewaring other fans of this and by boycotting you that child abuse campaign mj fans been emailing them left and right and they took it down

The best we can do is to ignore it, but I'm afraid no matter how hard I'll try not to know anything about it, the news about what there will be in it will get to me eventually. :(
If there will be gay claims (and I'm sure Halperin will make those claims once again - this time supported by paid con artists who will tell us what Halperin wants them to tell) be prepared that it will be all over in the media again. :(

It's so disgusting anybody can claim anything about Michael while he is not here to answer - so anybody with an agenda can do anything with his name now. :(
We have to wait for the doc and then decide what the doc is about.

If its very positive, then what, will you say - I dont want to see it?
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I'll go see it... Once it hits youtube... With english subtitles
For those of you who dont know... this ishe kind of bull Marc Shaffell was saying to tabloids shortly after michaels passing:

The late pop star's one-time video producer Marc Shaffel has revealed Jackson's 'spider bite', which was used to mask a late arrival to court during a 2002 hearing trial, was actually a self-inflicted needle wound.

Shaffel tells U.S. tabloid the Globe Jackson had been shooting up heroin when a needle broke off.

Whether the movie shows Mike in positive light or not, all this guy is intersted in is making money. Personally, Im not willing to fill his slanderous pockets.
Who's Marc Shaffel? I remember seeing the name but the reasoning escapes me right now.

Low life trying to make a buck off of Michael.

I know we MJ fans have to see everything associated with Michael BUT some things its really not nesessary to see. If this Marc guy has anything to do with this its going to be in negative light and more than likely not accurate, who wants to see that?

Why Debbie is with him?

Rowe was spotted leaving the movie theater with Marc Schaffel, a former Michael Jackson advisor.
i am not going to see that movie .i am really not interested in wasting 1or 2 hr of my life.
I, for one, will not be seeing this. Not interested in the slightest.
Don't care, I aint seeing this. Another guy raking in the money off of MJs death.
Will money go to his children? I doubt it?

Will be around on the internet eventually (probably)

I agree with you. I am really not interested in movies made after MJ's death. I do not know if he would have wanted certain information out there especially when presented by questionable people. I am more in favor of buying his music and continuing his positive messages. I say no to the books as well, especially those by hal-pain-in-the-neck.
Its high time fans be aware of what it is they are supporting. We all know Marc's past with Michael and how all that went down. Marc a'int doing Michael no favors, all he hears and sees is this $$$$$$.

There are a bunch of people who are glad that Michael is no longer around now, nothing to stop them from bleeding his name for money!

I don't care if it looks positive or not, I won't watch it, knowing his history with Michael. Screw him, just trying to make money from Michael after he's gone.