New: Michael's Private Photos from his Early Years Unearthed

Randy looks like a girl in this picture with the hairstyle he has. Aww.
Thank for sharing this pictures. I like the third picture what a great nice looking family.
I love the first picture. It says so much. Imagine going out dancing with MICHAEL? I would feel like crap next to him. You can see how enthusiastic he is about dancing in that pic.

yes this was my favorite too..him with tatum....jeez he sure can cut a rug......I love those dancing feet..:cry:
Thanx. They're all lovely pics. Gorgeous smile, cute face, wonderful afro...I could go on and on.

I was gonna say the same thing about Randy lol
Katherine looks so beautiful in the pic. It's like she thinks "I'm proud of you son", it's written all over her face.