New message on

Btw, that artwork there is amazing. Why on earth they have so fancy artwork already now for 10 shows only?!

By the way, what if the ALBUM name is "This Is It"..?! Think, you would have an album in your hand and it says "This is it"... :lol: That would be one of the best album names ever...
Perhaps he will do the London shows, then have a break and release the albums and then go and do shows in other places.

I think that would be unfair for UK people. All the rest of the world would only hear the new songs... He said that he is going to perform the songs his fans want to hear...
You guys should have heard by now he's scheduled to perform new songs in London.. according to Randy Phillips of AEG Live.
So if he is going to be performing new songs in london, then certainly that means we will hear the new songs before the shows?
So if he is going to be performing new songs in london, then certainly that means we will hear the new songs before the shows?

Well, at least it would be kinda weird if he "premiered" songs live... I have never heard anyone doing that. Because when people hear the song it should be buyable at the same moment, shouldn't it? Or then they should sell those albums in those concerts before they are in stores..?
Btw, that artwork there is amazing. Why on earth they have so fancy artwork already now for 10 shows only?!

By the way, what if the ALBUM name is "This Is It"..?! Think, you would have an album in your hand and it says "This is it"... :lol: That would be one of the best album names ever...

I'm tellin yall, there is something much more to this THIS IS IT thingy. The name of the tour is THIS IS least that is what is appears to be. I mean if it were just to tell the people of London that this would be the last time they would see him in concert in their backyard, he wouldn't have it all over the red poster.

And Phillips did say that Michael will be singing some new songs. So I think that he will run through some of his old stuff and then bust out at the end with his new songs. Then all those London people will come out and spread the word about how good the songs were. Then the media will pick up on it and start reporting that MJ sang some news songs, but they won't be able to let peeps hear them. So everybody is gonna wanna know what they sound like. Then MJ will announce the first single and ship them to radio. I think that this is what he is going to do.
I'm tellin yall, there is something much more to this THIS IS IT thingy. The name of the tour is THIS IS least that is what is appears to be. I mean if it were just to tell the people of London that this would be the last time they would see him in concert in their backyard, he wouldn't have it all over the red poster.

And Phillips did say that Michael will be singing some new songs. So I think that he will run through some of his old stuff and then bust out at the end with his new songs. Then all those London people will come out and spread the word about how good the songs were. Then the media will pick up on it and start reporting that MJ sang some news songs, but they won't be able to let peeps hear them. So everybody is gonna wanna know what they sound like. Then MJ will announce the first single and ship them to radio. I think that this is what he is going to do.

If that was the case, those new songs should be REALLY good. Well, I think there's still time to release singles before...
It brought tears to me eyes ....Thank you Michael !Something enormous comes ! Reminded me thr riddles of SOTT ...
Oh amazing words:clapping: Thanx for posting! So many of his quotes have depth and warmth:yes: and this one def. moves me a great deal. Aww Mike:palesmile: Thank you for those words. These words are food to my soul for today and beyond.

"This time has come" written repeatedly like that, that's so exciting!!! (goes to calm myself down)
It is now I see and feel that calling once again,
To be part of a music that will not just connect but,
Make all feel one, One in joy, One in pain, One in love
One in serivce and in conciousness.

~ Michael Jackson

heart warming .
the ulimate ,ulimate quote yet.

Omg.......i cant take anymore....
i love his writings....
yes , agree. w can learn so much from his speech'es./writings ./heart/.

It brought tears to me eyes ....Thank you Michael !...
yes agree ^^ to all she said .
Oh amazing words:clapping: Thanx for posting! So many of his quotes have depth and warmth:yes: and this one def. moves me a great deal. Aww Mike:palesmile: Thank you for those words. These words are food to my soul for today and beyond.

Didnt see this was posted anywhere yet so check out the new message!

What a great quote.
:clapping: :punk:

thrilled with hope, aching anguish, wonderment , and beyond now :D :wub:
thanx you michael , for these beautiful words.
see you in july !
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Wendi - I dont even need him to speak.....just @=(/ bring it out in a book...on paper...that is all...

I love his writings I really do . I wish MJ would recognize how good these are.....
Wendi - I dont even need him to speak.....just @=(/ bring it out in a book...on paper...that is all...

I love his writings I really do . I wish MJ would recognize how good these are.....

yes! im sorry i got caught up :yes:my fngers..couldnt type right:D ..
you kno ..i am breathless with this piece of writing :swoon:
excitng !...
just wow..*dead*.:wub:
aww that quote from michael is so sweet....god i love him :wub:
I seriously think there are hints in these messages!!

Its changed back to THIS IS IT now, check it out

^ Its still 'The time has come'? :mellow:

Michael have made so amazing poems and reflections.. Just check out Dancing The Dream.. Must be one of my favorite books ever!

"When dreamers dream and kiss their lover
And rainbows weave and splash their color
Those are moments so gloriously alive
We take the plunge, take the dive
Into the abyss
We are suspended awhile
Those are moments when babies smile

Those are moments when fate is unsealed
Nothing is impossible and we are healed
We can soar, we can fly
Walk on fire, navigate the sky
In the light of a glittering star
There's no distance, nothing is far
Those are moments of innocent guile
In the glow
We are suspended awhile
Those are moments when babies smile"

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This whole buildup thing is so exciting! I am SOOOOOOO wired now!:dancin: WOOOOO!!!:woohoo::woohoo::woohoo::jump::jump::jump::clap::clap::cheeky: LAWL! :heart:
If Michael Means that he will retire from the music industries, by saying "THIS IS IT" then He wouldn't boot that title "THIS IS IT" up to what it has become! then he would keep it quiet, and keep the sad thing away, you know!
IN THE CASE, "THIS IS IT" means something else, otherwise he wouldn't boot it up :)
this is weird, at the time i looked and when i posted my last message, it was definetly showing THIS IS IT!!

not the time has come lol

Elusive im with you what you said about priority, and im hoping AEG will sort out fans asap! with help of GARY etc!!
See, THIS is the kind of stuff I thought we'd hear from him on Thursday...for him to be all poetic and whatnot. :lol: Something inspirational? This is absolutely perfect! Loves it!

Thanks for posting. :flowers:

So they changed it from This is It to The Time Has Come. hmm....interesting.
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^ Its still 'The time has come'? :mellow:

Michael have made so amazing poems and reflections.. Just check out Dancing The Dream.. Must be one of my favorite books ever!

"When dreamers dream and kiss their lover
And rainbows weave and splash their color
Those are moments so gloriously alive
We take the plunge, take the dive
Into the abyss
We are suspended awhile
Those are moments when babies smile

Those are moments when fate is unsealed
Nothing is impossible and we are healed
We can soar, we can fly
Walk on fire, navigate the sky
In the light of a glittering star
There's no distance, nothing is far
Those are moments of innocent guile
In the glow
We are suspended awhile
Those are moments when babies smile"


ahhhhh :wub: