New Jackson Music for Release: Michael Jackson Unreleased Music


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
According to the president of Michael Jackson’s record label, the new Jackson music will be released but this process should not be rushed. Before the King of Pop died, he had quite a number of unreleased recordings which are currently being kept in their vault. But for sure, the new songs will be released, packaged, and then repackaged for the singer’s fans in the future years.

The material which will be released consists of unused tracks which are from the singer’s studio sessions of his best albums. Aside from this, there is also some recently recorded songs which he has made with Senegalese R&B singer/producer Akon and the Black Eyed Peas frontman, Will.I.Am.

Tommy Mottola, Sony Music’s CEO and chairman from 1998-2003, currently owns distribution rights to the songs of Michael Jackson. He has mentioned that there are dozens upon dozens of songs which did were not included on the singer’s albums. According to Mottola, the release of Jackson’s songs can even go on for several years and can even exceed Elvis Presley’s.

On the first week of the singer’s death, his three best records namely “Essentially Michael Jackson,” “Number Ones,” and “Thriller” became the best selling albums during the week. And in the United States, over 2.3 million tracks of the songs from these albums were downloaded. This, however, is normal for a music star with Michael Jackson’s nature. There are even some label companies which keep going through their archive files just so they can find something they can release. Even up to this date, new record compilations done by Tupac, Jeff Buckley, and Elvis are still being released.

Since Mottola has proclaimed himself as the keeper of the singer’s songs is most familiar with all of the new Jackson music songs. In fact, he has still kept several tracks which never made it into the albums of his classic albums such as the 1972’s album “Off the Wall” and the 1982 hit “Thriller.”

Last year though, Michael Jackson was able to release the album “Thriller 25” which marks the 25th anniversary of the original album. The new album has included his new song entitled “For All Time,” along with five other remixes which has involved Kanye West, Fergie, Akon and Will.I.Am.

Will.I.Am and Michael Jackson, though, were able to record several songs as a duo. But their demos were in the possession of the King of Pop. R&B singer Akon was unlucky though. He had hoped to finish an album with the late singer after he completed his concerts in London. Aside from the song “Hold My Hand” that was able to leak into the public last year, Akon is not part of any new Jackson music that will be released over the years.
Tommy Mottola owns NOTHING, except an inflated sense of ego.

Sony owns the "right" to distrubute & manufacture MJs master recordings to demos/recordings until 2004. Any master recording made by MJ after to 2004 is free for Branca/McClain to negotiate with Universal, Warner, EMI.

Mottola wants to remain relevant after his behind got fired from Sony for messing with MJ.
Since Mottola has proclaimed himself as the keeper of the singer’s songs is most familiar with all of the new Jackson music songs. In fact, he has still kept several tracks which never made it into the albums of his classic albums such as the 1972’s album “Off the Wall” and the 1982 hit “Thriller.”

1972? Off the Wall came out in August 1979!!!! LOL!!! What morons!!!
Preach it, girl... :lol:

For real!!!! Lord almighty, they write this article like Mottola owned MJ - then they screw up the facts?

Mottola ain't nothing except - irrelevant. He can bloviate all he wants - he will NEVER be in control of MJ, not in life nor in death. EVER.
Tommy Mottola owns NOTHING, except an inflated sense of ego.

Sony owns the "right" to distrubute & manufacture MJs master recordings to demos/recordings until 2004. Any master recording made by MJ after to 2004 is free for Branca/McClain to negotiate with Universal, Warner, EMI.

Mottola wants to remain relevant after his behind got fired from Sony for messing with MJ.

i thought so. why would sony get rid of somebody and leave him with all that clout? a lot of journalists just aren't up to snuff on Michael. they seem to pick all the haters and claim that they are still holding the reins.
and according to this article:

Michael Jackson Death Causes Rights War Over Unreleased Songs

By Janice Chou October 27, 2009

After the singer's death, a bidding war over Michael Jackson's unreleased material has begun


A bidding war between Universal Music Group and Sony Music may be under way as both labels compete for the rights to 70 unreleased Michael Jackson songs.
Although Michael Jackson was signed to Sony Music at the time of his death, the label controls the music rights to Jackson's music only recorded before 2004. The Michael Jackson estate assumed the rights to the deceased King of Pop's music recorded from 2004 until the time of Jackson's death.
According to the New York Post, an insider claims Michael Jackson's estate lawyers John Branca and John McClain are pitting the two music international conglomerates against one another to the highest bid. Sources further claim the Jackson estate is looking for, "a large upfront payment and a higher royalty rate in any new deal, and... Sony is offering one or the other but not both." However, no representatives for Universal, Sony or Jackson Estates made any comment on the possible bidding war.
Sony Pictures, however, does have the rights to release the posthumous, "This Is It" concert rehearsals filmed up until Michael Jackson's sudden death. This Is It debuts this Wednesday, October 28.
Though I know that Mottola is technically not part of this equation, the inclusion of his name in an article of this nature disturbs me to the nth degree!
Mottola? God I hope not.
Also, I'm kinda glad Mike didn't do more songs with Akon.. :ninja:
Feel kinda sorry for Akon that he never got to finish anything with Michael :( Hold my hand was really good I thought. But I don't give two shits about someone else said BRING ON THE NEW MUSIC!!
old article i think and irrelvent as others have said inregards to mottola.

e all want new music!!
frankly nothing matters to me anymore.if music is released u can bet it will be created like this is it anyway.
1972? Off the Wall came out in August 1979!!!! LOL!!! What morons!!!

:lol: Seriously! That journalist needs to do a bit of research first... :p

On the other hand, I can't wait to hear the new music! No matter how long it will take to get released.
old article i think and irrelvent as others have said inregards to mottola.

frankly nothing matters to me anymore.if music is released u can bet it will be created like this is it anyway.
My thoughts.

I'm afraid there's not gonna be put much effort in creating it like Michael would've done. Nothing will be quite the way he wanted it.
It really scares me to think what the future will bring...can only hope for the best.
Did Michael want this music to be released? I mean from songs left off of the older albums from decades previous...I wonder what his thoughts were in regards to them being released one day? I would love to hear and enjoy new music but I guess I just wish it could be released how Michael would want it...
Did Michael want this music to be released? I mean from songs left off of the older albums from decades previous...I wonder what his thoughts were in regards to them being released one day? I would love to hear and enjoy new music but I guess I just wish it could be released how Michael would want it...

With Branca & McClain behind it, I think it'll be as close to as to what Michael would've wanted it.

And if Michael's voice is on there, the magic is already there.
Since Mottola has proclaimed himself as the keeper of the singer’s songs is most familiar with all of the new Jackson music songs. In fact, he has still kept several tracks which never made it into the albums (??????? :bugeyed) of his classic albums such as the 1972’s album “Off the Wall” and the 1982 hit “Thriller.”

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When Mike is not involved in the editing I fear it will not be up to MJ standard.

I really hope there are songs that MJ himself finished and was very satisfied with. Like We've had enough.

MJ was a perfectionist and I hope the songs released in the future will be up to MJ's standards.
The material which will be released consists of unused tracks which are from the singer’s studio sessions of his best albums. Aside from this, there is also some recently recorded songs which he has made with Senegalese R&B singer/producer Akon and the Black Eyed Peas frontman, Will.I.Am.

Will.I.Am and Michael Jackson, though, were able to record several songs as a duo. But their demos were in the possession of the King of Pop. R&B singer Akon was unlucky though. He had hoped to finish an album with the late singer after he completed his concerts in London. Aside from the song “Hold My Hand” that was able to leak into the public last year, Akon is not part of any new Jackson music that will be released over the years.

So is or isn't Akon part of the unreleased music? And Off the Wall in '72??
1972? Off the Wall came out in August 1979!!!! LOL!!! What morons!!!
amazing.... simply amazing:smilerolleyes:, may be he/she just press the wrong number he/she meant to press the number 9 but erronously put the 2....:scratch:
i just want more music, im glad about anything that i havent heard, he was just a musical genius...
I hear people taking about wanting new music, but consider this.

Stuff will be released that Michael never wanted to be released as he may have deemed the song 'not good enough'......on partially completed tracks, additional production work will be done by others and again, would Michael have appreciated the finished product?

I don't know, whatever is released in the future, it sure will not be 100% MJ and for that it all will be viewed differently by me.
I hear people taking about wanting new music, but consider this.

Stuff will be released that Michael never wanted to be released as he may have deemed the song 'not good enough'......on partially completed tracks, additional production work will be done by others and again, would Michael have appreciated the finished product?

I don't know, whatever is released in the future, it sure will not be 100% MJ and for that it all will be viewed differently by me.

I agree. I will of course hear it, and most likely I will love it too.

But only time will show if we get MJ quality or SONY rushing money making.
I'll believe it when the Estate tells me and we get a release date!!!!!!
According to the president of Michael Jackson’s record label, the new Jackson music will be released but this process should not be rushed. Before the King of Pop died, he had quite a number of unreleased recordings which are currently being kept in their vault. But for sure, the new songs will be released, packaged, and then repackaged for the singer’s fans in the future years.

The material which will be released consists of unused tracks which are from the singer’s studio sessions of his best albums. Aside from this, there is also some recently recorded songs which he has made with Senegalese R&B singer/producer Akon and the Black Eyed Peas frontman, Will.I.Am.

Tommy Mottola, Sony Music’s CEO and chairman from 1998-2003, currently owns distribution rights to the songs of Michael Jackson. He has mentioned that there are dozens upon dozens of songs which did were not included on the singer’s albums. According to Mottola, the release of Jackson’s songs can even go on for several years and can even exceed Elvis Presley’s.

some writer changed the meaning with their re-write above
The original article states from JAKE COYLE, AP Writer | July 1, 2009 (Associated press)
Its Sony Music which owns the distributing rights to Michael's music NOT Tommy Mattola

Tommy Mottola, who from 1998 to 2003 was chairman and CEO of
Sony Music, which owns the distribution rights to Jackson's music.

Steve Gordon, an entertainment lawyer and author of "The Future of the Music Business," worked at Sony Music during the 1990s. He said he was at Sony when Jackson's last contract was negotiated, though he acknowledged it could have recently been updated.

Gordon said Jackson owns some of his master recordings, while others are owned in partnership with Sony.
Regardless, he said, Sony retains exclusive distribution rights for anything Jackson produced during the
term of their contract.

Gordon said he expects Sony's Legacy Recordings division to do something similar to what it did with Elvis and
create a division purely for Jackson's catalog.
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